DEV BLOG Empyrion Galactic Survival: Leaving Alpha & Early Access

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 16, 2020.

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  1. Enepttastic

    Enepttastic Ensign

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Because it's relevant(and has extra information in the main post): Post on Steam

    I was going to go all into my thought process but realized I'll never get anything posted at that rate so I'll just be blunt and ask, "Why?"

    There's a reason you guys are doing this and the edit to the steam announcement thread makes it clear you guys know this is a bad idea(I'll come back to this), so again, "Why?"

    What actual benefit is there to doing this for you guys because I'm having a really hard time envisioning any real benefits to this that don't make some wild assumptions. Granted, I'll admit to being rather cynical and critical at the best of times but I can also play devil's advocate rather well, even for my opposing side and I'm not coming up with any realistic pros to this. As, is my pro/con list is as follows:

    1. Can state that the game is at Version 1.0.
    - Counterpoint: Unless one of my wild assumptions(involving legalese) is right, this doesn't matter. Doubly so since the supposed lack of interest in following the Alpha > Beta > Release convention should mean that going from A12 to V 1.0 is meaningless, which then leads right back around to why it's happening in the first place but we'll leave it at that. For now.

    2. Removing Early Access marker may bring in new sales.
    - Counterpoint: Potential sales from losing Early Access marker may very well be offset by losing confidence in the company and a slew of negative reviews and refunds. Both of which will be warranted as well because, well, the game will be presented as one being in a, "released," state and, unless there's some massive changes to the game coming with the next version update, that will not be the case.

    And that's it, two pros to this that I can realistically fathom.

    So, again, WHY is this happening? Why are you going into a Beta phase while utilizing release/gold/stable version numbering and removing the Early Access status when the game isn't there yet?
    TK85, Supay, Inappropriate and 3 others like this.
  2. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    We, like all grumpy old human had our confidence in games smashed by other companies nomansking us.

    But let's jump out of that frame of mind, and remember our awe how much features Alpha12 brought in!

    Maybe they can do it, folks!
    Sofianinho and Kassonnade like this.
  3. brecers

    brecers Lieutenant

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Я вообще не понимаю, о чем можно говорить? Какая версия 1? Вода не настоящая, физик - нет. Что, черт возьми, пространство, если, попав в жидкость, он просто затопляет. Каковы законы гравитации и другие вещи, если вы не можете просто обойти корабль во время его полета ... Вы говорите, что проделали отличную работу и украсили игру? Добавили кучу разных блоков? Что не будет колес и гусениц, и пешеходов в будущем космосе? Вы смотрите очень далеко и не делаете элементарных вещей .... Возможно, сами разработчики не в пределах, но владельцы виноваты. Но тогда где их совесть? Деньги важнее репутации? Все это подло ...
  4. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Sounds like the decision to go to release status is probably a business decision. My only thought is it must be the current EA sales must not be enough to keep their 7 ppl funded and they need a cash injection. They probably don't want to have to sell out to a big publisher and so they don't have many other options to artificially raise capital. Obviously, you can only go to release once, so it's not really a viable long term strategy, but sometimes you just have to keep the boat a float.

    It doesn't sounds like this is going to change how they release content, but it still seems like they have a long ways to go. My concern right now is recently whenever I log into MP on a populated server, I am met with constant disconnects. This galaxy system is definitely still in an alpha phase stability wise and they need to solve some of these constant networking/desync issues. How many patches have we gone where we see another player's ship and it is constantly rubber banding 100m at a time instead of getting a smoothly interpolated path?

    The other thing I find really annoying is AMs disappearing from playfields all the time. I know surface wipes are supposed to remove terrain placeables, but this is happening on non wiped playfields as well.

    As far as features go, I'd really like to see them revamp CV mechanics. They've been the same for a very long time and CVs make up a large part of gameplay. These requests for crouch/prone and factory stuff just seems more like ancillary features that don't really add to gameplay as much.
    SGP Corp, fireborn and Kassonnade like this.
  5. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    "Crouch/prone" alone is just cosmetic if it's just a posture. But my take on this is to give some advantage when crouching or going prone, like some amount of damage reduction or lesser % of chances of being detected by enemies, etc. I would rather combine this with a "cover" system, nothing fancy, just being into a definite radius from a physical barrier that stands between incoming fire and the player, to give these advantages (ex. less splash damage if crouch behind a rock/ piece of deco).

    This way, crouching in the middle of a field would give no advantage, as it's a bit dumb anyway because it slows down the player.
    Cleff likes this.
  6. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    You definitely need to fix the Legacy home systems. That energy converter POI is 'gaurded' by 3 CVs, but can be attacked, and 3 more CVs show up, but they just just sit there are don't chase you away. Also I'm sure that you're aware the CV turrets on those LGC ships don't fire at all, making endgame way too easy. The LGC ships also move really slow like 10 m/s they can be kited super easy.

    I'd also argue a combat CV with full turrets can eat through the nose (30 sec of sustained fire) and pop the core too easily. Those CVs need more layers of combat steel/alien blocks guarding the core (somewhere in the 10-20 layer range or make the alien blocks like 10k hp). I think it's currently only 4 layers to the core, which like I said only takes seconds at this point to break through with splash damage from rockets/plasma/arty turrets.

    Other stuff as far as end game threats go, I would propose doing something like Assassin's Creed where they send out AI bounty hunters to come after you randomly. The more you piss off/raid an NPC faction's POIs, the more wanted you are, kind of like GTA's 5-star system. And in response a larger force of AI comes after you. Say the difference between 1 CV and a fleet of 5 CVs coming after you while you're out mining asteroids. Hoarding credits doesn't seem to have much use right now once you get a few million, maybe bribing an NPC leader to wipe your bounty would be a good use for it.
    RSSF_Maverick, Bollen and Israel like this.
  7. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    The issue at hand, I think, is less how dedicated they are to new development, but more to what potential new players will think. If reviews and sales tank because release-quality expectations aren't met. My concern is more that future development gets impacted because the money runs out after that

    It's true there are no rules, however there are conventions and expectations. I'm far more concerned that the decision's impact will decrease Eleon's sales in the future than I am that they are intentionally stopping development
  8. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    I saw a new player play on a stream.. The guy was overwhelmed. there is so much stuff not smooth/clear/too difficult to find.
    stuff like needing empty hands to swim.. it sounds logic.. but new players drowning have no clue why theyre drowning.
    the way ammo is labeled and explained.. just one line to the description with what guns use it.. that kind of smoothness.. nothing major, but it's just not there. a lot is not there. add a bit of lag, crappy hitboxes and bad AI. We missing major features. There are some major issues. I dont see all this fixed in half a month.

    Sorry to say, because I love the game.. but all the things I listed are things you expect from an Alpha game. People playing the game are having fun already is a sign that youre on the right way, but does not mean 'regular players' will think the same; it is not against the rules to release it, but people will be expecting a finished product if you do. that's just how it works ;) Plenty of examples of games that got rushed into release. You guys know the results of that too.
    guessing to the why this decision was made.. no point, Im just crossing my fingers, holding my breath. godspeed.
  9. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    13 pages of reactions in a few days, proof that your players care. a lot :)
    Cluascorp, TK85, Normal69 and 7 others like this.
  10. Aradragoon

    Aradragoon Ensign

    Jul 19, 2020
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    I agree with this.

    My only complaint if this is the way they are going is that I would find it far better if they would come out and tell the community that. I would happily donate $20 to help further fund development. (I have already purchased like 6 copies for myself and friends.) I might even put in the extra for the other copies I purchased. I don't think it would amount to what they have pulled in altogether but it would help fund them.

    The only thing I would ask in return is that they listen to the community on what problems exist, what features the community feels still need to be added, and possibly what they are already planning on adding feature wise.
    RSSF_Maverick likes this.
  11. Aradragoon

    Aradragoon Ensign

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Maybe also using credits to call in favors with other NPC factions? I.E. paying Polaris to attack the Zirax.

    Though that would also need a better living universe IMO.
  12. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Working on this philosophy, does no replies mean that they don't care??
  13. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Sounds like it. At least the devs know they are loved.
    Bollen likes this.
  14. Supay

    Supay Captain

    Feb 23, 2019
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    What is 1.0? I've never heard of it not called a release? 1.0 is a done game by basic gaming standards. I've never heard of beta when the game is at 1.0 ? I mean all the EA games right now on steam go beta or gold then go to release? none of which are 1.0 until release.

    Since the Devs won't respond and clear up things. I can assume that at least one member is leaving the group if not more. Zero reasons to push this game out at 1.0 when they said they never would. The reviews will be ugly on new people buying it because it won't have the protection of EA. This is the worst business decision and I'm guessing it because someone is tired of EA and probably wants to work on different projects and tired of this game. Until a response is given we are free to speculate since this very much feels like the end of the line.

    Maybe 2-3 people hang around and try to keep the game up but then again we have no idea of the business contact or deals they all signed. Could be that after 1.0 they will do a few bug fixes and by order of their contract have to move to other games.
  15. Sofianinho

    Sofianinho Captain

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Lol, was that ever a thing ?
    Might be the contrary, not in alpha means no game changing/controversial updates which means no review bombing from the portion of the playerbase who didn't like the changes.
  16. eLLe

    eLLe Captain

    Jun 17, 2017
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    Forgive me friend but I don't know enough English to write what he wants so I use google translator. Don't be so lazy and try to use it too.
  17. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Not to read too much into what gets said, but this phrase from the Steam forum post stuck out for me-

    "This is not development for a publisher or an investor, but open development, including the community."

    The phrase "open development" has a very specific meaning to most software developers. If the future includes fork/merge open (source) development that would be pretty wild and all the complainers could get told "well then fix it or pay somebody to do whatever it is you feel compelled to keep prattling on about."
    runlykhel, Israel and Kassonnade like this.
  18. Supay

    Supay Captain

    Feb 23, 2019
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    When you go out of Alpha/Beta and your game runs like **** and is very buggy, it is a death sentence. If your game is missing content or promised features on launch? It has happened but games were given bad reviews and worked their ass off fixing it. Also, most developers who pushed to 1.0 were having issues with their team or publisher or finances. They didn't just rush to 1.0 because they thought it was a good idea. No man's sky rushed from what i read? because Sony had a contract with them and they had to meet it on time. They have had 4 years and have launched it on other consoles and added decent content and features. They also have a much bigger team then Eleon. Eleon is like 5-8 people? when one is gone that is going to be felt. So review bombing is going to be nasty if the game releases 1.0 and it buggy with missing content. It will be buried in negative reviews if Eleon goes on to new projects and lets Empyrion fall with the 1.0 release.
  19. brecers

    brecers Lieutenant

    Jan 10, 2016
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    [QUOTE = "eLLe, post: 408713, member: 20722"] Простите меня, друг, но я не знаю достаточно английского, чтобы написать, что он хочет, поэтому я использую Google Переводчик. Не поленитесь и попробуйте тоже. [/ QUOTE]
    Простите, но это как Google переводит. Если вы думаете, что английский является доминирующим языком, то вы ошибаетесь. Я не должен учить его.
  20. Bansheedragon

    Bansheedragon Commander

    Mar 31, 2016
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    It may not be what the developers want to hear, but as others have probably said this game is not ready for release yet.
    The game feels unfinished and has far too many bugs and other issues to go full release as it is now.

    Of course it's up to them to decide if they want to release and I'm just offering an opinion here, however going full release with the game as it is now is likely to go badly.
    I just hope this don't end up like another No Man's Sky where they release the game too early and end up having players leave bad reviews as a result.

    The game has great potential, it just needs some more work.
    Supay likes this.
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