Empyrion Galactic Idiots Guide Required...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aphaia, Oct 11, 2019.

  1. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Well decided to much to do on my own in setting up, therefore will try partnering, which means going online to join a faction.

    Finally found a multi-player server easy for me, raced around a baron planet and tried to get use to my SV. Tried Warp for the first time and going into space. Now that is terrifying at first when you have no idea what your doing or ifyour going to be stranded.

    I have to sort out a faction to join next, but have a question. What are the essential items to always keep on your ship? Besides o2, fuel, pentaxid - warp, & ammo.

    I have a SV & a CV, the SV is a dream lil craft can crash it anywhere right now......lol The CV is like a small tank, not what i need but the hulk will do for the time being.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  2. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    What you say and add food. In addition to that you have to carry an assortment of minerals or basic metals. This is more than anything because not all planets have all metals. Although that depends more than anything on the configuration and policies of those who manage the server.

    Lo que dices y agrega alimentos. Ademas de eso tienes que llevar un surtido de minerales o metales básicos. Esto es mas que nada porque no todos los planetas tienen todos los metales. Aunque eso depende mas que nada de la configuracion y politicas de quiene
    Kassonnade likes this.
  3. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Thank you, i got a SV Tier 2b a purty nice blue one and a hulk CV, but that was given to me when i join a faction will get a CV teir 2 later. Nice war bird size for me.

    There is still alot to work out warping was new to me and working out boosts & armor upgrading etc. But more than anything I have to study on how to read the control panel if i need to make changes. and how to battle in my ships if needed. all of which are strange to me now.

    Additionally its ready planet information on each of the planets to know the details and pro's and con's of going there etc.

    So still learning and along way to go but getting there slowly......
    cmguardia and Kassonnade like this.
  4. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Okay stuck with firing on my ship,:

    I spawned in a CV teir 2 ship, fueled it, warped it, oxygenated it, even put in the bullets it wanted into the ammo container. When I pilotted it and hit T the first time it said not connected o the network. So fine i went into the ammo container and pressed the connection button.

    But still nothing it wont fire. Its got rocket turrrets and another type of turrets attached. On the controls tab T is connected to my toolbar, but when piloting i dont have anything in my toolbar. SO what am i doing wrong?

    I was playing freedom mode so i sort of used creative and spawned it in.

    Additionally how do i fuel up my shield????
    Kassonnade likes this.
  5. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You have to manually reload (or first load) weapons and turrets on ships. For weapons in the quickbar (lower screen bar) just choose the weapon (mousewheel) and press reload key (default R). For turrets you hato to go in control panel, choose the turret in the devices tab and clik on "access" suqare on top right side. This puts you in the turret view, and from there you have to click reload (R). Wait until reload is completed, do not leave the turret when the reload sound has finished playing, because some turrets take much longer to reload (rockets, artillery++) than the sound plays, and reload will not complete if you leave before. Just watch the ammo count at lower right (ex. rockets 0/250 >> rockets 5/245) and when you see a number appearing on the left side ( 0/xxx) then you can leave that screen and proceed with the next turret.

    It is a tedious process when having lots of turrets, but it only has to be done the first time.

    Shields need pentaxid (from pentaxid crystals found on moon or in some lakes) and a pentaxid tank on your ship. It's the same tank and "fuel" for warp drive also.
    cmguardia likes this.
  6. Aphaia

    Aphaia Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Okay the basics of weapons organised, bit confusing but hey also worked out that not all cv weapons work on planet, should have cv out of planet and use SV or HV on land.....

    Want to work out what do people prioritize in empryion when you first start:

    - resources
    - tools
    - shelter
    - land vehicles
    - flight vehicles
    - weapons - base
    - weapons - hand held
    - base defenses

    When I put my core down last time it wasnt even on and i was scouted by zirax and i had to fight to keep my wreckage.... With so many things to do and only one person to do them, how do you manage all at the same time. I can stay in a tent for a few days but after a while that starts to get dangerous.

    You need the proper tools to build with however, you have to level, have the resources, have the tools and the list goes on......then you have others who have got a ship jumped planets and make it sound so easy......
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I stay nomadic until I have enough resources to build a ship (small CV or SV) to get me in orbit, where I will build a small base with a garden (grow plots) and solar energy - if possible.

    In order this would be :

    resources for first armor - includes using the motorbike a lot, temporary shelters, mining tons of resource rocks/ deposits, cutting lots of wood, maybe have 1 good weapon but I avoid combat as long as possible as a death before having the clone chamber means a new game start. I will only kill what I can with the survival tool to level up.

    devices to put armor on - means that I have gained a few levels, found a few places to use as temporary bases to put constructors and containers, to store resources

    continue exploration, avoid dangerous places, get as much ore as I can and try to find the bits I need to build a ship -SV or CV.

    When I have enough to make a ship I can split time between getting materials for a base in space and crafting/ refining ore.

    A tip on the motorbike: don't drive at night if you can avoid it. Plan your route and stop often when you don't see what's ahead, to avoid getting stuck in trees or diving in a lake.

    Concrete. Concrete is cheap, solid, and easy to get everywhere. Mine tons of rocks, and make a bunker where you will be able to put your stuff. Don't bury your core, leave it reasonably accessible if you go that way. Hide your precious devices and stuff, but not the core. Make sure that when you start building your base you can put 1 cannon turret on it, with 30 mm ammo and an ammo controller, so when you power your base on it can already defend itself.

    So concrete bunker, and keep metals for other projects.

    Then there is the fuel : when you find a promethium deposit, mark it on your map and organise yourself before going there, so you don't have to go multiple times.

    Some players like to use a HV to check on their back while they explore or mine, because they have turrets. Personally I don't want to waste resources for a HV that could be used a bit later for a better vehicle that can fly and take me off the planet.

    Going to other planets : this is mostly to get exotic materials to build better devices and weapons, so I just tip toe when I get there, find a mining spot, and keep alert. I play with a "never die" mindset, so if combat seems too difficult I simply avoid it and pack my things.

    Some players like to tackle all the POIs on the starter planet because there is much loot in there, but I don't like that style of play because we have no incentive to leave the planet : we have everything we need. If you destroy the "drone base" then the planet may become peaceful... why leave then ?

    So the game has been in that state for a long time, but this doesn't mean that it will stay like that when ready for final release. So best to keep the "economic survivalist" style - for me - as long as possible. When I have better gear then I can come back to the 1st planet to check the dangerous places. I use my base in space as "relay" and make runs on the planet to get O2 and fuel.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
    cmguardia likes this.
  8. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Hahaha. I think everyone plays in unique ways. I tried bases in space. But it always seemed annoying to have to go back for something that is always missing. So I am one of those who loot the starry parts and everything he finds.

    My goal is to clear the planet and free the system from the Zirax presence.

    But I agree on an SV with which to look for exotic metals but I return to my base until I have a CV.

    My CV is in blueprints. And from here it is my particular game since the CV is empty !! Game looking for materials to complete it. First I base it to go into space and be able to travel to another planet. Minar little by little and complete the CV.

    To incite a base attack on the CV, To incite a base attack on the CV, I build a small base next to the drones to attack. So you get ammo!

    The game leaves a lot of freedom to make your own path, your own goal and how to achieve it!

    I'm taking a two-week break for the next start.

    Jajaja. Creo que cada uno juega de maneras únicas. Yo intente bases en el espacio. Pero siempre me pareció molesto el tener que volver por algo que siempre falta. Asi que soy de los que saquea las partes estrelladas y todo lo que encuentra.
    Mi objetivo es despejar el planeta y liberar el sistema de la presencia Zirax.
    Pero coincido en un SV con el cual buscar metales exóticos pero vuelvo a mi base hasta tener un CV.
    Mi CV lo tengo en planos. Y a partir de aqui es mi juego particular ya que el CV está vacío!! Juego buscando materiales para ir completandolo. Primero lo basico para salir al espacio y poder viajar a otro planeta. Minar de a poco e ir completando el CV.
    Para incitar un ataque base al CV construyo una base pequeña al lado para que los drones ataquen. Asi consigues munición!
    El juego deja mucha libertad para hacer tu propio camino, tu propia meta y como lograrla!
    Me estoy tomando un descando de dos semanas para el proximo inicio.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  9. Gamer

    Gamer Ensign

    Nov 8, 2020
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    Resurrecting the dead! Get over it.

    Nice thread. A lot of very good information is explained clearly and in a very friendly way. EGS people/community are the best!
    Myself, I've always found the game to be pretty straight forward but I still have to look things up sometimes.

    The only funny thing I did was land my CV on a planet, and my CV you had to jump down a bit to get out, and when I did jump down from the door just one block...I died. Gravity. Then my ship wouldn't even move, not enough thrust. Wow, that made me laugh! And cry a bit. But I figured it out and built more thrusters and off I went. But the gravity was so great I couldn't even go up a small slope. And the the fire rain, now that was fun. lol great game!

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