Feedback Required EXP 1.8 Questions: Base building Tutorial & Player level

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, May 25, 2022.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Just want to collect a little bit more data, so would be great if you can share your experience on the following questions with the current EXP1 and 2

    1. Did you get the offer to start building your own base?

    2. If so, at which point did that happen (in case you remember > which level, which situation, at night, noon or in the morning?)

    3. How "far" (in terms of playtime, location etc) did you get "away" from the crashsite until you reached player level 3 ?

    Thx for sharing your experiences! :)
    Germanicus likes this.
  2. Foofaspoon

    Foofaspoon Commander

    Oct 28, 2019
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    1. Yes, done 2 starts got both timed

    2. Both times on the first day during the day. Can't remember exactly what I did to trigger it though!

    3. I did akua and swamp starter, so there 2as no pressing need to move so did my usual bouncing around collecting resources, so both timed level 3 was quite quick in the starter area
  3. BushiNeko

    BushiNeko Lieutenant

    May 20, 2022
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    I had selected VETERAN so I on finding Opportunity recieved NO NOTICE or Ida information on base construction.
    I have travelled around and gotten 0 offers of that either.
    I ' assumed ' it was due to not being in beginner / tutorial mode?

    I also had no pop up on HOVERCRAFT appear. I have not entered the vehicle by Opportunity yet however. Just dug around in the cargo box and never gave entering it or anything a thought.

    I made it to the hillside overlooking Opportunity where I found a large depression with surface stone, copper, silicone and I believe 'shrooms and fire moss? When I reached LEVEL 3. So still having to cross the sand area, but able to craft more to live on arrival.
    MEDIUM Settings no change to defaults.
  4. thatpixguy

    thatpixguy Ensign

    Dec 22, 2021
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    I didn't see many replies to this one so I decided to do it while waiting on EXP3.
    1. Yes

    2. Just before nightfall, is was the "while you could sleep in your tent..." one.
    I'd visited the Scientist Camp and had just popped my Survival Constructor down next to the hoverbike. This was after about 12minutes of game-time (I took a video).

    3. Is level 3 when you get the building tutorial? I forgot to check my level too often. Is there anywhere else to see the player level besides the Tech Tree screen?

    Some things.

    While paying slightly more attention to the tutorial text than normal I noticed that the Tech Tree has a hotkey (F3). Good to know. Do you know where I have looked for that hotkey before? In the tooltip that appears every time I use my mouse to click the Tech Tree icon in the top bar. That would be a great place to put the hotkey in brackets. Show them the quick way, while they are doing it the slow way, and it will eventually sink in. I'm rarely going to remember the hotkey as I'm being explained how to use something unless it's the *only* way to do it.

    This text scaling on this pop-up is a joke right?


    I'm not a fan of the "Let's Go!" text on some of the tutorial buttons. It implies we are about to do some kind of interactive tutorial activity, whereas in reality it's the "Yes thankyou now let me get back to what I was doing" button.

    I came across some "Aggressive Dinosaurs" and "Alien Spiders" that were all stuck in place. The dinosaurs kind of swivelled in place but didn't seem to respond to my presence, or react as I painfully executed them with the Survival Tool.

  5. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    1. Yes, the game did offer this.

    2. I was prompted at dusk, or close to it. I was outside near the Akua Science Camp at the time.

    3. I think I hit level 3 while I was still in the crater near the crash site because I was being greedy and harvesting all I could see there.
  6. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    I got the tutorial offer, and it guided me towards making a base prefab. It was pretty simple and easy to understand. I don't think there's anything else to cover about base building that a player probably won't prefer to discover on their own.

    My only qualm is the lack of a multitool. You can't really experiment with block placement when you can't retrieve blocks. The most direct solution would be to acquire some promethium from a rock or golem and make a multitool and charges in your portable constructor. This is what players with a little experience will probably do, and there's already plenty of information on multitools and promethium in their path. New players learning from the tutorial might need a little help connecting these existing dots, though.
    Hummel-o-War likes this.

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