Feedback: Attack and defense values

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Robot Shark, Oct 11, 2020.

  1. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I was updating a blueprint today when I noticed the blueprint now displays a attack and defense value.

    The numbers only update when you update the blueprint, old blueprints will have blank values until you update them.

    My thoughts on it, I like that those values are available now, I wonder how they are calculated.

    However, now I have to scroll down to see the CPU statistics. So it's a like/dislike relationship.
    I would love to see those numbers, but also see the CPU statistics W/O scrolling.


  2. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I guess the attack is fairly obvious - guns - lots of guns! :)

    As for defense - not sure at all given the relatively small defense difference between a single layer steel and a multi-layer combat steel vessel of mine (both have same shields, similar thrust vs mass).

    Agree though about CPU - I really dont give a damn about the number of lights, blocks and devices and triangles most of the time.

    CPU should be next to unlock level. We always label our ships as tier and level and these days when browsing blueprint - you absolutely want to know if its up to date with whatever random and bizarre cpu changes there was in a recent patch, so we need to see the efficiency.

    Another metric the should be there up top next to CPU is power efficiency - ie total possible power consumption vs total available power from generators give that that seems to be another thing that is subject to random and bizarre changes and is just as effective at screwing people over as messing with CPU for no good reason - actually it worse as the first you know of it is when the power spikes and everything blows up.

    Actually these last two should be part of prefabinfo scan warning - big red text text in the report - 'ha ha we fucked you over again - LOL!'

    And yet its light blocks and devices...

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