Food System

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. truehypershadow

    truehypershadow Ensign

    Sep 15, 2015
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    entire food system needs to be rebalanced

    stamina should not replenish fast,
    we should be able to craft energy drinks

    the fundamental food (1 item) should replenish 100 hunger

    but it should only replenish below 300
    meaning if your hunger is less then 300 then
    eating level 1 food will at max let you go till 300 hunger

    eating complex food, which require fundamental food + more items
    to make will let your hunger level go up till 500

    also , some food items , will be made multiple
    like making a soup will make 2 soups

    so advanced items will be hard to make but will be worth while
  2. HeadHunter

    HeadHunter Commander

    Aug 13, 2015
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    You can - it's called coffee.
    Bender, Lealu and Eviscerator like this.
  3. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I would love to see food be more balance
    - Currently I only see to Useful food Canned Meat and Akua Fruit
    - Canned meat cheap to make meat/tomatoes long perish time, Use for exploration
    - Akua Fruit, Grows Naively on planets (no need for grow light/growing plots),
    Plant 20, feeds you for life while your at a base (add grow lights they grow like twice a day -never validated that).

    I would love to see foods have possible added effect
    - stamina regeneration Decreased
    - stamina regeneration Increased
    - Lower Metabolic rate (hunger rate slowed)
    - Increase Metabolic rate (Hunger Rate Increased)
    - Stanima Boost (Increase Max Stamina)
    - Stanima Drop (Decrease Max Stanima)
    - Different Plants produce different level of O2
    - Some plants Attract Creatues
    - Some plants Repel Creatures
    - Some plants make poisonous clouds

    I would love to see Food Stack
    - I may not be a game developer,
    - Why can't stacked food just have an array of ordered perish times (Lowest to Highest).
    - Show only the lowest time as all other ones would perish later
    - As I eat food pop of the top of the stack
    - Same with splinting a stack just split the array.
    - I would think 1 item and an array of times would take less memory that x full item objects.
  4. truehypershadow

    truehypershadow Ensign

    Sep 15, 2015
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    its not that easy to CHANGE what has already been written
    as that requires changing ALL the CONNECTED items as well
    it creates a big chain reaction...

    like i said , currently we need to eat 3 to 5 food items to gain full hunger
    what i suggested will change it :)

    yea i also would want those special effects...

    effects related to health , oxygen hunger and stamina
    the rate of their usage, they should also add thirst :D
    drink a purified water to quench 300 thirst :D

    stacks, i did suggested stacks

    but stacks of food when prepared,
    eg. you make cookies
    you get 10 cookies each replisnish 50 hunger
    but they share common perish time
    if you unstack, they can't be restacked :) (restacking will be a headache for devs)

    for example, you make soup , you get 2 soups

    you make canned meat you get 1 canned meat

    you make pizza you get 6 pizza slices


    sllow us to create meal sets
    EG, combine , soup + something else + fries = full couse meal
    full course meal will have alot of positive attributes
    i love food , and food is one of the fun part of survival
  5. Greg

    Greg Lieutenant

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Oh come on! Can't people stop mentioning pizza around eating time? Now I'm gonna have to have a slice, that's on you!

    I'd love to see buffs and debuffs, like so many other people. For instance coffee (and even more with adrenaline) should give you a temporary buff in adrenaline, but at the expense of greater O2 depletion.

    Or eating a pizza (yeah, that one's on me) should lower your stamina recovery rate, cause don't tell me you don't feel sleepy after a huge pie!

    Also, where are the pasta?
    • 1 Egg
    • 1 Flour
    • 1 Cheese
    • 1 Tomato
    Now, I'm not gonna try to start a debate over basil or oregano, but this should beat the snot out of a dino stew! Plus most of mine actually were desert worm stew... and then the FDA started an investigation into reports of food poisoning, long story short I had to high tail it to akua.

    And then rice would make more sense than corn, IMHO for a lot of reason, and also, rice crispies, with water and sugarcane.

    Oh, and did anyone say sushi? I really don't like sushi, but you put space in front of anything and I'll eat it. Space sushi? Yes sir. Space spider sushi or Overseer space sushi? Well, do you have enough space soy sauce for both?
    Lealu likes this.
  6. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    But corn makes cornstarch and that's used in C4 explosives
    Lealu likes this.
  7. truehypershadow

    truehypershadow Ensign

    Sep 15, 2015
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    well milk is not found on all planets
    so its not a ingredient i will like to use..

    so i would think of dishes that takes farmable stuff
    and meat and water into account

    examples would be
    complete veg dishes, meat related dishes , soups etc
    the recipe of those items should also be changed
    canned item = MAIN INGREDIENT + preservative item + metal plate

    soup = water + MAIN INGREDIENT + cornstarch

    meat dish = cooked meat + SECONDARY INGREDIENT + water


    secondary dish (pasta/fries) = main ingredient

    MEAL = main dish + secondary dish + drinkable item
    salt generator (then we will add salt to every dish LOL)
    eating will reduce your stamina

    eating 2 main dish /canned item one after another
    (ofcorse stamina will be reduced both times)
    + effectivity of second dish is reduced by 70%
    think of eating 2 pizzas OMG, you won't be walking now (lol)

    secondary item do not reduce stamina much but
    do not fill that much hunger either
    (these will be used to make meal)

    now drinkable item (soup/coffee/water)
    they replenish stamina
    suppose a maindish fills 300 hunger and reduces 200 stamina
    suppose a sidedish fills 0 hunger and reduces 50 stamina
    suppose a drinkable item fills 0 hunger and fills 300 stamina

    eating each one by one will give you 300 hunger and 50 stamina

    you can combine these in food processor to make a meal
    this meal will give you 400 hunger and 200 stamina

    the sidedish has no benifits alone
    but it acts as catalist to reduce the negative effects in making a meal
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
  8. markones

    markones Ensign

    Sep 12, 2015
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    I like the food system, but when I cook I (in real life) it is never perfect.
    So how about adding a variable so a grilled steak for example at max in game is 100 health but the variable could make the steak anything from say 25 (a bad cook) to 100 (a good cook)
    The variable could be added to any food or drinks making the process a little more challenging?

    Maybe, just thinking out loud in text, if that's possible lol
  9. truehypershadow

    truehypershadow Ensign

    Sep 15, 2015
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    that won't be hard to do actually , its very simple way to implement that thing
  10. HeadHunter

    HeadHunter Commander

    Aug 13, 2015
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    It doesn't matter how good of a "cook" the player is, since all the food is crafted by a computerized machine. It makes sense that the nutritive value is consistent.

    I don't see how it would contribute to anything but needless coding and bloated inventory. How does it make the game more fun?
  11. markones

    markones Ensign

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Good point, but the food crafted would be different unless it comes from a computerized animal ? or plant ? lol
    The food could still stack but with different values no bloating of the inventory.

    When you say "How does it make the game more fun" wow how can I answer that..... when so many people enjoy games in different ways, it really depends how you play and enjoy the game .

    I suppose I am harking back to one of the great games with an awesome crafting system SWG combine that crafting with Empyrion and you have me trapped in a game forever lol.
  12. HeadHunter

    HeadHunter Commander

    Aug 13, 2015
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    SWG's crafting was great because it was an MMO and there was trade and competition. I wouldn't want to have to deal with it in a survival game. Some people might enjoy all the variable resources, but honestly I'd be put off by it. I like to know that my constructor can deliver consistent results and I don't have to chase after a particular variety of a sub-class of a category of resource.
    Eviscerator likes this.
  13. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Some great balancing suggestions being made here and since I've spent far more time building and exploring instead of eating I'll hold off my feedback on the (solid) food part.

    Something I'm really missing in the game right now though is having to hydrate my character. Why do I want to have to do this? Well apart from how my poor character runs around cotton-mouthed 27/4 I think that requiring no water is somewhat immersion-breaking. What do I mean by that you ask? Let me give you an example: if I decide to go for a run outside (IRL) I'll have to prepare; put on my sports clothes, maybe an extra sweater depending on the current temperature and ....a bottle of water. For those that don't bring water when running, I'm 99% sure you'll hydrate once you get back home. In one of my first survival playthroughs I brought the food and water found on the pod. I didn't actually look at what I needed the water for, I just assumed those 'Emergency Rations' and those few 'Bottles of water' would come in handy. I was really disappointed when I found out that humans don't require water in Empryion, only plants do. That's what I mean by immersion-breaking.

    This, is what I mean by immersion-breaking.

    But Alo! This is a game and gaming experience > real life simulation. Fair enough, but this IS a survival game and anyone who knows Survival 101 knows that water is near the top of your priorities list, if not THE top of the list. So let's ask ourselves the question: "What would water add to current gameplay?" Well, if you're character requires water you may want to bring some bottles of water on your journeys. Bottles of water have weight. Once weight is implemented you need to start thinking about what you bring with you. What's REALLY essential. Waterbottles could be (and imo should be) one of the essentials to bring with you, along with some food, medicines/bandages, weapons, ammo and tools.

    How badly do I want to see this implemented? That's hard to say really, especially since I don't know if it'd be added to the game at the cost of something else essential/fun. Then again, the whole food creation system is already ingame. All the devs would have to do (I think it's fairly simple, if it's not, not my intention to make your jobs sound easy devs!) is add 1 recipe that requires a bottle of water and we can safely asume our food processor will be able to cook/cleanse the water and make it suitable for consumption.
  14. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Two words for you friend.

    Suit. Recycling.

    Fellow/Gal never takes their suit off to take a leak, all the sweat and other is likely reprocessed for water like a Dune stillsuit.

    I kind of expect that to go away once the suit upgrades are implemented properly and it becomes an optional functionality, but right now it's nice not to have ANOTHER thing to have to lug around with you all the time.
    Lealu likes this.
  15. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Really? I don't find it that likely to be honest. Did you see the size of the machine that we use to gather (clean) water? Also, even current astronauts don't have a built-in filtering system. They actually wear big ass diapers which they dispose afterwards.

    So no, it's not all that logical to asume the suit takes care of it. If however, the suit IS advanced enough to do that, why do we have to bother with Oxygen? Shouldn't our suit, by your logic, start refilling the second we submerge ourselves?

    The overall weight on food could be reduced slightly to make room for water bottles. This way you don't suffer from an increased amount of weight on consumables but still have to prepare yourself with both food and water (and as stated earlier, since this is a survival game, the whole point is to tread carefully and go about prepared. This would be another factor to take into account before venturing outside).
  16. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    So you don't find it likely? That's fine. Are you gonna claim that since the MMU the astronauts used can't lift their weight in an Earth-standard environment that the suit jetpack is also illogical in the scope of the game? How about a hand-held rocket launcher that doesn't vent the gas and makes the user take the full brunt of the recoil? A hovercraft that works on antigravity instead of an aircushion and skirt?

    Did you see the size of the machine to make CV and Base blocks? Did you see the size of the player's inventory? Machines and objects are the shape they are so they fit in the grid and building system, not because they have a required size.

    For land's sake, I can break water into oxygen and hydrogen with a nine volt battery, two strands of wire, and two test tubes.

    Using an example of modern tech to limit future technologies is...dishonest at best, and laughable at worst.

    A: Weight isn't an issue with the inventory.
    B: It's still another slot taken up regardless.
    You missed the point. I don't want yet another inventory slot that I have to dedicate to a necessity.

    Bear. In. Mind. Turrets and ship weapons don't require ammo yet. Things are going to get REALLY tight on the inventory front.
  17. Tiv

    Tiv Lieutenant

    Oct 30, 2015
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    Rocket Launchers are also called recoilles rifles. Sorry I couldn't resist to say that :X
  18. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    1. Underlined part; that comes across as kinda rude mate. Don't feel I deserved that but if I did make you upset/angry, my sincerest apologies. That was hardly my intention. Let’s keep it a friendly discussion without trying to burn down one another shall we?

    2. You make a valid point though so I’m gonna retract my earlier statement/comparison. Current tech shouldn’t limit what’s possible in Empyrion.

    A. Not yet it isn't.

    B. Agreed, though I hardly ever find my inventory filled up to the max. Let’s try to think in solutions instead of problems though; how about a water station (like an oxygen station).

    D. I actually didn't miss your point; you didn't accurately describe what you meant by "it's nice not to have ANOTHER thing to have to lug around with you all the time.". My bad to asume you meant weight, it was a 50/50 really.

    You're running with the assumption that we need to carry ship-ammo around in our own inventory slots. I sincerely doubt that's going to happen. Look at how the current system works. Fuel packs go into Fuel Tanks. Fuel Packs don’t go into your inventory. It’s a safer assumption to assume that we’ll be able to load ammo onto our ships.
  19. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    No they are not. Since we're getting pedantic here, I'll point out that rocket and missile launchers function in much the same way, so I'm just going to use the terminology of 'rocket launcher' which fires a self-propelled projectile that can sometimes be guided by the operator or an onboard system.

    A recoil-less rifle fires a ballistic shell and a counterweight. The shell is fired forward, and the counterweight is fired to the rear. They are not the same thing.
    Fair enough, I apologize if my tone came across as offensive, but I was trying to list examples. I can't actually see what's underlined because the forum appears to be having some kind of issue...

    Consider if you will, how oxygen tanks and fuel tanks also suffer from a more limited inventory space, and do not draw from general player storage or cargo blocks. There is no reason to assume that weapons will function differently in regards to their inventories and capacities, so it is reasonable to assume that you will want to carry stocks of ammunition in your SV or HV. Which will be another single slot at least, and possibly many depending on how item stacks are tweaked.
    Leatherneck and HeadHunter like this.
  20. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    You might be right but I haven't experienced a lack of space in neither my own, nor my ships' inventory space. So no, I can't say that I consider adding the earlier mentioned feature to be a problem when it concerns my inventory space.

    Then again, it IS still an alpha phase so I'd not worry about item slots just yet. And besides, it's not like revamping the inventory system isn't an option right?

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