DEV BLOG Empyrion Galactic Survival: Leaving Alpha & Early Access

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 16, 2020.

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  1. mr_road

    mr_road Lieutenant

    May 12, 2020
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    This feels too early. Would be nice to know what is on the list of things to add and what order you would hopefully implement them. As there are a few major things I was/am hoping to see before v1.00:

    - a lot more plot and missions,
    - exisitng plot dialog to feel less clunky,
    - crouch and player model improvements,
    - factory,
    - economy trading and buy/sell ships,
    - server performance MP can be poor,
    - release for Linux,
    - grenades
    - (more stuff I forget now...)

    A12 -> Beta I would understand, and a couple of rounds of beta.

    A12 -> v1.00 I do not.

    Saying all that A12 is awesome and thank you for all the effort, but I worry this will have people download it, give a bad review and ruin the games reputation. In Alpha we are all very understanding that it is a work in progress, when you say v1.00 people and gamers especially expect a polished product.
  2. Addy

    Addy Lieutenant

    Apr 12, 2017
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    I agree, it would attract a lot of bad reviews, that may impact negatively on the player base
  3. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    Seems like another rush to meet some sort of deadline. I just hope more testing is done before anything is released. There are way too many toys in the box for the engine to handle at present. Something will break soon if not carefully planned and executed.

    Attached Files:

  4. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Sure, depends always a little on the point of view. As all these systems you listed (and those others have in the comments above) have a more or less working interation in the game already, those are actually the primary candidates to be worked on ;)
  5. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    As the text says: it will be added a lot more than just bugfixes and optimizations. ;)
  6. Anorax

    Anorax Ensign

    Feb 1, 2020
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    Bravo! There really is nothing else like Empyrion. Thank you to the team for a magnificent game.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I'm always a bit nervous when they talk about... the cake...
  8. Jon2

    Jon2 Lieutenant

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Well, seems my wish for underwater vessels and arms and legs for sv and hv together with giant hand guns to make mechs will not be complete now.
    A Mueller, Addy and yataro79 like this.
  9. LoSboccacc

    LoSboccacc Commander

    Nov 28, 2015
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    > There are of course also a few larger features

    well you know there's the whole thing about finding Empyrion
    A Mueller, Bollen and yataro79 like this.
  10. The_Holo

    The_Holo Lieutenant

    Aug 28, 2017
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    While I enjoy the game massivly and plowed down a lot of hours into it, it does seems awfully early to call it 1.0
    There's still so many bugs and glitches aswell as many features in dire need of some overhaul and tweaking.
    (combat, ai, animations, with the concept of an entire galaxy there's a much larger need for variation in planets, pve-endgame, looting, recipies and more)
    I'd think it would cause a lot of bad rep to call it 1.0 at this stage.

    As an early access game, I can say I love it and have gotten 5 friends playing, since it's not 'done' and can overlook glitches and behaviour and stuff aswell as it's actually been improving for the better with every Alpha so far.

    As an 1.0 'final' game I would definitley not recommend, despite promises of it getting fixed,
    Had I bought a 1.0 game in this state, I would have refunded it.
    Ofcourse I do not know if they have made a shitton of fixes until the 1.0 release, But this does feel an awfully lot like the Starforge disaster. :(
    runlykhel, Cluascorp, Addy and 7 others like this.
  11. FionnMacCumhaill

    FionnMacCumhaill Commander

    Aug 9, 2019
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    Empyrion, by far my favourite game.
    Alpha 12, the best single player and worst multiplayer release so far. The latter half of that really needs attention. Improving handling of multiplayer (database, optimisation) is far more important than adding a couple of tweaks to single player at this stage.
  12. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    This has been be a major downfall over several years. Adding more is not always a great solution. Perhaps the concerns should be more stability focused than revenue driven. Yes having the alpha tag removed is wonderful for marketing but how does this affect the massive amount of current players? Usually not very well. Will we just have another rush to meet a specific date or will there actually be enough time to polish the game in less than 3 weeks? If the last update has shown us anything, that more is not necessarily "better." I feel this move is way too soon unless there has been a huge development change we are unaware of.
  13. SeaOfInsanity

    SeaOfInsanity Ensign

    Jul 16, 2020
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    Aren't you concerned that people's first impression of a fully released game will be that of an unfinished product with bugs and glitches still present?
    I love the progress of the game so far and of course those already onboard don't doubt your commitment to the game but you really should approach this from a new customers perspective and what they will see if and when they buy what you're essentially declaring as a finished title with ongoing support.
    A lot of gamers rate a released game on face value, they won't go out of their way to look into whether or not the game has had solid support up till now.
    I think this decision may need a bit more thought as many titles have been pushed out in these states and have not benefitted from it.
    I still wish the project well regardless.
    runlykhel, Lyceq, Cluascorp and 6 others like this.
  14. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Wait am I missing something here? Are they skipping right over beta and going straight to release?
    Thor'sHammer, Marty, Lyceq and 10 others like this.
  15. 420Inc_Space Ranger

    420Inc_Space Ranger Ensign

    May 8, 2019
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    I agree, with over 8k hours it’s a very fun game when things work. Most of that time is split from creative n multiplayer. But for me to buy/suggest to fellow friends is still a no right now due to the lack in smoothing out multiplayer. Once I see that the game works as it should, especially pvp, I will happily bring plenty of my friends over to this game. As of rn they can stay playing the games they have... I don’t want them to come play just to lose interest due to game killing bugs.... but since alpha is out the tag I Hope the excuse to ignore the mp/pvp side gets love... sorry for the improper paragraph. It’s super early over here. Looking forward to the performance boost to come. “Fingers crossed”
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Looks like it... Maybe they thought they would have to go through the whole greek alphabet ?
    runlykhel, Sofianinho, Marty and 5 others like this.
  17. lirezh

    lirezh Ensign

    Jul 16, 2020
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    There are a few mistakes being made that can sum up into a catastrophy:
    1) Empyrion is about multiplayer, that's your strength. The amazing ways to collaborate and fight in self designed ships and bases
    - thousands of stars are the opposite of what this game needs, it's backstabbing it's own character.
    - Most servers are below 20 active players. 3 systems are more suited than 10000 to that size...
    2) At this point while you probably only have 30% planned features in the game, you concentrate on the wrong details.
    - The game is good in terms of features for a public launch but it suffers from a few horrible bugs that turn away the majority of players
    - Stop adding features, work on the bugs until stable !
    - 3rd person perspective is laggy for no reason BUT free camera in ALT mode is fast, 1st person is fast too.
    You have this bug in since years that you add 'inertia' when controlling anything in 3rd person. The F5 drone or the player must not have inertia in V mode... Most players will uninstall the game when it's that laggy and the player drone especially is a core feature of ingame building..
    - I run the game in 2k with low settings on a high performance computer with 64gb ram and a 2080TI. I get FPS down to 15. The FPS got significantly worse in the past 2 years, instead of better.

    You are about the destroy your game by adding features and features on top of an instable foundation.
    Fix the foundation first, then look for features. Beta with that framerate and those performance/intertia bugs is a bad idea.
    Also keep in mind that the only thing that makes Empyrion unique is it's MMO aspect of collaboration and PVP, concentrate on that and keep it in mind so concept errors like a huge galaxy for only 10-120 players can be avoided.
  18. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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  19. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    You have got to be frakking kidding me.

    As an Alpha game, EGS is fun for what it is. As a release, it's a hot buggy mess. To say it's relatively feature complete with the absolute dumpster fire implementation of mass/volume or the woefully lacking CPU system alone is absolutely mind-blowing. That doesn't even cover the stuff that's completely missing

    I certainly hope Eleon plans to expose more scripting so hopefully modders will be able to fix more of the issues than they apparently plan on
    Bollen, sillyrobot, Addy and 7 others like this.
  20. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Does this mean that saved games will remain compatible in future versions?
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