Feedback Required EXP 1.8 - New Game Start: MASPERON (Alien Swamp Starter Moon)

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, May 17, 2022.

  1. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Anti-grief distance on SP game way too high

    took me a bit to find but Anti-Grief distance on SP game set way too high
    i had to be about 450m from either deposit or poi (certainly nests which are everywhere) on masperon
    waay too difficult to actually find a decent base position

    set to 0 in my save file options.. to get back to playing game

    between the default Grief distance and not being able to repurpose the regenerable bases
    (ok active POIs with defenses i can cope with - crashed ships and shacks its stupid)
    base placing far too difficult in SP game
    (and at that distance on a moon - way difficult for a multiplayer game i would guess)

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