Empyrion too much like Space Engineers?

Discussion in 'Site / Forum Help & Feedback' started by Axios, May 11, 2015.

  1. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    Impressive looking yes... except from what I've read the planets won't rotate, they're static. Honestly I can't see a space game where a planet doesn't rotate as well done. Heck even Star Made with it's blocky planets has the planetary object rotate as far I can tell and that game is made on JAVA, Minecraft was made with Java. Star Made pretty much is Minecraft in space with ships and stuff. If a simple game like that can have coded planets that rotate then a game on a more advanced engine should be able to do it.
  2. Axios

    Axios Commander

    Dec 27, 2014
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    Star made has fully rotating planets with orbits around a star.. pretty impressive... its wormholes/black holes are interesting too
  3. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Is new to me that the StarMade "Planets" rotate.
    but even if, it has the same Problem like SE.
    Nothings that challenges you real (No Enemys, or Goals)
  4. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Indeed... when the Dev team would be interested to present and give you the best possible game.... but sorry I see not that KEEN is real in that kind of motivation (Smple to see that nearly the whole not naked basecontent is done by modders)
  5. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    Well the Devs did say that EGS was influenced by alot of other games, like Minecraft and SE, but EGS will have alot of multiple components from a great many games rolled into one.
    So EGS would still have been here, but obviously wouldn't look how it does, that influence clearly came from SE and Minecraft.
  6. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Sure, Influence and sinpiration is nice and a honor.
    But redesigning nearly the complete game, because there comes a other game, that is compareable, is a bit ... lame?(What SE does now)
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I think we need to wait and see where it goes with SE, there not going to stop development, maybe it is for the better, who knows.
    I like the look of both games, they compliment each other because of the different time settings. Present day vs future.
    Empyrion isn't even released yet, Eleon have given us a couple of release dates that didn't turn out to happen, all developers have problems and issues they don't foresee when starting a project.
    SE was never really promised to be a MMO style game multi player wise, yet because theres such a high calling for multiplayer they have been forced to look at multiplayer a lot more.
    Back in 2013 they posted the game was really only designed to handle up to 8 people in a server and dedicated software wasn't out then, the demand being so high for 30 odd player servers, KEEN have found themselves with a game engine that really struggles with so many players.
    I guess they have noticed what Empyrion is going to do to there multiplayer, its going to hurt it bad, and releasing the source code is probably very clever because its likely a modder will fix it and save KEEN months of time and recourses.
    But for you and me and all SE players it doesn't look bad.
  8. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    I played this game some time ago (Space Engeniers) once in Multiplayxer with a few Steam friends (all together 5 people) when you start use more advanced processingmethods (not mine by hand) than the game get yet real hard problems.
  9. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    As has been stated SE was really only meant to be single player, but the demand for multiplayer, (pretty logical in any building game really) was so high that they made a cobble together multiplayer, they stated this recentl;y that it only took their tiny team back then 5 or so weeks to put it together, which is why it is so bad, They have been working for a few months now on the new multiplayer coding with a much bigger team and are still going to be working on it for another couple of months apparently. I hope it is worth all that effort and is heavily tested before they release it as if it has big problems after everyone has waited so long for it (it been beiong promised for months and month now) Then I am guessing they will see a fall off of players as everyone jumps ship to other games with more reliable multiplayer. As for EGS and Eleon I think they are taking the right direction, seeing as everyone wants multiplayer and also single player too they are making the game with multiplayer in mind straight from the off, they learnt from the mistakes of other games with regards to adding in Multiplayer later on, I anticipate EGS will be a very good game for multiplayer and look forward to playing online with many of you soon.
  10. Syncaidius

    Syncaidius Ensign

    Apr 26, 2015
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    I can see why people think SE is "copying" Empyrion's planets. But honestly, the idea is far from new. Starbound did it long ago, Starforge had it planned (then the developers did a runner) long ago. No Mans Sky is way ahead of them all. The RL universe invented the idea. ;)

    The fact that Marek was able to show such good planets so soon, IMO shows how much resources they have at their disposal. Apparently they're also going to "fake" the rotation so we won't be able to tell the difference:

    You'll have to visit one of their profiles if you want the full convo about teleporting ships to the correct location in space once they exit the atmosphere.

    But anyway, I really would love to support Empyrion, but right now there is nothing to play after almost a year. I can pre-order, but games like StarForge taught me not to be as eager as I once was. Empyrion looks and sounds great, but the fact it failed its crowdfunding makes me question whether they have what it takes to communicate (and build) their idea right through to the end. So until there is something playable, we can't really give it a fair yay or nay.

    Lastly, as much as some may dislike it, SE is king of the genre until something better is released. Akin to how Steam is king of digital game distribution (despite the paid mods BS) until something better sits on its face.

    Also keep in mind that Empyrion is a smaller team with much less funding, so by no means am I expecting them to match SE's level of detail and scale. I'm hoping they go for awesome gameplay over scale and graphics. :)
  11. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    We have to remember one thing though... Keen never finished their first product, Miner Wars was abandoned. From what I can tell Keen has been known to not complete projects, but this is pure speculation unless someone else has more info on that.
    Syncaidius likes this.
  12. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    Keen has gained a bad rep because of Miner Wars but maybe that should be thought of as their practice game.
    Perhaps Keen can pull of really good game but until they show actual progress in their gameplay rather than just in their game features it is still just looking like they aren't gonna finish, I hope they get the game working better than it is soon as its like 80 plus weeks in alpha and prettu much has no directon, goals, or good multiplayer, A bit disappointing but they can turn it around if they come through with their promises, but they haven't really come through on most of their promises so far so they have alot more to prove going forward.
    Eleon are being more outspoken and have, I think, A better idea about what they want EGS to become, and they have looked ahead and said we will want to give players actual survival systems like oxygen, food, energy etc, so rather than start out with a crap starter system they are actually starting with a good one that they can advance later on, they want to have planets, they are putting them in from the start, basically they have looked ahead and are putting basic systems in place to cover all the aspects they want to have in the game.
    Syncaidius likes this.
  13. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Failing the Crowdfounding is not a useable judgement anymore.
    After so many "betraying" in crowdfounding, and disapointments (Occulus Rift, Double Fine.....) people had become carefully with funding projects.
    Additional was Empyrion total unknown (I can tell only about germany ... here noone did know about this project), and (sorry to tell) because the marketingrating of this project is in best case a 3 of 10, that is not real a wonder. sure they want to invest their energy in the game, but a game noone knows about, can not win at Kickstarter and Co.
    And as 3.: The Indie world is overpopulated. There are so many many many many projects on the founding plattforms. Notmore like when this did begin. So it is today real f.... hard to get a sucessfull campaign running (like said only with a top super Teasingf marketing and mouthpropaganda)
    Syncaidius likes this.
  14. Cronos988

    Cronos988 Lieutenant

    May 15, 2015
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    Exactly what I am hoping for. I have followed the SE development for about a year now, and I have to say that despite numerous features, the basic gameplay of SE has not evolved. Worse, KSH seems to implement features with no regard for how they are supposed to play in a finished game. I really Hope the Empyrion devs don't make the same mistake and shoot for deep and challenging gameplay from the start. Some examples:

    Don't make storage "digitalized" like SE did with the conveyor system. It takes away cargo and inventory management and makes everything too cluttered.

    Don't oversimplify shipbuilding too much. No COM/COT considerations, no energy management, no structural integrity, no fuel. The SE model is good if you want to make an exact copy of the enterprise that can fly around, but doesn't challenge the player and provides no depth. In SE, you can only affect the performance of a ship by adding more components, the design is only for asthetics.

    Make sure the characters needs need to be dealt with in different ways in different situations. Simply having you run back to base to refill energy and oxygen every X minutes isn't gameplay.

    And most importantly: Give the player some opposition that he can test his designs and contraptions against.
    Syncaidius likes this.
  15. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    Keen started as a tiny little few people, they have enlarged over the last year or so along with SE's developement. I expect Eleon will grow just as rapidly as the game gets a bigger and bigger following, the only problem currently is that there is no real hype about the game, they need to set a release date, They could make it like October or something and then get it on Steam as a Pre-order, been seeing alot of coming soon games on there recently some evn only have pictures no video but hey its publicity and spreading the word about the game. Thats what Eleon needs to get the game more purchases on release day, if noone knows about it then they will only discover it on or after release, if there is a pre-order then word of mouth will spread in the lead up to release and more people will be checking it out and talking about it.
    Syncaidius likes this.
  16. Syncaidius

    Syncaidius Ensign

    Apr 26, 2015
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    They did indeed abandon the game. But not in the "run with your money" way. They cancelled the MMO version of Miner Wars because it became clear they couldn't pull it off. Looking at SE and Empyrion you can see why games like these will make bad MMOs on the performance side.

    After that, anyone who had paid for the MMO was offered a free copy of Miner Warsr 2081 or Space Engineers

    So although they did abandon a game, they did at least offer compensation to those who wanted it, which I think is part of the reason the abandonment wasn't as noticed (or cared about) as much as when other games get abandoned. This of course doesn't change the fact that they abandoned a game without notice, and I think you'll find most SE players remember it quite well, or have been told by other players. ;)

    But, I think they have learnt from the mistake, which IMO is a good thing. The next time they abandon a game people will most likely boycott them and vocalize their displeasure much louder than the first time around. They've repaired most of the reputation damage and built one for being developers who work like crazy to get updates/fixes out every week for TWO games.

    It takes several good actions/gestures/acts to build a good reputation. But only one bad to destroy it.
    Last edited: May 18, 2015
  17. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    They have indeed mended their reputation a bit after minerwars but they have made quite a few promises about certain aspects and we will have to see wether they are actually able to go through with that.
    Syncaidius likes this.
  18. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    Hmm, I'm hoping Empyrion can make their planets similarly impressive. Also, I wonder if the Empyrion devs would eventually be interested in some sort of source licensing scheme. No publishing it mind you, but licensing it out for total conversions/subprojects.
  19. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    It would be nice if there would be a Planet Editor. than we could help them with making own planets that can than be placed in the Universegenerator.
    daze likes this.
  20. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    A cool idea, we shall have to wait and see what Voices can find out for us, That poor guy/gal (ya dont know) is under so much workload from me LOL....

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