Filed / Tracking Falling out of CV upon game load [7777]

Discussion in 'Tracking / Filed' started by Scoob, Jan 18, 2021.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    When I load this Reforged Eden Scenario game, I'm instantly falling out of my CV.

    From what I can tell, my position as a Player isn't quite where it was when I saved. My CV's cockpit area is only three blocks wide and I regularly save while standing next to the Pilot's seat which is in the centre. So, I saved while standing to left of the seat - the left-most block of the three block wide area - yet upon loading I'm moved one block further to the left so I'm standing in the air and drop.

    I just loaded the attached save - create a save backup at the end of each game session - so this save is a copy of my live game state upon exiting the game, yet my position is wrong.

    Note: I've had this in other places too, for example I've loaded in stuck in a wall - which I can then usually just clip back through due to being inside a block - but actually falling outside of a CV you saved while standing in can be a problem, especially if the external environment is hostile.

    I hope my save - which uses the Reforged Eden Workshop Scenario remember - allows you to replicate the issue I am seeing.

  2. Kcuf_am

    Kcuf_am Ensign

    Jan 19, 2021
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    i have noticed it as well not to the same extent but it does seem the position is slightly altered from where i had logged out for the day
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I think in my case I just inadvertently set up the perfect conditions for it to occur, namely my particular design of CV cockpit, where I stood within that cockpit and my preference to end my session returning to said position. My CV is now my mobile base as I travel around the galaxy, so it's where I always return to when I'm about to exit the game. Well, obviously I'm avoiding doing that now I can re-create the issue so readily.

    Note: I always assumed it was ME moving upon reload, though last night I'd moved a few KM away from my CV and, as I returned, I was surprised to see my CV moving by its self. It seemed to be hovering just above the ground and moving sideways while turning slightly. It ended up getting snagged on a tree - the area I parked it was clear of obstructions - though it had moved some distance. Thrusters were OFF. Most odd. Anyway, this made me wonder whether it was always me moving, or if my CV had moved slightly.

  4. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I have sometimes found that if I exit the game while standing on my CV (or in somewhere inside - ie not sat in console etc), or I am standing on the ground such that I touching it, then on load, the CV seems to get nudged by my avatar and nudge in such a way as to suggest my avatar has a mass of several million kt :)

    I can create the same effect sometimes by god mode teleporting to a CV as I may be encrouaching on its space slightly as it loads in which can badly mess up the CV and anything else that was resting on it (HVs SV etc).
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Just noticed two of the docked vessels - one HV, one SV - had sunk into the deck on my CV. I had to get in them, power them up, and deal iwth clipping issue throwing me around before I freed them and docked them once more. They were docked just fine and had been for a while, but had moved down about a metre, so were clipping about half-way into the deck blocks. Again, perhaps this is linked in some way?

  6. Purple Impala

    Purple Impala Ensign

    Oct 7, 2016
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    I am not convinced this is a 1.4 issue. I have experienced falling out of the CV cockpit on load recently in 1.3 (also in Reforged Eden). This happened several times.
  7. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I have similar experience when powering down my CV while out of the cockpit. It's not always reproducible but I'll mention it anyway. It doesn't have anything to do with saving or reloading the game though (I almost always end a session while standing in a base).

    Here's a common routine:

    I land my CV at one of my bases.
    While still in the cockpit seat I turn off the thrusters, shield and guns (if they're on).
    I exit the cockpit (main power is still ON).
    I walk to an Armor locker and trade my EVA suit upgrade for an insulation one.
    I turn off oxygen.
    Finally I turn off the main power to the CV prior to exiting the ship.

    At the instant I move the slider to "off" my character (sometimes) "hops" or moves a bit and I fall through the 2nd deck level that I'd been standing on (where my armor locker, fridges, etc. are) to the engineering deck below, sometimes even taking a little bit of health damage. It doesn't happen all the time and it's hard to see how much my character moves because I have the power menu open which is taking up most of the screen (I don't like using the hotkey because I've inadvertently turned off my base or something else by accident depending on what my cursor is pointing at).

    I've also noticed the "hopping" effect when I power down a SV while standing inside it (not sitting in the cockpit). I've never fallen through the floor of a SV though (it's a single level cabin and the ground is less than a meter below).
  8. Darinth

    Darinth Commander

    Jan 11, 2021
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    I've also noticed the hopping effect both powering down a CV and SV, though I've never fallen through as a result.
  9. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Not 100% sure but I don't recall falling through the lowest deck of my CV onto the tarmac. I do the "hop" but stay on the deck.

    In other words, whatever the bug is it didn't cause me to exit the hull proper but it did allow me to clip through an upper deck fetching up onto a lower deck. Mind you, I haven't done rigorous testing. I did do a little bit of 2nd deck testing to see at what locations I'd fall through and I was able to make myself fall through at several locations. That was a few weeks ago, I haven't done any testing since but this "falling through an interior deck after powering down" thing has happened as recently as a day or two ago.

    I play vanilla SP, mass/vol ON, CPU off, structural integrity OFF.
    Darinth likes this.

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