Empyrion Galactic Idiots Guide Required...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aphaia, Oct 11, 2019.

  1. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    I noticed on the tech tree there is a drill, not the multi-tool and not the survival tool but the drill itself and it runs off bio-fuel as well I beleive but i cant find it on the constructor at all and its activated under the tech tree......where do i find it?
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    In "weapons / all objects" since it's not for ships or base (but there are drills and tools for ships though).

    All the "terrain placeables" and personal tools/ gadgets are in the "all objects" tab. Also if you look in the tech tree you will see that beside each object there are little colored squares : they represent the constructors which can build these objects (legend is at the bottom of the tech tree). Because some weapons are "higher tier" they can only be made by some specific constructors.
  3. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    I have checked and double checked both the suits, portable & smalll constructor, I have drill charge but no drill itself all I am getting is drill modules, but they dont look the same as the drill i was using before......
    Kassonnade likes this.
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    If you look in the tech tree you will see that beside each object there are little colored squares : they represent the constructors which can build these objects (legend is at the bottom of the tech tree). Because some weapons are "higher tier" they can only be made by some specific constructors. The little number in the corner of the icon is the amount of "unlock points" required to unlock the device (example: drill costs 10 points to unlock).

    In the example here, you can see that the drill can be unlocked and crafted at level 7, and can only be made in the Large and Advanced constructor:


    This means that you will only find the drill "template" in the Large Constructor and Advanced Constructor, and not in any other one.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2019
  5. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    *throws a tantrum n kicks n screams on the floor* but i dont want a large constructor or advanced constructorr..........waaaaaaaaaaah

    I had been into that screen so many times but didnt notice that last bit.........damn it..........

    KK thank you had a lot of things planned that are now on the back burner till i get my new base built and up and running.......pfft.....

    I wanted to mine but i cant use the other drills as they either dont have the capacity or I dont have the fuel to support it..........lol
  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You might want to try exploring a bit more... In some non-hostile locations you can find lots of useful things like multitools, food stuff, promethium cans (fuel++), drill charges, ammo, etc. Even some "dangerous" places have unguarded exterior areas with containers, so you can check these without getting in heavy combat (ex. Abandoned Mine).
  7. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    If you can ride the motorcycle and see a forest with some strange pines, try to get close. If you enter that forest and the environment turns "green" you will have found a radiated biome. There you will find promeium rocks that you can easily mine. It is very useful to locate this biome but be careful! Insects and characters are dangerous! Especially if you have little experience in combat.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  8. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Hmm okay motorbike + explore = Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!

    Okay the first dozen times getting the bike out for the river were frustrating but that was okay, HOWEVER being stranded miles from no where trying to get myself back after a dozen, yes a dozen raptors attack me and my bike and destroy the bike, then lets just say I aint happy with the trip back.

    I did have a party guiding me back 2 more packs of raptors along the way, needless to say i also forgot my tent as well so i am still trying to find my way back.....

    I dont know how people do this game on single player mode, for me there are so many things to understand and do in a few days to sort myself out and learn i feel like im going to get killed before i even get set up. Let alone finding the resources....its a bit overwhelming to be honest.....
    Kassonnade and cmguardia like this.
  9. andrew.shepherd3

    andrew.shepherd3 Ensign

    Nov 3, 2017
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    I’m really enjoying this thread and the honesty of both the questions and the helpful answers. I’ve been playing for a couple of years (but don’t post much) and it reminds me of when I first started. It can be overwhelming and a steep learning curve at first but once you get the hang of it, it’s a great game and very satisfying when you work stuff out. These days the challenge I set myself is to start on the hardest settings on the hardest planet and get myself to an oxygenated temperate planet without dying once. Once I die that’s it. Start over.

    Stick with it and keep posting. Plenty of good people in here wanting to help. Even line up a co op game with a more experienced player and watch what they do. It’s a lot of fun.

    One time I was playing in a group and I teamed up with another very experienced player. I gave him a ride to a lava planet in my CV where we were going to take out a POI in our SVs. Except when he got out of his seat I moved my CV and he fell out of the ship and onto the planet. Not only did he survive the fall but he took out all the baddies around him before I could get to him! That was something to watch! :)
    Kassonnade and cmguardia like this.
  10. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Hilarious, it was so funny was imaging that as i read it. Yes thankfully I have had some really helpful people on this thread respond, even to some of my dummest questions. But mind you other questions in my mind were not as dumb as even the best of Empryion guides and crafting is not as straight forward as it would be for other games.

    It is taking me some time to get the hang of things, but then again i was not the tech guru of our group, i was always the resource gatherer and explorer. The weapons and tech guru were the rest of the team. So I am struggling on that count.

    Also time tends to be my enemy in this game, I am trying to work things out and while my priority would like to be starting a base, I dont dare for a start as I am struggling to understand weapons right now and if i cant arm my base after i out down a core then i might as well send out invitations for a party with the zirax.....lol They invited themselves last time, but a few choice explosives cancelled there house warming gifts....

    I have decided there is no safe way to buld a base that will make me feel easy in this game except inside a mountain.....and i have a pretty one ight near me....HOWEVER, this damn drill is getting me and the crafting is annoying.....

    I have to power on somewhere now, and have a large constructor just to get it, waiste of resources frankly. So some of this game s downright unfriendly if you ask me........LOL

    I was going to strip out all the plastic and fancy items from all my wrecks then i realised i needed the power to charge my multi tools, i can power a warp engine but not my multi tool, go figure.......LOL

    Maybe I could trade with the zirax give you warp core material to get off this planet and invade the galaxy if you give me a stupid drill.....LOL

    *scratches my head* right other priorities.......wats for dinner.........*toddles off for dinner and ignores my base.....*
    Kassonnade and cmguardia like this.
  11. andrew.shepherd3

    andrew.shepherd3 Ensign

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Lol. I found the best thing to do when base building is to level up to get turrets so you can attach them to your base before you power up. Have enough promethium to do that beforehand too. And yes, build your base underground and just have enough exposure to the outside to place concrete blocks and defense turrets on them. The baddies can’t really get to your base that way. I found the fastest way to level up is to swim deep enough into the ocean to the fields of seaweed and then just gather that to get the points. And yes there’s a lot of mining. Although I find that somewhat cathartic sometimes... :)
    Kassonnade and cmguardia like this.
  12. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Hahahaha I agree. But most of all because of the sound of the motorcycle and not because of the driving problems. And I confess that I have also fallen into the water and lost the bike a couple of times.
    I mentioned the bike to not tell you what you should have your HV. What would be useful hills!

    Jajajaja coincido. Pero mas que nada por el sonido de la moto y no por los problemas de manejo. Y confieso que tambien he caido al agua y perdí la moto un par de veces.
    Mencioné la moto para no decirte qude debes tener tu HV. Que seria lomas útil!
    Kassonnade likes this.
  13. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    When you start a game, you can configure the difficulty of enemy attacks, you can even eliminate them.
    There was a mistake a while ago where they happened anyway, even if you eliminated them and I don't know if this has been solved. Hope so.

    Cuando inicias un juego, puedes configurar la dificultad de los ataques enemigos incluso puedes eliminarlos.
    Había un error hace un tiempo donde de todas maneras sucedian por mas que tu los eliminaras y no se si esto se ha solucionado. Espero que si.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  14. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Have you followed the Robinson protocol?
    When you start at fall the protocol is activated. This is the start tutorial.
    When you reach the marked point of the remains, you should be surrounded by deposits of copper, silicon and iron. This is the ideal place to stock up and have an initial base.
    But my recommendation is to look for a place close to water and vegetation (it depends on which planet you have chosen, you might already have it).
    Collect EVERYTHING you find in your path! Collect everything that helps you make biofuel, everything you find! It doesn't matter if you don't know what it is or what it is for. Everything will give you XP points.
    Level up until you can unlock the defense towers for your base. Here is already a good point to start building one. And when you can as soon as possible you should try to make your large constructor.
    Do not stay at your base to wait for the attacks. You must go out to explore.
    You will not receive attacks if you are not in your base and your base will be safer if you are not. Go find resources on an HV. It is faster and safer. I look for promethium but I keep collecting EVERYTHING.
    CAREFUL if you see the radiated biome and it is within the Zirax zone: do not enter, is a trap! Haha. They can enter but it is more dangerous than normal and normal is already dangerous.

    Has seguido el protocolo Robinson?
    Cuando inicias al caer se activa el protocolo. Éste es el tutorial de inicio.
    Cuando llegues al punto marcado de los restos, deberias estar rodeado de depositos de cobre, silicio y hierro. Éste es el lugar ideal para abasteserte y tener una base inicial.
    Pero mi recomendacion es buscar un lugar serca del agua y vegetación (depende de que planeta hayas elegido puede ser que ya lo tengas serca).
    Recolecta TODO lo que encuentres a tu paso! Recolecta todo lo que te ayude a fabricar biocombustible, todo lo vegetal que encuentres! No importa que no sepas que es o para que sirva. Todo te dara puntos XP.
    Sube de nivel hasta poder desbloquear las torres de defensa para tu base. Aqui ya es un buen punto para poder iniciar la construccion de una. Y cuando puedas lo mas pronto posible debes tratar de llegar a fabricar tu constructor grande.
    No te quedes en tu base a esperar los ataques. Debes salir a explorar.
    No recibiras ataques si no estas en tu base y tu base estará mas segura si tu no estás. Sal a buscar recursos en un HV. Es mas rapido y seguro. Yo busco prometium pero sigo recolectando TODO.
    CUIDADO si ves el bioma radiado y está dentro de zona Zirax : no entres, es una trampa! Jaja. Pueden entrar pero es mas peligroso de lo normal y lo normal es ya de porsi peligroso.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2019
    Kassonnade likes this.
  15. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Polaris Trading Station traders often have a drill and other stuff to buy (and sell), if Friendly.

    You can place blocks and devices away from a base, by select the building menu N and "connect to base". Remember to turn it off when to keep building.
    cmguardia and Kassonnade like this.
  16. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Okay this mornings progress report, new game (*sighs* yes again).....found a few wrecks easily, nothing much there to be honest. Also found a cheat to destroying them easily as well.....*snickers n shrugs* well it hurts my hand all this work.....(if its up high only do the bottom blocks connected to it let it all drop and then just hit F to collect, saves doing blocks unnecessarily)

    Landed in an old farm base for now, dumped what i didnt use. Quickly scanned the immediate area and YES!!! i immediately used my drone to mine for Iron (1000 ore), Copper & Silicon (400 ore each). Destroyed a few wrecks quickly and continued exploring on my bike.

    *sighs* where to complain about that bike. Ran into a rock, tried to reverse, spiders around me, got off to kill the spiders and destroyed my bike.

    On my way to getting it destroyed found 2 talon lands near each other and a lovely set of hills between them, wow perfect for base my initial thought, layer the underground top of my base with steel for added protection, if i am far enough down any attacks from the top hopefully wont let loose rocks fall and I only need to guard the front and top areas

    WOW way cool liked my idea even moreso. Happily toddled off (rode) away till i got the bike destroyed and hiked it by foot back to base to work out next move. WoW found a promethium deposit as well, "damn how hard is thsi stuff going to be to mine". Nope it blows up at you, so easily. But alas only 160, but them it turns into 1 ore for every 10 pellets, not a bad coversion, depending how quickly the pellets are used up of course. So in short use spareingly till i find another supply.

    Great toddle along back to base checking map constantly for most efficient direction........ooooh nooooo you dont......i see red lines right near me......opposite direction NOW!!!!

    I can avoid the alien towers as i dont have the equipment to blow them anyhow and fight....but zirax are not a welcome edition. Well plenty of foot work on the way back, health is easy to manage now thankfully and i quickly now have my armour suit. I freaked oout last time thinking i needed power with my locker....(phew thankfully I didnt).

    *starts thinking * I have a nice large hill with both talon parties on either side of me at my back, but across the river though is the zirax. Will that mean even more assaults as they are so close.......hmm not sure. On the other hand since i know which direction they will be coming from will it be easier defense they are only right in front of me. Nice lot of thinking. Well keep that in mind and keep gathering resources.

    *remember tip* will not attack an empty base so dump resources and try not to stay there too long for now....
    Kassonnade likes this.
  17. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    *scratches head* i know there is an answer right in front of me but i cant work it out thou....

    I have my blocks ready to build, I DO NOT want to put a core down just yet, as i am not sure where i want to put it, but i want to start building the area and working out the rooms etc. According to youtube tutorials I either have to put down a core first or hit N and use the commands there but I dont want to put a core down and there is nothing to connect to yet as I am starting to build the base.

    I double checked and this time I have the right blocks, but it wont place saying connect to base, so i am awefully confused. Have I missed something obvious here.....I even played with the settings under N and nothing works.....
    Kassonnade likes this.
  18. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    If you have no base you cannot place blocks. If there is nothing built with or without a core before, then you should start by placing yours.
    You can place your initial core (initial base block). Then you put some blocks to have something to follow, and at that moment you remove your core and continue building safely to be attacked. Then you build a new core and place it where you want it definitively.

    Si no tienes base no puedes colocar bloques. Si no hay nada construido con o sin núcleo antes, entonces debes comenzar colocando el tuyo.
    Puedes colocar tu nucleo inicial ( bloque inicial de base). Luego colocas unos bloques para tener algo donde seguir, y en ese momento quitas tu núcleo y sigues construyendo sin peligro a ser atacado. Luego construyes un núcleo nuevo y lo colocas donde lo quieras de forma definitiva.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  19. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    To use the base connection you must look at the base or a block belonging to that base. The sight must be on a block or part of the base. At that moment you press N and select connect to base. Press N to exit. You can now place blocks and devices at a distance from the base and they will continue to belong to the base. This is useful for solar panels or building tall towers and positioning defenses.
    Para usar la conexión a base debes mirar la base o un bloque perteneciente a esa base. La mira debe estar sobre un bloque o parte de la base. En ese momento presionas N y seleccionas conectar a base. Presionas N para salir. Ya puedes colocar bloques y dispositivos a distancia de la base y seguiran perteneciendo a la base. Esto es útil para los paneles solares o construir torres altas y posicionar las defensas.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  20. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Will give that a try, i have a temporary marker down to find it again, its over 2km away from my original base and I have to go by foot back home to make another bike and possibly a hv or sv....lol

    Anyhow there is definitely something about this game I tell ya, I found my location again to mark it then i get pounced on by 2 sets of raptors and 3 sets of spiders all of a sudden and they follow me back home as well.....

    Maybe its the alien tower nearby.......pfft.......anyhow have to prepare my sentry guns, ammo boxes, cargo boxes & ammo before i even think about digging over there just yet so i have a bit ofplanning ahead to do.......
    Kassonnade likes this.

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