
Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Settle guys its just a game.

    SAP I guess you could try SE, about the only other game like this one with the detail.
    Good luck with that though cos its got even more bugs.

    Empyrion is taking on more complexities every week, things are going to get bugged and take time to sort.
    Its just life in Alpha.

    PvP is not for everyone, I like it in this game, is better than a lot of games.
    Jascha and rainyday like this.
  2. frank walls

    frank walls Commander

    Feb 15, 2017
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    Here's some feedback for the actual server!

    The Mercenary starting planet has no Neodymium in the system anywhere. Having some in orbit in an asteroid field or even a little on a moon would be good. Right now neither one of those exist and you can only get it from POI's.
    UbarTheGreat likes this.
  3. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thanks for your feedback! :)

    I got you covered ;) 2 Asteroids in the mercenary orbit which get reset every day.
    UbarTheGreat and frank walls like this.
  4. frank walls

    frank walls Commander

    Feb 15, 2017
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    Nice, and thanks! Have those always been there? I only flew out once and didn't see a moon or asteroid belt so I went back and didn't look again.
  5. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Yep, since the beginning. Asteroids are like POI. You need to discover them first.
    Little tip: X coordinate: -3718
    happy searching ;)
  6. frank walls

    frank walls Commander

    Feb 15, 2017
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    Oh! Okay, very cool. That's a good idea!
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Hi Rexxus,

    Couple of things Ive noticed, fortress on Pandora didn't reset, other POIs did though so Im not sure what happened there.

    Theres people unable to find warp crystals daily, Ive had to stick tons of it on the market in the 2 starter systems to keep people going, they seem to be lacking on the moon at Earth, and with so many people, new commers to the server the crystals on the planet don't last long.

    The lack of magnesium on some of the starter planets is also an issue and Ive had to put mag on the orbital trade station for players to just make simple gun ammo to survive, so the starters may need an edit to contain magnesium for the next update or wipe.

    Servers performance is great until the population hits 32ish then I start seeing bugs with players loosing ships vanishing and re-appearing etc, warp bugs and green barrier bugs. 37 is definitely the servers limit.

    Bar those few things the server is running great, has had no hard crashes while Ive been on, I myself have had bugger all bugs on this server, which I like a lot, my ping is around the 200 mark, so all in all its pretty good.
  8. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thank you very much piddle for the feedback.

    Yeah only the admin POI can at the moment profit from the regenerative POI feature of EAH. Our goal is to replace all POI to admin once to be able to do this and grant fun for everyone.

    Both crystals / pentaxit is available quite a lot. Also in form of asteroids. But same as above you need to discover them first.
    But yeah maybe we can increase it even more.

    I guess it is the same problem we faced on HWS and we will implement for the officials servers also: one way jumps. I see too many veterans coming back for auto miner and wasting performance for newcomers. I will announce it in a separate topic.

    Yeah so far so good. No 100% CPU usage all the time. One way jumps also help us in performance.
  9. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Euro server : Even when player amount is over saturated, still new players starting every day.
    Now i'm in a position where i just wanted to relog because of some floating plant texture graphics and in that 5 seconds i've lost my spot on the server. Not happy ...

    (btw, RUS faction is closing in on the max amount of players for the whole server, 28 last count ... i mean ... c'mon ...)
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2017
  10. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    So something that just became apparently flawed with PVP is the fact that turrets in player bases with offline protection enabled do not fire on hostiles within range when the player is logged off. I didn't think that would be much of a problem until I just logged in to see 3 bases with rows of flak and plasma turrets literally next to me. With no way for me to fight back against that I will now have to employ the same little trick that guy did and wait for him to log off and his turrets to go inactive so I can then surround his base with my own turret bases. I'm pretty sure this is not the way the devs have intended PVP to go in this game but I see no other option for fighting this with normal means.
    Zedd likes this.
  11. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    I dont think this is how you hold a gun either...

    Attached Files:

  12. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Also another exploitable PVP thing is using the free drone (F5) to waste turret ammo, as turrets will target and fire on the drone, you can freely send the drone in range of the enemy base over and over again until their turrets run out of ammo. This could be solved by giving the drone a timelimit after it is destroyed before a new one can be used.
  13. DryBones

    DryBones Ensign

    Jan 29, 2017
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    Well maybe one day you can get a descent pc
  14. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    So to point this out again. Yet again, I logged in to another base being built directly next to me with nothing but rows of turrets pointed at me. People are literally farming mat on PVE worlds then coming to a PVP planet, dropping a few blueprints and running away back to their safe PVE world when they lose. It is extremely unfair for us PVPers who actually try to dig in on a PVP planet when we log in to this crap everyday. Our turrets should still defend our location while the shield is active or people shouldnt be able to build bases within turret range of other bases. Kinda making me not want to play anymore if there is no way to get a fair fight without using cheap tactics like this.
  15. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    What would happen if "Offline Mode" had the benefit of unlimited ammo?
    Zedd likes this.
  16. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    That would be a terrible thing. There is quite a bit of PVP balancing that needs to be done which is why im voicing my concerns regarding the issues I am seeing. I like this game, the concept is amazing, I just want to make sure that if it includes a PVP mode that it will be fun and fair for us PVPers.
  17. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    unlimited ammo wouldn't mean invincible, it would just mean cheap proof. You don't beat POI's because they run out of ammo, you take out their defenses. Nothing changes... except the ghetto tactics are eliminated.
  18. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    But then you open up the option of litering the entire planet with small bases packed with turrets. You can place enough bases to cover most if not all the open area on any planet and if all those bases dont need ammo to run and have offline protection then no one would be able to get a foothold on your planet while you are offline. It would very much eliminate alot of options for taking over a planet as you would have to be online at the same time as the faction controlling it so you can engage the bases. If they go that far then they might as well add planetary shields for offline protection as well.
    Captain Jack II likes this.
  19. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    So why is owning a planet a bad thing? Having a foothold on a plant should be a thing. It doesn't eliminate the possibility of taking over a planet, it just eliminates exploits to take a POI, while the owner is offline. If you can take a POI without first cheesing it out of ammo, then it seems like a solid win to me. If not, then you don't deserve to own it,
  20. twchris13579

    twchris13579 Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Owning a planet isnt a bad thing, its the goal. The problem is for the people who want to try and take it. Im all about balance, remember I'm the one being camped in by people waiting till I log off to build bases with rows of turrets to destroy mine. I don't want it to be in favor of either side. Both defenders and attackers should have a balance. If the defenders could literally put dozens of invincible unlimited ammo bases all over the planet then it would be next to impossible to evict them, likewise, if the attackers can just build more turrets than the defenders while the defenders are offline it would be unfair to the defenders since they would have no chance to defend themselves upon logging in.

    There has to be a balance that cannot be exploited by 1 side logging off.
    Bigfeet likes this.

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