Experience Points, Player Level Progression and Tech Trees

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. Baba

    Baba Ensign

    Sep 19, 2015
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    10 secunden !!!!

    ich sterbe .... komm neu in der umgebung und laufe zu dem ort und dazu brauch ich 2 bis 10 secunden

    ich starb mehrere male vor meinem raumschiff daher finde ich den platz auch so schnell

    dieses problem habe ich erst seit dem neuen update

    habe extra schon 5 mal neu angefangen und es hat nichts gebracht auch mit neuem seed nichts
    freunde von mir haben das gleiche problem
  2. WorldRehab

    WorldRehab Ensign

    Nov 1, 2015
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    it appears vessel weapons are inconsistent. seems odd you can craft a cannon turret for your base at lev 3 but you cannot make any weapons for your HV until lvl 7 and your first HV turret is at lvl 10. your toon has the skills for turret construction they learned in construction of the BA turret, it should be accessible in the first tier of HV construction.

    IMHO a fixed gun on an HV is near useless as you don't have enough xyz control on a "fixed" platform. i would think however a Gatling turret would be reasonable.

    additionally, i believe you should have the option to be able to control your turret from inside the vehicle (this is a programming thing so i don't know the complexity of the mechanics). you have the ability to "look around" i would think the same key mapping could offer the control of the weapon.
  3. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    There is an "Access" button inside the P screen that I really hope will allow us to do that someday.
  4. Nick

    Nick Commander

    Dec 20, 2014
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    Why are you asking that? I couldn't have been clearer.

    Otterbear likes this.
  5. vsyeung

    vsyeung Lieutenant

    Sep 25, 2015
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    off topic idea - can we have a HV tech that allows for ramming?
  6. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    You're right. I don't see how I could've missed that.

    I'm curious how you see a tech tree being implemented as an optional part of the game though. It's going to mean that people with tech trees and people without tech trees can't play on the same server; unless you intentionally want players to have a (dis)advantage.

    Also, I'd still like to ask you a similiar question like before. What would have to change in the tech tree for you to like it/bear with it? I can understand if your answer remains unchanged but I find it highly unlikely they're going to remove the tech tree or add a toggle on/off button for it.
  7. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    There are a lot of games(MOST MP games), that have different options, and therefore different configurations for MP. "Capture the flag mode, Annihilation mode, Friendly Fire ON/OFF, Large map/Small map. Adding "Tech-Tree ON/OFF" doesn't seem that far-fetched. IMHO.
  8. Nick

    Nick Commander

    Dec 20, 2014
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    You're stating the obvious. The exact same applies the moment anyone configures the settings or decides to enable a particular mod for a server.

    Everyone who wants to play that way does together on certain servers. Others play differently on other servers. There's no disadvantage. Just difference.

    Again, I addressed this pretty clearly.

    And you're wrong. If the game implements modding - seems likely - one of the first and more popular mods will be one which disables the tech tree. Wouldn't be hard either. Just spawn new players at max level with everything unlocked and remove the button which opens that screen. Just about anyone should be able to do that. Even if they don't support modding it'd probably be relatively easy to hack that.

    And yes I've tried playing Empyrion with this. It's pretty bad. I feel like naming myself Agent Orange. I denude the landscape of everything not because it makes sense to but because that's what awards xp for the pointless grind. Or I go out at night to be attacked by ferocious beasties... again not because it makes sense to or I want to but because that awards xp for the pointless grind. And I have a farm the size of Texas not because I need it but because it awards lots of xp for the pointless grind.

    Underneath it there's still a good game but this feature definitely won't be value-adding for everyone. To repeat myself, level systems like this fundamentally undermine one of the key strengths of the survival/building sandbox which is progression and achievement being entirely part of the main game - primarily things you build which naturally become bigger and more impressive over time - rather than an abstraction like a "level" or "experience points" on a character sheet and the associated grind.
    Otterbear likes this.
  9. R-TEAM

    R-TEAM Lieutenant

    Sep 8, 2015
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    +1 simply ...

    I and an friend (cle) have starting play Empyrion back in version 2.7 .. it was a nice game ... very heavy immersion ...
    a couple of things was buggy .. but with other little bugs or unbalanced things you count the bad bugs - so at the end IT WAS FUN !
    With the update that add drones to attack the base, many user have whining "it is to hard .." "i have lost my base .." .. and so one ..
    On the game with my friends we haved an hard time too ... but this is the part of an survival game .. its not like MarioBro ..

    But ...
    The update with the TechTree change EVERYTHING .....
    I now dont get any immersion from the tech tree ... feels like an other game ...
    It looks it was copied from "Ark Survival" ...
    In "Ark" it makes with "MANY" phantasy and ignoring many aspects, a little sense ...
    The char was exposed on an dangerous island with nothing .. in the arm is anything implemented (like an crystal) who control his brain and give him at reaching a new level old memorys back (why should one not know to craft an speer....) and give him new with new recipes .. all is controled from an mysteryous "big brother" who see the char only as an experiment ....

    But in Emp. ... the char chrashed with an landing pod on the surface of the planet .. he have an very complex suite on body .. he can use modern weapons .... to limit his brain make ZERO sense in this story ....
    It is not the current level system, unlocking new tech by xp who the char gets by doing anything, need tweaking - it needs removing !

    I have read many good ideas for an immersive tech upgrading system ...
    And i would be happy if the char get xp for things HE DO to make THIS things better (mining/shoting/driving/building..)

    But ATM it looks the current level system will stay ....
    So i and my frinds have stopped playing Emp. .... to few fun ... and all friends we know, who was very excited over Emp. in the past and was willing to buy the game, or waiting only to 0.4 to araive, to play full MP .. all were informed -> Dont Buy it !
    If the game is going this way as an "clone" of "Ark" ... better play "Ark" .... (i dislike "Ark" btw ..)

    Nothing more to say ...

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
    Nick and cle like this.
  10. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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  11. Nick

    Nick Commander

    Dec 20, 2014
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    The sad thing is they already have the answer in the game. It's resource bound.

    Some advanced weapons and machinery already requires components which are more difficult to acquire. You need to go to another planet to mine or scavenge them in a dangerous location or loot them from mobs. And there's a range of things you need to do - arm up, build an SV etc. - to reach them. No "experience points" required.
  12. cle

    cle Lieutenant

    Sep 8, 2015
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    @R-TEAM >>> +1 ... yeah dito....

    why i must gain XP's from plants to unlock some tech-tree items like "weapons&more"....it's not logical....and useless.....
    this game was so genious and ended in an casual game (at the point you added the tech-tree)....for "survival" too easy/unlogical....

    i still have great hopes in this game, but please >>> when SOME players are find it too hard....don't make it too easy/casual.....this awesome idea/game deserves more than that ^^ .... when some players find it too hard, then they should play more SNES & Co .....



    EDITED >>>>>>>>>>

    ...i was so happy to find a real challanging game like this (REAL survival).... but sorrowly i'm seeing that it's going from patch to patch more casual/easier/B.O.R.I.N.G. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    PS >>>> "wink mit dem zaunpfahl" <<<<

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
  13. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Very good point. I've tried to get that point across many times. Adding this secondary layer of difficulty is just superfluous and aggravating. Hopefully they are still taking these suggestions under advisement.
  14. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Which resource prevents you from building a tier 2 sniper rifle?

    I think as it currently exists it is pointless but they called it a placeholder. How about we find out where it's actually going before deciding a tech tree cannot possibly work.
  15. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    You need resources,(ore, parts, functional base, constructor built, Power,...ect) to build a sniper rifle of ANY tier. These are the restrictions already inherent in the game...We don't need to be smacked in the shins with a bat to make it more challenging.

    I was convinced to purchase this game with the understanding the Developers wanted our feed-back. That is what I intend to give them.

    The question about the "tech-tree" was THREE questions in one, with a YES or NO answer.


    I was forced to vote for a tech-tree in order to vote for the things I did want. (Experience gain, and Advancement of Character.)

    Advancement of Character ability or enhancement of tools and/or equipment was not even an option.
  16. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I disagree with the assessment of being smacked in the shins. Again, the current setup is the first draft and subject to much change.

    I think you guys are basing your criticisms on the belief that the current set of items is all that will ever exist in the game.

    If they add more content and have, for example, 4 tiers of lasers, what would prevent someone from getting the tier 4 resource before acquiring tiers 2 and 3? Or would even have people advancing naturally through those instead of in random order? Are you going to make planets you can only reach with a tier 3 Capital Ship? (And why would that relate to being able to build tier 3 lasers anyway?) Can you come up with something that's playable and isn't just as "artificial" as having to discover new technologies?

    Also, if they add for example 10 tiers each for guns, lasers, turrets, thrusters, constructors, armor, drills, blocks, yadda yadda yadda, is your solution going to be to add 2000 different minerals to the game? How would you propose dealing with that amount of variety?

    Or do you also object to increased variety in future versions?
  17. R-TEAM

    R-TEAM Lieutenant

    Sep 8, 2015
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    This is the problem ... even with many many changes .. it will still an system, where the char make anything action to get xp points, where is not related to the thing it unlocks ... no sense in an sandbox game.

    I hope not so .... and i have never think this ...

    Discover new tech is the "normal" order to get new tech ... discover by exploration or research ... not get new tech by grabbing plants .....

    Do negate the silly statement i have read, gain xp by doing things and unlock new tech with the xp is a old way in pc games ....
    This is ONLY true for RPG in the sense of "old way" ... i play (for me still the best) NWN 1 as RPG .. here you get (as in nearly all RPGs) xp by killing monsters,finish quests or complete puzzles ... this is an abstraktion, as the player in an real fantasy world would not only doing kill monsters and fight, he will doing relax things, training his skills, talk to frinds in an inn, eat and sleep.... the harder the enemys/traps/puzzle/Quests the more xp he gets and can with this improve his skills or get new.

    In Emp. we dont need such an level of abstraction ... i do anything as in real life (except sleep .. but i have no problem if the char. need sleep too ..)
    To get back on the "tier 4 laser" story .. first .. why i need 4 tiers of laser ....??
    I know (but realy dont play) games where the player have 100+ weapons to select .. but it is improve the game .... NO.
    The players use only 5-8 max .... so have 4tier shotguns, 4tiers pistoles, 4tiers plasma ... and so one IS SILLY .. make no sense in gameplay.
    And the freedom to work to the point, to get an t4 thing before an t3 thing is an fundamental aspect of an SANDBOX game .. non linear gameplay .. you know this ??

    Sorry to say this .. but next time better "try" to write MORE logical .....
    First i have already explained why having many tiers of every single weapon is not an idea for an good game ...
    Second, if this would be implemented, why i need for building an t5 laser an different thing as to build an t5 plasma ??
    It is possible to combine different minerals or other elemets (you know ? - it is more on earth as only ores ....) as required sources to build an thing ... so to get your enormous unlogical amount of 10tiers for every thing unlocked by elemts in an half sensefull way, 30-50 elements should be enough ...
    And as third .. first you say anything from 10tiers to everything, that would expecting for way over 2000 different buildable things .. and then you wrote , managing 2000 minerals is a to big variety .. i think you sense now self the "big logic" over this ....

  18. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I have explicitly said on multiple occasions that the current method of gaining XP and applying it to tech gains is stupid. I agree with you on that aspect.

    As for multiple tiers of weapons, if you don't understand how adding a lot of variety in difficulty (some planets that require a lot more armor/weaponry to survive) and the tools to deal with various scenarios, then that's your shortcoming, not mine. But I don't think there is much replayability in an entire galaxy where all the planets are so similar you need only one weapon/technology to defeat them all. Where is the "big logic" in creating 100 million planets that are all the same?

    As for other technologies, such as drills, constructors, thrusters, there would be plenty of reason to have many tiers. You can increase specs on these in several dimensions, and this provides motivation to work your way up to higher tiers to be able to do things more efficiently. You can still set your own goals of what equipment advancement is important to you. But if you start out with the most efficient equipment then there is nothing to work toward in the game.

    But hey it's a sandbox game. If you want to build ships with low-tech and spend tons of fuels to move slowly, take forever to mine resources, and get killed whenever you encounter anything beyond the most primitive enemies, you are more than welcome to play the way you want. Nobody will be forcing you to max out your technologies.
  19. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Personally I'm not a fan of tiered anything. Most items can be broken down into sub components. These Sub components can be enhanced via upgrades, or boosts.

    Weapons Examples
    • Top Mount Mods
      • Night Sight Scopes,
      • Thermal Scope , Shows Organic Heat Sources, Armor unit nearly invisible
      • X-Ray Sight, No Zoom, See thru armor
      • Laser Sight, Shows point of impact
      • Tactical Tantalizer, Shows Critical Target Lotions
    • Improved Ammo
      • Lite Round(smaller bullet, More powder), Longer range / Less damage
      • Heavy Round(Larger Bullet, Less powder), More Damage / Less range
      • Armor Piercing, effective against armor/ less effective against organics
      • Hollow Point more effective agains organics / less effective against armor
      • Explosive Rounds ,Increased Splash damage
      • Incendiary , Light targets on fire
    • Barrel Mods
      • Coolers, used to increase rate of fire
      • Recoil Suppression
      • Silencer
      • Flash Suppressor
      • Extended Barrel
      • Kinetic Accelerator, Increase speed of bullets
      • Bayonet, Melee attack
    • Under Barrel Mods
      • 40 mm on shot Grenade Launcher
      • Laser Sight
      • Gyro Stabilizer, increase accuracy of burst fire
    Thruster Example
    • Armor Mods
      • Reinforced, Increase penetration Defense, Increase Mass
      • Heavy, Increase Armor Value, Increase Mass
      • Striped, Decrease Mass, Decrease Armor
    • Engine Mod
      • Turbo Charged, Increase Speed, Increase Fuel Consumption
      • Tuned Decrease Fuel consumption, Reduce Speed
    • Thruster Mod
      • Over Sized, Increase Max Thrust, Increase Fuel Consumption
      • Directional Control, Increase RCS, Decrease Armor

    Both of these only use one base block/weapon.
    A Tech Tree would unlock new modules to add
    This would reduce the need for multi tiered weapons
    This would add new augment block to be attached to other blocks
    This would add the ability to customize personal weapons
    This would allow for a better conceptual use of a tech tree
    This would prevent the locking of base building blocks
    This would allow for better tweaking on vehicle / bases
    In multiplayer Two ships may look similar but could be totally different making combat more interesting.
  20. R-TEAM

    R-TEAM Lieutenant

    Sep 8, 2015
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    I dont know how it is hard to understand that have 40+ different weapons make no sense ...
    A laser riffle with 150mRang and 80Dmg and one with 300m/150dmg would be enoug ... why i need 5 iterations between them ??
    Having a big vriety of weapons who act over an range nearly the same and only diff in gfx make the game not better ..
    And sorry to correct you - but please quote my post where i have said i force only "one weapon/technology" ....
    i have said your argument with have for every weapon/tool/block 10 tiers is nonsensefull and dont get anything to the game ...
    It make sense to differ as example Laser riffle to max 3 Tier where t2 and t 3 need rare elements or/and an bluebrint you first need to research and after t3 you can research/found blueprint an heavy laser or explore an new element for an heavy laser .. absolutly ZERO need for an "Tech Tree" ..

    Here it is the same - i have never said i am satisfyed with only an low tier drill or constructor.
    i can imagine an drill where is upgradeable to T3 or 4 with diff elements and maybe the lower tier drill as resource and then you can switch over research or capture blueprint or getting an better constructor of any of the ways (capture/explore/research) to an heavy drill or mining machine in larger scale ... again no need for an tech tree ...

    The actual (and even in any way balanced) tech tree system make the game to an linear gemaplay.
    Making stupid non relevant things to unlock t1 .. then t2 .. then t3 .. and so one ...

    But the disscus is anyway no more relevant for me .. have just bought SE .... (and will this say to all my friends too ... get SE .. Emp is sinking..)
    Not so "smooth" as Emp .... not so optimized .. but no tech tree .... and finaly planets where no restricted zones ...


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