Feedback Required EXP v1.9 - New Game Start: ASHON

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Nov 23, 2022.

  1. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Why is there fire rain on the moon?

    On the lava planet I can understand but the moon as well is just too much. I think it is being over used.

    Personally whever I see fire rain I leave the planet because it blocks all play and goes on too long and is not cleared properly using tent or bed. Tried it today and it was switched for meteors instead.

    IMHO fire rain is interesting occasionally in the right location too many times and on every planet feels like harassment.
    Hummel-o-War likes this.
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Please add all the non-Gamestart related feedback to the other threads plz (Weapon, movement, visuals > this is something for the tech devs, not for me as content dev ;) THX!)

    @Freezing: It is possible to go to even the distant container without dying on HARD mode. You already found half the trick. You can also build a MT + Charges for the materials you find in the nearest container.

    Apart from that: do you remember which container gave you the MT ?
  3. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Yes the MT was in the Scout attached cargo storage container which you can add to the small constructor. I was finding that it sometimes spawned in there on inspecting the container for the first time, via the small constructor storage picker.

    Hope that helps.
  4. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Also the meteors event go on way too long.

    Needs to be about a minute, long enough to matter if you are caught in the open not so long that its an embuggerance if you are in a vehicle or shed. Currently I dont know how long it is but its just way too long. Just sitting around for a day waiting for it to go is boring, another event which means leave the planet now if you value your sanity.
  5. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    The fire rain + meteor pattern is too frequent even on the lava planet. Every time I get back from space there is one of these followed by the other and I commute a lot.

    The repetitious pattern of fire storm and meteors following each other may seem logical but its just going on too long and it means you have to sleep twice in a row every time (if there is no N'Ty nearby blocking the use of tent).

    I like the difference in gameplay on the moon compared to the lava planet though, with the drones and infected chasing you and those nasty little defence installations its sometimes a relief to get back to the inferno!
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2022
  6. michael.mccawley

    michael.mccawley Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2017
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    I didn't do it that way.

    Medium difficulty, +CPU +MV

    I jetpacked over to the trading station.
    Vendors and shopping
    Station Manager
    Crap one-engine SV.
    Went to the moon.
    Crash land. Dig a hole! Hide!
    Mine the rockpiles.
    Make a decent SV
    Fly back and forth to trade station frequently for food, ammo, O2

    I Loved It! I laughed, I cried, I got pissed off, but had tons of fun.

    ************ F E E D B A C K ****************

    1) some source of plant fiber on either planet would be good to move things along. BORING waiting for crops to grow so you can shoot things.

    2) very slow progression.

    3) the cash haul from the armored golums is excessive.

    4) Ellyion system is too far away. Should be reachable in a single warp.

    5) I like the new material ratios for iron, copper, silicon ore (1:2) to ingots. Same overall in the grand scheme, but in your first hour it makes a difference for survival.

    6) When I got to Omicron, I was level 21 and all the default story missions are low-level rewards - even MORE unbalanced than the "four moons around Crown" starts.

    7) the epic mining laser seemed like a game-breaker - consider taking the GIN kiosk out of the trading station.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2022
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    FYI there are places on the moon to find fibre.

    I played a different route which was to drop onto Ashon itself because the high impact temps setting makes it very hard to do anything else without foreknowledge of the scenario set up.

    I delayed departure to get fibre from the Scout garden after disabling gravity, lights etc to extend the power life of the Scout. That was vital to make ammo. I collected salvaged carbon and made 5 more oxygen gens before the drop which I swiftly expanded to fifteen on landing as I also had a constructor and a thermal device and production time for oxy was about 8 mins.

    I took several goes at landing as I messed up. In the timeline where I succeeded the avatar did not die but did break a leg. First attempt dropped the boy into a lava sea, not so good. I had forgotten to make the survival tool the second time and was set upon by N'Tys. As I backed away from them I gathered more and more followers and the regular ammo was going down the plug hole as sniper and pulse rifle did very little to them so I rewound and tried again with a survival tool ready made and that worked. Found an eyrie on a high point and established a base near to a small group of food plants. Battled my way to better supplies by removing the N'Tys one by one with the survival tool.

    I had fifteen oxy gens and the power requirement for those is significant, though the double cell transfer bug/exploit is still in operation and I could not be bothered to not use it so I did. But if you were not cheating I think the power requirement for producing oxygen on Ashon would justify the N'Ty drops which is the point of writing this description.

    Thereafter it was a very hard struggle to get a viable SV by mining/refining rock and iron veins, which I liked. That reached the station OK and I dismantled the suspicious escape craft and traded and manufactured my way to better wealth which helped buy components which enabled improvements to the SV. Then I found a drill by exploring Ashon POIs.

    The station food supply was a bit lean so I built a farm and planted it with sprouts bought from the station and those I had recovered from scout. Now I have the key technology of burgers and the world is my lobster!
  8. michael.mccawley

    michael.mccawley Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2017
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    I'm from New England so of course I respect your choice of lobsters over oysters.

    I'm a gonna try it again by dropping onto Ashon first. I didn't think the 10R radiation or high temps were survivable with just medium armor. Must be a way though. I'll try.
  9. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    A fine dish, the lobster thing comes from a comedy malapropism which was briefly a meme in eighties UK, used by Smith and Jones and also Minder. Giving away my age (and location)!

    There is a way (assuming the start is the same in that regard not RND) but I won't spoil it for you.
  10. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Ah, yes. This one is the only RNG container as I cannot preplace items in player-core structures. But still you can build a MT from the resources floating around.
  11. michael.mccawley

    michael.mccawley Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2017
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    I didn't get a MT with starting gear, but you're instantly level 4, and salvaging a few greebles on the hull gives you the mats to make one, and 10 pro pellets in a floating container gives you the charges.
    Hummel-o-War likes this.
  12. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Restarting for 1.9 Exp II.

    Interested to test the change in weather timings on Ashon.

    First impressions : I notice the space suit now drifts a lot. it does feel more spacey but IMHO this is a real nuisance when trying to target items for salvage. For example I just targeted the food processor to switch it off, which I did and then drifted past it, while trying to use the interface, I was setting the container to fridge, but as I clicked on the fridge in the DDL with RMB the interface dropped and I was past the processor and facing the real fridge with a MT in salvage mode and because the click was not on the interface I tried to salvage the fridge instead! Which at this stage was mission critical so I had to sacrifice a further 4 repair points to repair the fridge because the suit drifts away from the interface range.

    Trying to target stuff in drifting flight is a PITA TBH.

    Would suggest that if adding suit drift, it now needs a hotkey mode as with space ships, we need to be able to toggle auto-stabilise behaviour when J is on in zero g. In addition I dont think the interface should drop due to range if you can access the same interface through the P menu anywhere in LOS to the structure.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2022
  13. michael.mccawley

    michael.mccawley Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2017
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    Oh, THAT's what's happening.

    Mining resources underwater is almost impossible because of the suit drift "standing" on the bottom of a lake with a tool.

    This feels like a bug, and not a "new, get used to it" thing.
  14. michael.mccawley

    michael.mccawley Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2017
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    ps, yes @boolybooly I found the fibre. Not a lot, but you were right.
    boolybooly likes this.
  15. michael.mccawley

    michael.mccawley Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2017
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    I'm going to go back and edit my earlier post - too many spoilers
  16. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    I like/need the speed of the new spacesuit flight model using high impact settings, its scarey fun but the drifting is a complete PITA when trying to target cargo boxes or get inside doorways. You lose all the time you save in travel, overshooting, overadjusting and drifting away from the objective time and time again. IMHO needs both that and a damping mode or you could try reducing the acceleration, as from one key tap the avatar is careening around like a jet ball in a squash court, one needs to have a modicum of control.

    I will try to get used to it for now, have engineered an octagonal catcher's mitt around the doorway but I cant do that for the cargos. (EDIT 1 hr later sorry but its unplayable like this).

    On that subject the fact that an automatic doorway will not allow the avatar to pass through if the avatar orientation is 9o° out is an obstruction which I dont feel is entirely necessary ... also makes me want to scream when my avatar is freezing because he cant duck! (& I tried crouch and all that seems to do is make the avatar go downwards which doesnt help get through the door.)
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2022
  17. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    OK , it does not play well like this.

    To be more specific there is something wrong with the flight model for the suit, which does not add vectors the same way as the ship flight model.

    If you burn for an objective with a SV with 6 vectors of thrust, the lateral vectors automatically cancel out and you move more and more accurately towards the target. This does not seem to happen with the suit, which continues to drift sideways or up and down even when burning at max velocity at a particular target, requiring a correction and any correction no matter how slight is an over-correction.

    If you steer to add vectors it does work better but this is not in keeping with the SV flight model so it is confusing.
  18. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    The suit just has weak braking thrust now. Thrust retrograde to stop faster. I wonder if suit thrust don't just need to be this weak overall to make it feel better. It would almost be easier if we could disable autobrake when jetpacking.

    Maybe in the future, we could use the sprint key and jetpack energy to really scoot in EVA, including faster stopping.
  19. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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  20. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Roger dodger.


    The relevance to the Ashon scenario is that once I got the hang of vectored correction and collision based braking! the faster suit travel speed made it possible to reach the SV wreck on high impact temps/rad and return without dying using the CV thruster as a p/reheater.

    That made it possible to rig up a chariot with a cockpit, generator and fuel tank, fuel it and scarper and wait for it to warm up, using one of the hot drinks, there was even enough to make RCS and SV detector, to add on the next outing, by which time the SV cockpit kept my avatar from freezing.

    So it worked pretty well in that regard and got me to the station where it was possible to trade and manufacture to make a new SV from the scrap pile I arrived in, which is a very different way to play compared to free fall onto Ashon... lap'o'luxury them stations, we 'ad it 'ard on Ashon.

    Both routes are more doable on high impact now but they both require prior knowledge to have a realistic chance of getting through unscathed, the SV route moreso than Ashon.

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