Feedback Required EXP 1.8 - New Tutorial: AKUA (Temperate Starter Moon)

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, May 17, 2022.

  1. Foofaspoon

    Foofaspoon Commander

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Ooops, sorry I had slaughtered them and moved on... but I think someone has put a bug report in for it already!
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    There are harmless cyborgs that will just walk around .. and more dangerous ones that are closer to some POI.
    Foofaspoon and Germanicus like this.
  3. SentientTaco

    SentientTaco Ensign

    May 23, 2022
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    Two issues I’ve run into…

    Ive made it to the 13th log (I think) and when I try to read the next one it bugs and on the right of the screen in the quest info it says “archive” and “saving” and just stops there. I am unable to progress the quest line. I tried verifying my game data and clearing the save cache with no luck.

    second issue was noted on the alien planet; the abandoned drone base was passive. All gun turrets, scorpions, and abominations ignored me as I waltzed in and looted.
  4. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Dronebase > known

    Archive > can you make a screenshot of the PDA with the mission unfolded that "blocks" the progress plz?
    Pach and Germanicus like this.
  5. SentientTaco

    SentientTaco Ensign

    May 23, 2022
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    The archive issue has occurred again under the new build for 1.8 EXP phase 2. This time at the FoK on Akua failed to auto play the archived info. I picked up the other two logs already on the planet. Screenshot attachment attempted...

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  6. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I haven't downloaded EXP 2 yet but I had the same issue with the logs not completing the quest last night. All 16 of them were recorded in the Archive and could be read in the PDA, but the last 2 I found never autoplayed for me and the tablets are still in my inventory.

    I then went to the FoK on Masperon (the last one I needed) and it got itself stuck in a loop and played the entry 5 times, which somehow resulted in me ending up with a total of 8 Matrix Keys instead of the expected 4.

    The quest gave no indication of what was supposed to happen next and I was going to go and poke it again but I'll just start over to retest with EXP 2 now and see what happens.
  7. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Will check. Seems something is interfering. :) Thx for retesting!
    Pach likes this.
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    If you can, please check at which point the log-tablets stay in your inventory (as this is the reason for the other logs not being found)
    Germanicus and Pach like this.
  9. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    How would I be able to tell? I have two of them stuck in inventory right now but neither of them says specifically which one they're supposed to be. I'm pretty sure both were from the last batch I had left to find on Masperon, after having collected all of them from the other 3 moons.
  10. SentientTaco

    SentientTaco Ensign

    May 23, 2022
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    Here's another... started another new game on Akua, declined the Robinson Protocol. Went to the first scientist camp, set up my constructor and the hoverbike that was there. Hovered to the supply bunker, looted and salvaged most things inside it, started a blueprint HV, fueled the small vessel at bunker, flew around the world scanning down all POI and resources. Went to the dig site and there is no switch to unlock the access door.. that play through is over :) photos for the missing switch attached.

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  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    There IS a ... Switch! You just have to access the Console in the Main building and hear their Situation Assassment.
  12. SentientTaco

    SentientTaco Ensign

    May 23, 2022
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    I did suspect that was an issue so I went and talked to the console and watched the clip... still no switch :(


    Now I need to eat my hat. Went back to the initial scientist camp and got the HUD marker for dig site. Flew back out there and activated the console. Now the switch is there! I will carry on with this test play through until I run into another bug wall :)

    *edit 2*

    Collected my 3rd Tash datapad and it now will not archive it and add it to the log. Same as arthmoor was experiencing
    Last edited: May 25, 2022
    Pach and Germanicus like this.
  13. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    There is always the switch next to the entrance of the digsite basement (next to the door cover .. ) Do i need to paint it in bright colors? :D

    @ logs not archiving: Did you open the story mission log archive ( PDA > Solo missions > Tales of tash group > activate the mission archive) >> how many entries are there?
    Pach and Germanicus like this.
  14. SentientTaco

    SentientTaco Ensign

    May 23, 2022
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    I think the switch was maybe a LOD issue. There were stairs outside missing and the two armored doors opposite the console were missing as well. I quit and re-entered the game and it was there.

    As far as the archive is concerned it shows only 2 logs once I pick up the 3rd, and the 3rd just sits in my inventory. I am going to continue to play and see what happens when I get the next one.


    Picked up my 4th log on Akua in the Obelisk. No auto play story. Still only shows 2 logs collected in the Archive PDA menu.
    Last edited: May 25, 2022
    Pach and Germanicus like this.
  15. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    The Tash logs quit playing for me as well. I got like eight of them sitting in my inventory.

    I wonder, if the Tash logs were their own formal 12-objective mission to find and/or use each log item, would that make it a more easily understood and enjoyable scavenger hunt, or would it make it annoyingly obtrusive and derail the player from their main objective of getting to Omicron? It's enjoyable little world-building story, but it's not like there's a material reward for finding them all.
  16. Zenopath

    Zenopath Lieutenant

    May 5, 2017
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    Has the hover vessel always been so nauseating to drive? I swear it didn't use to spin around out of control every 5 yards from every small rock, shrub or invisible bump. It literally makes me sick to drive it. I suppose adding the blue hover thingies and going up to 3m helps somewhat, but the default state of the damaged hoverbike is painful to use with the starting hover pads. I mean, you only really need it to get to the free small vessel you can pick up by supply bunker, but still... Does anyone else have this problem?
  17. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Yes, it's an issue with the docking pads. You can work around it temporarily by salvaging them off the HV.
  18. Sicarius

    Sicarius Lieutenant

    May 30, 2022
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    Hello was just given a key(thank you devs!) to test out the tutorial and give some feedback. first as a new player I clicked on start tutorial on the main screen...which later I learned that was the wrong tutorial. but that gave me some insight into what the old tutorial was like before taking a look at the new one. I'm just going to give my first initial thoughts on the tutorial and less so about the game as a whole. these may not even be accurate to how the game works. this is just my view from about 3 hours and trying to focus on the tutorial as if I was someone that doesnt play games often and is relying on the tutorial to understand how to play.

    in general I'm finding the F1 screen more confusing than I think it should be. it feels like I'm constantly clicking around to find the tutorial or missions I'm trying to complete. and when I do find it I see... this tutorial has already been complete...I didnt know what I did to complete it. and despite checking the things to do next. I have no clue what to do next. I'm still struggling to figure out when I am suppose to look at PDA Info and when I'm suppose to check PDA Log. despite reading something somewhere telling me which one to check. so I check both. seems like sometimes requirements show in info and sometimes in log.

    the popup triggers seem hit or miss. I ran past a damaged hovercraft. and I got a tutorial on how I need to wear armor before going to space? but I have no idea how to fix the hovercraft and have not seen a tutorial yet on it. instead I was told to make a motorbike. that works and is much faster but I keep getting it stuck in what seems like nothing so I would love to try out the hovercraft. idk if that tutorial comes later or if I missed something. (im 99% sure i could look at it and figure out i may be missing something like a core or battery. but i don't have a tutorial yet that i have seen that tells me how to build ships. im guessing that comes after the initial base tutorial.)

    at least for me popups have a high chance of me just skipping it to get back to what I think is important if it's telling me about something that I don't think is relevant to my current situation(i could be wrong). and once I skip it there is a even higher chance that I never look at it again. I would prefer instead a UI icon that would light up or some sort of notification that a new tutorial is available that lets the player choose when to interact with that tutorial.(Rimworld's Learning Helper system comes to mind as an example.)

    also when a popup takes control and forces me to click a yes or no about starting a new tutorial. I assume that the tutorial is going to give me everything I need to complete the tutorial task in someway or another or help me obtain everything thats needed. I'm not assuming it's a mission thats going to leave some of that up to me. so it's a bit frustrating when i feel like the tutorial is asking me to do something that I'm not sure how to do yet. possibly because I received a tutorial before it really makes sense.

    while I was exploring the bunker a tutorial popped up asked me to destroy the core of the bunker so I did that. then the tutorial tells me to have a new core. I search everywhere in the bunker and don't see a core so I assume the tutorial wants me to use the constructor...took me way longer than it should of to realize that the constructor had no power because the core I destroyed killed the power to everything(the flashlight works surprisingly well I somehow didnt notice the room lights were off). so now I have decided to abandon that bunker for now but on leaving the bunker and activating the base building tutorial(which is what I was doing before going into the bunker). the POI capture mission is now no longer in my mission list. so I'm not sure if that will restart? and a new core is gonna spawn for me to destroy again? or if that tutorial is gone. or if I'm dumb and just don't see it. very possible. (and i understand that i don't need the tutorial to go back and put my own core to capture the base. but again im just looking at the tutorial here and what it's teaching me and how it works)

    I never got attacked by anything. not any damaged cyborgs in the bunker. they just walked around. and the little dino's never attacked me either though i heard plenty of growling they let me walk right up to them i remember something telling me to be wary of dangerous animals or something like that. only animal that did anything to me was butterflies which were cool at first but listening to a notification every 5 seconds that I applied a bandage to myself(which I learned from @Pach was the butterflies) kinda drove me crazy. anyway to turn off or down those notification sounds?

    anyways had to take a break and figure I would put down my initial thoughts. ill probably start a new game and just play on my own for a bit and just get used to the game. it looks like a game I could definitely get into. but as a new player who has never played it before(but has lots of time in games that seem similar) the tutorial for me so far was more frustrating than helpful it felt like it was constantly popping up and distracting me from what a previous tutorial was telling me to do. if it's not a linear tutorial experience I would much rather the popups be less intrusive maybe a notification to check my logs or the encyclopedia. but to be honest I would rather a linear experience that I can opt into where the tutorial is not tied into a normal map. lets me learn the basics in a controlled manner that i do once and never have to do again. and then starting a map throw me right into the world assuming I know everything or at least know how to get to the in game help.

    I hope this is constructive i do think the game could be fun and i plan on giving it more time not focused on trying to nitpick one aspect of it. under normal circumstances i wouldn't have said anything and probably would have just ignored the tutorial and enjoyed the game.

  19. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Hi and Welcome :)

    Thanks for all the feedback!

    This is something were discussing what to do with it :)
    Germanicus and Pach like this.
  20. Sicarius

    Sicarius Lieutenant

    May 30, 2022
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    you are welcome! sorry i write so much i even tried to trim it down...
    let me know if you have any questions a lot of this was going off of memory right after stopping cause i wanted to keep it fresh.

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