Fixed Game will not initialize since update.

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Ranger, Mar 7, 2019.

  1. Ranger

    Ranger Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    I dont really know what infomation might be helpful here, Ive done a verification of files through steam, and it was all good. Ive restarted my machine multiple times. I cannot start the game though a desktop icon or though steam.
  2. Caennanu [NWB]

    Caennanu [NWB] Lieutenant

    Jan 29, 2019
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    i don't know how to start this one either, but ill try my best to request some logical information.
    What do you mean exactly with 'won't initialize'. Is this that you do not get a load screen at all, you hit play and nothing happens? Do you get a load screen and get stuck on it?
    When you open task manager (ctrl + shift + escape), do you see empyrion in the list of processes?
    When you go to the performance tab, do you notice anything 'weird' there? (100% CPU of memory ussage)
    I do not know if its possible as i haven't tried. Can you downgrade or upgrade the current version installed, see if that solves the issue? (go to version 9.4.1. or something similar and after that go back to 9.5)
    Have you also updated video drivers? (i noticed my gameready Nvidia drivers wanted to update during release of 9.5) If so, try to roll back to an older version.
  3. Ranger

    Ranger Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    I'll start by saying I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game, no change. verified files again, all good. No change. By will not initialize, I mean when I press play in Steam, or when I double click the icon I get a little small box from steam (momentarily) saying its starting up the game, it goes away, I get the little spinning circle by my mouse pointer fo a second, then it stops and nothing else happens. I didnt think about the perfomance tab, I will try that and pass on the results. I played 9.4.1 the day before the update, it worked, I will try reverting.

    EDIT: ok, so when I attempt to start the game, the steam client bootstrapper appears in "processes" for about 2 seconds, then disappears. Under the performance tab, the CPU utilization goes from 3% to about 18% for that same 2 seconds, then drops back, as the process stops dead.

    I had not updated Nvidia prior to the game update, since last November, but I have now, and it made no difference.

    I have also tried going into the game files and initializing by running the .exe file as administrator. didnt work.

    If I try to launch the game via the "play" button in steam library, I notice it says "running" for a second, then says "synching" for a split second, then the process stops.

    I tried reverting to version 8, (the latest archive version available) but Steam seems not ok with that, as I cannot play that vesion. If I press play, it q's the update back to 9.5, and upon reacquiring, I'm left with the same problem.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2019
  4. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Are you running the game as ADMIN from Win10? Seems like some process is just cutting off the game startup. (I have had this myself some versions back on a Windows 8 installation, but it resolved without me doing anything)

    PS: When you start up after verifying your files, do you see a Windows User Control window asking for permission? The WUC sometimes has some troubles with EAC
  5. Ranger

    Ranger Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    I'm running windows 8, I've tried running it as admin, didn't help. I DO get a pop-up box asking for permission and notifying me of "first time startup" or some such after doing a verification.
  6. Ranger

    Ranger Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Maybe related: since you mentioned EAC, I recall having issues with EAC causing startup problems in the past, so I went in and started digging around to see if I could disable it without stating the game first. ALL of the folders in the EAC folder are empty. ????
  7. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Should be files in that folder.
    Try to put an exception in your Virusscanner for the EGS folder then Verify. Might help
  8. Ranger

    Ranger Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    just an update. I found a shortcut in one of the game folders titled "EACLauncher" and I am able to open and run the game with that, so I'll do that for now and see if the next update does anything. I appreciate the help guys, but youve wasted enough time on this for now. Thanks again.
    Taelyn likes this.
  9. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    No worries. Please report back if you run into any issue with that workaround (Having NO files in the EAC folder sounds like EAC is not installed....strange)

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