
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Oh ya I have auto terets for the Aliens so I'm alright. Lol
  2. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I'm just joking with my request for fast food. But I couldn't help it. So many requests for auto this auto that. To long for this to long for that. Takes alot out of the game. So we have time for a drive through. Lol
    redbaron and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  3. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I think the key strength of Empyrion consists of Freedom and Turrets!

    - Cant think of a game with fucking turrets! Love u for em! Make even more pls!

    - I have the freedom to build and travel. You should progress along this line and foster teamplay/multiplayer.
    - Shipbuilding needs improvement: more blocks and ways to place em; ship editor eg like in interstellar rift
    - flipping ships are annoying especially when u just spend all res on a cv.
    - Need for planetary wharfs

    - Dont waste too much potential on food survival aspects. It works for games like 7 days to day.
  4. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    did i miss something ? automining ?
  5. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Ah. Requests from players. I was just having some fun because I have seen so many requests for auto everything in the game.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Well no prob with guys who like digging for hours - if you want feel free. If not make an option to automate it eg through tech improvement.
    Which is also an appropriate thing to do in a space game - play around with techs and become lazy aka focus on things you want. If you like to focus on resource harvesting - well life is feudal might be a good game then. Or just implement different ways for different play styles and different amounts of spare time. A Game like this should use work placement but it shouldnt be a grind and time sink like in a browser game.
    Eviscerator and upsetkiller like this.
  7. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    lol you got me there

    and agreed with dionysos

    even if it comes way later in the level progression , it should not be ruled out
    Eviscerator likes this.
  8. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I personal don't care. Empyrion can be played so many different ways. Do what suits ya kinda game. I find mining relaxing.
    redbaron and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  9. Hurgar

    Hurgar Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    My suggestion for improving the game. I understand it is not finished yet. But the whole reason they released it early is for feed back.
    Please do not fall into the most common failure of game design. That is confusing retarded or bad game design for an ingame challenge. Examples from your own game.
    Good example = Having to destroy a core before you can use a remove repair tool. Well done and executed. added a new level of challenge to the game. and players had to devise new way to take out POI, and the methods to do so were in game when it was implemented. When a new challenge is implanted in a game there is a way to overcome it in game already or added at the same time.
    Another good example = adding a warp drive to travel between planets making a CV relevant in game.
    really bad example = turret AI. Oh my god on the 1 to 10 retard scale you scored an infinity symbol. This was so poorly done I still have worries about the future of this game. It has great promise. but like so many other games with a great premise, you can still fail with poor performance and lack of basic organization skills. Drone attacks on player's bases is a good challenge . Adding base self defense to answer this challenge was a good ideal. When the Turret AI failed to preform as needed to defend bases the whole system should have been temporally removed from the game till fixed. Then you added ammo to base defenses. Seriously you have a major design flaw in your game that negatively affects gameplay and your going to add to the problem? That was a major case of not poor planning skills but a total lack of them. This is a classic example of a good ideal turned into a disaster by bad timing. This was like making sure all the ice makers on the Titanic were running at full blast. The last thing they needed at the time was more ice. As well as the Dev team as done on the game so far I can't believe nobody on the team had the basic intelligence to recognize this mistake, and delay the implementation of ammo for base defenses till the game flaw could be corrected. Please do not let the more impatient players force you into implementing things into the game before they are ready to be added. Please in the future analyze changes your are going to make to game before adding them. I understand that your are human and can't always predict what a change will do to the game. But don't be afraid to pull it out of game if it isn't working . And don't be afraid to admit that something may work out in game the same as Communism did in real life. You know great ideal on paper and total failure when implemented. You will make more mistakes. Just learn from them. I hope you can bring this game to its full Glory. I for one will be cheering you on.
  10. bobislost

    bobislost Ensign

    Jan 28, 2016
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    same here apart from Destroying my T key

    How is Auto collecting ores not top of everyones list?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. chn10151

    chn10151 Ensign

    Dec 31, 2015
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    This! Even if it's in a 1-2 block range so you have to float/walk to it, but auto pickup would make mining so much more enjoyable. I get more dizzy spinning the screen to spam T all around me than I do flying in space. Maybe the only other thing would be increase the light radius for lights so less are needed, the intensity could be the same, I mean they put out about the light of a ~27w fluorescent bulb but use 1kw, a single 1kw bulb would light a lage size room on it's own, may help with fps a little as well?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Bannta

    Bannta Lieutenant

    Dec 21, 2015
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    The death system.
    -Spawn in the same location.
    I believe you should alway spawn in with a ecavator (Maybe a onetime use excavator, maybe call it a basic drill)... And this "say drill" should be able to do damage as the same as low tier hand gun, except it is a melee range weapon. (I say make all hand devices except paint tool cause damage at melee range)

    Why... it kind of sucks to be on the fall reaches of the solar system and die on a planet side with your CV parked in orbit ...then have to start fresh on the starter world because a drone or alien is tea bagging your SV and or backpack.
  13. daboyz

    daboyz Ensign

    Sep 30, 2015
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    I think plastic is way under used would like to see it used in most recipes for items it kinda makes sense just look at our society and the plastics are used i know i know but it adds to the emersion idea of being in the game as a whole ie realism case in point powerpacks just use the crystals nothing eles what ? no casing ?just my thoughts also it would make corn and rocks a little more usefull.
  14. Bulitt

    Bulitt Ensign

    Dec 19, 2015
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    Should be able to make ethanol fuel with corn too.
    redbaron and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  15. Bannta

    Bannta Lieutenant

    Dec 21, 2015
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    crazy talk!
  16. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Even my Clan Pals of mine think i'm Glitched in the Head cause I can dig stuff up & mine for ages & actually be capable of finding it Relaxing... & on a related note i'm a big fan of huge military-like Underground Bases. :p

    With that said I hope I can make Mining Ships/Vehicles someday. :)

    With that said, for those who don't like Mining, MP may be an option, then perhaps one could join a Faction & so something ya do like for them, while Faction Pals that are cool with Mining Duties handle that, & don't forget to appreciate those Miners's efforts. ;)

    Then we are kin! :D

    I also love making Underground Bases!

    Biodiesel! I like it! (To go along with our Hydrogen Fuel Packs!)

    For me...:

    1: I agree with making Lights stronger, auto-pick up of Ore for Drills, & assume being able to Respawn near Death Point at all is a Alpha thing for us Testers as a mercy for us since there's Balance Woes & Bugs galore for us, & may be removed at Release.

    2: I hope Dinos aren't removed from the game when their 'Placeholder' job is done, Dinos are auto Rule of Cool & there's room in the future Galaxy for rare "Jurrasic Park" Planets imho. :)

    3: Look forward to stuff like Swimming & other such Interface stuff getting improved. (Trying to turn my SV left & right with my Mouse & having my SV do involuntary not-ordered Q & E button movements along with it is SO annoying...)

    4: Will be cool if we ever get to pick up & place down Liquids in the future, including doing Minecraft-like Lava shenanigans for Bases.

    5: Still think it'd be cool for us to get to have Melee Weapons & be able to train in Martial Arts!

    6: Implementation of Blocks suitable for making Secret Passages, Secret Rooms, & other cool shenanigans like that. Also Turrets that could pop out & start pumping Lead after a Sensor or such is activated.

    7: Sometimes the Alien Stuff is cool, i'd like to be able to 'ask' the Aliens how to build it & customize its Colors & such to my taste... with my Weapons!

    8: I wanna be able to dig into Asteroids & build "Asteroid Bases".
    redbaron likes this.
  17. camomilk

    camomilk Ensign

    Feb 11, 2016
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    New Player Feedback:

    This is my feedback based on just a couple hours of play. As a new player I've found the game difficult to get into, and unfortunately I've found myself becoming bored at times. Hopefully as I start crafting things it will become more interesting. I have some thoughts and suggestions below, largely focusing on the New Player Experience.

    Tech Tree:
    • Lots of choices is overwhelming for a new player. Ideally unlocking 3 choices at a time would be much more manageable.
    • Rather than including all the techs in a tech tree on the player menu, could we have modules where I can research and/or build certain types of things?
      • Resource module lets me refine resources and research resource related techs. (Like scanners?)
      • Weapons module lets me build weapons or ammo, and unlock weapon related techs.
      • Food module for food, etc.

    Exploration - Terrain:
    • Heightmaps are rather boring to explore, by themselves.
    • I want lots more terrain features: cliffs, canyons, waterfalls, streams, forests, rock formations. And CAVES! :)
      • Also monster lairs or nests - points of interest that promise rewards if I become strong enough to take them on.
    • Features that obstruct visibility, like large rocks or trees, give exploration a much more meaningful feel.
      • I can come around a corner and suddenly see a beautiful vista revealed - with heightmaps I tend to slowly see more as I get closer.
      • Catching glimpses of objects through trees preserves a sense of mystery as you explore. "What's that? I can't quite make it out..."
      • (I'm excited for the next update that adds trees)
    • Also I'm not sure how much of this I will come across as I play more, but I want to run across cool and interesting locations!
      • Abandoned ruins, from primitive or advanced cultures
      • Crashed spaceships
      • Alien relics
      • When just starting out, perhaps some pieces of equipment that fell off my spaceship.

    Exploration - Sensors & Resources:
    • Having a HUD icon show up before I even see anything is not very rewarding.
      • When I discover something I want to interact with it, not go on a 500 meter trek for 5 minutes before even seeing it.
      • Actually seeing an object close up in game is much more interesting than seeing a HUD icon.
    • I would much rather start with a short range sensor (20-50 meters), and lots and lots of small resource deposits around the map.
      • Small resource deposits that are enough to help a new player, but too small for advanced players to bother with.
      • Advanced players can put a long range scanner on their ship to detect big resource deposits.
    • Small resource deposits could include "Tells":
      • A little bit of the resource sticking above the surface
      • A type of plant that grows better with a certain resource in the soil. So if I see a big group of, say, Cobra Leaves, I know there's a good chance of some Magnesium underneath, for example.
      • Or a type of rock formation that tends to indicate the presence of a certain resource.
      • A chance of finding resources that have been washed downstream would be nice. At the bottom of a waterfall for example, or where a river runs into a lake.
    • I think having lots of small resource deposits near your ship would allow for a more dangerous environment with more interaction.
      • You could have dangerous creatures that punish players for wandering too far without preparing first. (Now that they are more able to prepare by having nearby resources.)
      • The new player experience of "find some nearby resources, make some stuff, prepare yourself to travel further" seems more interesting than "travel 5 minutes to that resource that showed up on the scanner".

    Exploration - Rewards:
    • I want more rewarding exploration.
    • Currently I can find plants, animals, and resources. (I haven't played enough yet to know if there are alien relics or anything of that kind.)
    • So far it seems like everything I find needs to be refined or crafted into something else.
    • To reward exploration, it should be possible to find more advanced items.
      • Occasionally things that you can't even craft yet.
    • Compare it to exploration in Skyrim. In that game, you find a lot of items and plants that can be sold or crafted into potions, but occasionally you'll get some sort of advanced item that's better than anything else you have.
      • Sure, later in the game you could craft something even better, but for now it feels so rewarding to have access to this special piece of equipment.
    • There should be a challenge in finding these advanced items.
      • Climbing all the way up a difficult mountain.
      • Or, the item was in a crashed alien spaceship still guarded by an active sentry turret.
      • Or, the item is found in a monster's lair.

    User Interface:
    • It seems like every item, to use it, needs to be equipped first. Then I left click to use it.
    • There are some items where I just want to use it right away from the inventory. Like food, water, and oxygen; I just want to open my inventory, click on it, and click "use".

    New Player Experience:
    • I want more interesting goals at the beginning. Something more to find than resources.
    • Scattered ship parts that fell off your ship during atmospheric entry would be a good start.
    • Perhaps a special part, such as the oxygen converter, attracts some kind of monster that is guarding it. Your first task is to construct a weapon so you can fight the monster and recover the part.
    • This could become part of the tutorial, too.

    Tutorial Idea:
    • If a goal of the tutorial is to teach crafting, it may be good to start the game earlier than crash landing on a foreign planet.
    • Here's my tutorial scenario:
      • You begin as a young space engineering cadet on a bustling space station. Your final task before completing your training is to construct a small space ship from scratch.
      • Basic components and building blocks are provided. Your instructor walks you through how to assemble them into a basic spacecraft, and the basics of crafting.
      • But just when you complete your training, a time/space anomaly appears and the space station begins taking heavy damage.
      • You barely manage to escape on an escape pod, but unfortunately you are sucked through the wormhole and find yourself crash landing on an unknown planet.
      • This sends you into the beginning of the game as it exists now.

    If you took the time to read this, than thank you! I am excited by what Eleon Game Studios is attempting to achieve with this game, and am looking forward to future updates.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2016
  18. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    I absolutely agree with most of the thing you said.... but I will say to you that some of the things you suggested are already in the game, as you like exploring, I wont spoil them for you but do listen to your suggestion and equip heavily before wander off to far or raid some alien structure (some of them are easy)..also start in Omicron for more challenge
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. camomilk

    camomilk Ensign

    Feb 11, 2016
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    Cool, glad to hear there some hidden secrets to discover. :) I guess as a new player I was craving a little bit of that earlier in the game.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. redbaron

    redbaron Lieutenant

    Feb 6, 2016
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    Are there any plans in the future for fuana in the waters, aquatic life that you may fear and or enjoy eating? something that we may in deeper areas have to go armed under water even as things on land will eat you, why not water?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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