Feedback Required EXP v1.9 - Character Controller

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Nov 23, 2022.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Character Controller & Model
    - The way how gravity affects the player has been changed to make it feel snappier
    - The player now jumps slightly higher when the jetpack is activated
    - Now only possible to sprint in forward directions
    - Added new models for player suits: Interior suit, Light, Medium, Heavy & Heavy Epic
    - New jetpack model for the following suits Medium, Heavy & Heavy Epic
  2. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Any plans the color of the armor suits be as indicator on what type of boosters are installed? Or any plans for some kind of visual indicator regarding this?
  3. Abe G

    Abe G Ensign

    Sep 22, 2022
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    If a player is holding the sprint key, will sideways and backward movement be at normal walking speed?
  4. Jawatraders

    Jawatraders Lieutenant

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Are there any plans to overhaul some of the animations? Some of them still feel pretty stiff. Also, while the movement doesn't feel as 'floaty' as it did before, it feels pretty similar. Are we going to be seeing more additions as the experimental updates continue?
  5. Murthy Bhavaraju

    Murthy Bhavaraju Ensign

    Aug 22, 2019
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    free fall animation , where ?
    Myrmidon likes this.
  6. Bloodthorn

    Bloodthorn Ensign

    Nov 24, 2022
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    - Female body types skinny, hero, and diverse hip bones are too close to center body, and need moved outwards on their rigging.
    - Heads of both male and female bodies need reduced in size by roughly 10%. (Right now they almost have a bobble head looking vibe to them on certain body types.)
    - Male bodies of all types have grandpa tits. Thighs of all body types and genders are too thin. (Add more volume to the upper peck through simple adjustments of mesh. Same deal for the legs.)
    - Male/female bodies of all types have too much gut protrusion. Make them loose a little weight unless curvy in the stomach region.
    - Animation transitions of 3rd person view running and walking are not correctly auto-smoothed, and are now jittery and snappy.
    - 3rd person view side strafing has the character leaning in the wrong direction when strafing left, and the weapon too far forwards in all animations except idle.
  7. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Right now my biggest issue is how the leading shoulder looks when you have a weapon equipped. The shoulder pads seem consistently placed on the rear shoulder. But it looks like the left elbow is rotated far too inward to comfortably hold a weapon, especially with bulky armor (though this is the skinsuit):

    The result is that the leading shoulder gets pinched and stretched quite a bit, resulting in very odd shaping.

    With the heavy armor you get a reasonable looking rear shoulder that looks like it's rotating underneath a padded joint, with an armor plate on the bicep:

    But on the other side it looks like that padded joint is stretched, and the bicep pad distorted:

    It might be that moving the elbow out a little fixes the pinch distortion, raises the leading shoulder a bit to fix the stretching, and makes the weapon hold appear a bit more natural. Of course, I am not a character artist so I may be missing something as to why the left arm is positioned as it is in the first place.


    On another note, the minigun still has way too much "Say hello to my little friend!" positioning. The character's right hand is shoved into his hip. This was present in 1.8 also.
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. Bloodthorn

    Bloodthorn Ensign

    Nov 24, 2022
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    The distortion effects you are seeing are from the characters rigging bones being rotated incorrectly. Specifically, the upper arm bones. The upper arm bones need rotated counter-clockwise in the animation keyframes where the clipping/pinching is very bad. I'm guessing they are using a pretty standard rig, and if so, it can be super easy to fix. they just need to move the "pole" bones in the animations keyframes.

    Here is an example from one of my 3D models I had made for a indie game I had been working on:
    Germanicus likes this.

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