Food System

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    After doing a bit of farming, farming crops needs a bit of tuning.

    I'd assume that some crops can simply be planted outside on appropriate planets. Perhaps in the tooltip it says what kind of planets it could grow on.

    Either a plant needs to survive several harvests, or they drop more than 1 crop. Otherwise you need to re-use the single crop you got in order to make a new seedling to plant, which is pretty pointless.

    I'd be interested to see a potential 'ranching' system, where you can round up and reproduce the animals. But if farming is the self sustaining food source and hunting requires you to go out and...hunt, that works too.
  2. Devlah

    Devlah Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    The seeding process produces 2 seeds for every 1 harvest. You therefore have a net gain of 1. Would it be nicer if that number was higher? Certainly. But at the moment you are still making gains each time you go through the cycle.
  3. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    What would be nice is high-tier tech to grow meat in vats. MMmmm synthmeatm.
    Nymea and Devlah like this.
  4. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Ahh, I didn't notice that before, good point.
  5. harke

    harke Ensign

    Apr 20, 2015
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    I wonder at this point what kind of man we play, given to eat a dino (between 300 and 900kg of meat) and a whole kilo of vegetables to calm hunger
    Zedd and Herr Doktor like this.
  6. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    A man's man, with a man's metabolism. Ron Swanson...IN SPAAAAACE!
  7. Michael Robison

    Michael Robison Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Most (if not all) survival games I've played seem to feature protagonists that have metabolisms of hummingbirds, requiring them to feed and drink almost constantly.

    I'm not sure why that is.
  8. BlackStar7713

    BlackStar7713 Lieutenant

    Mar 6, 2015
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    Because time goes by much faster. A day on Omicron takes 24 hours. Could you imagine how slow that would be if it were RL hours? So of course you need to eat far more often. :D
  9. Devlah

    Devlah Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Because they're all modeled after me as a teenager.
    fractalman likes this.
  10. McMadCamel

    McMadCamel Ensign

    Jun 28, 2015
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    Food Meter:
    The rate of which food is "consumed" so to speak, needs to tone down abit, pretty much all survival games got that wrong in a sence.
    After eating 6 Hams i personally wouldent feel like ramming down another 6 10 minutes later.

    Food Stacking:
    This might not be a must have, if you guys can sort out a better flow in the inventory, moving evertyhing by hand is a pain in the a**, i know you can shift click to move into your own inventory and to the hotbar, also that you can loot all, i need something going the other way.
  11. Devlah

    Devlah Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    A sort button! My Starbase for a Sort button! However, I would appreciate it if more of the items could stack. I realize that food items each have their own perish attribute and that's why, but if they all have value that is within say..10 seconds of each other, then let them stack and perish (or not) together I say.

    To clarify: Let's say for example I have 10 Space Durians in my inventory. They all perish in about 29 (whatever this number represents. Minutes?) Since they all have the same perish value, they should stack!

    Now let's say I split that stack into two stacks of 5. Half of them go in the fridge, the other half in my Food processor. Eventually, those two stacks are going to have a differing perish value, and therefore could no longer be stacked together. Likewise for individual items.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015
  12. Fyreyes

    Fyreyes Ensign

    Mar 17, 2015
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    I absolutely love the perishing system for the food, that one feature right there makes it feel SOO much more real than ANY other survival game I have ever played (except Ark which has a similar system, but this one works better in my opinion). I however was under the impression that fridges completely stopped the perishing time, not delayed it, so I agree that either needs to change or even better, the idea someone had for some sort of advanced tier deep freezing fridge (maybe a liquid nitrogen fridge? then we could even mine that resource to keep the fridge going properly. However, it shouldnt use it up so fast that the person who missed a couple days on a dedicated server would lose all their food).

    Other than that and some slight balancing issues that someone has already mentioned, I think it's pretty much awesome as is! :D
    Nymea, Michael Robison and Devlah like this.
  13. Devlah

    Devlah Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    I would greatly appreciate it if when I hover my targeting reticule over a growing plant, that I get some sort of indicator as to how far along it is until harvest.
    Furthermore, it appears that there are a number of plants that cannot be raised by players. I am of two minds regarding this:
    On the one hand, it forces players to explore planets and such in order to obtain certain ingredients for various recipes.
    On the other hand, it isn't very realistic to say that I can't with my apparent technology level (Artifical gravity, jetpacks, space ships, etc) find a way to cultivate these particular plants.

    I don't mind exploring. But it does seem kinda irritating that I have to go out and find the right planet, then run around like mad just to find some Egg Plant.

    I was also disappointed to discover that time seems to cease in an instance when you leave it.
    Plants do not continue to grow on a CV or BA when you transition to Space or Planetside.
    At least not in single-player. I spent about an hour in orbit constructing a station only to return to find none of my plants had grown at all. Now I have to go out and murder some innocent dinosaurs to make salami sandwiches with. :(
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015
    Eviscerator and Fyreyes like this.
  14. MasterChief11715

    MasterChief11715 Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    For me food isnt effective enough, a dino steak should fill the bar at least halfways.
    Nymea and Eviscerator like this.
  15. Silent_Ninja

    Silent_Ninja Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    Yeah I agree. It needs to be oomphed a bit. Eating 5+ ham shanks just to get near full is a bit much.
    Eviscerator likes this.
  16. BlackStar7713

    BlackStar7713 Lieutenant

    Mar 6, 2015
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    From what I found during several hours of playing, a Fridge does indeed stop perishing time. I found a item early on, put it in a fridge and about 5 (RL) hours later it was still at 49 perish time (some kind of moss i think).
  17. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I'd like to add, considering there is bottled water, perhaps adding a thirst system to survival mode.
  18. Kaltonse

    Kaltonse Commander

    Mar 24, 2015
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    At this point I have spent 28 hours in-game and have made the following observations with regards to the food system:

    First and foremost I love the level of detail, seedlings require nutrients to be made and you've fortunately removed the need for 2 nutrient solution to make a plot. The food decay system is excellent, not too long and not too short. I have noted as previous posters that some foods need to be buffed to refill more of the food bar such as the dino steak, salami, ham, etc. but they should not be buffed to the point that growing vegetables is insignificant. I would like to suggest that tomatoes and pumpkins be allowed to regrow their fruit while maintaining 1 unit per harvest and wheat / corn produce either 2 or 3 units per harvest and still require replanting. I have also noticed that plants seem not to grow when the player is not present on the planet on which plants are planted which I am hoping is a bug and not intended. I feel that bread takes too many resources to produce. One wheat plant yields one wheat, one flour requires two wheat and a loaf of bread requires two flour meaning that in order to produce one loaf of bread one must plant 4 wheat which seems to me to be too much given that a loaf of bread only restores 50 hunger. It would also be nice if we had a button we could press when our crosshair is on a plant to remove the plant from a planter.

    **** Summary ****
    - Request buff of some foods
    - Tomato / pumpkin not require replanting, maintain 1 unit per harvest
    - Corn / Wheat require replanting, 2-3 units per harvest
    - Plants do not grow when player not on planet
    - Bread takes too many resources for such little hunger replentishment
    - Would like button to unplant a plant
    Nymea and Herr Doktor like this.
  19. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Another idea. Perhaps allow us to make seedlings of the various alien plants. Maybe for a more in depth farming system later down the line, we have different types of planters to match the different biomes.
  20. Michael Robison

    Michael Robison Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    I agree 100%.

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