
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Axios

    Axios Commander

    Dec 27, 2014
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    I like the water, but swimming would be great
  2. ObjectZero

    ObjectZero Commander

    Nov 13, 2014
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    your suit does not float
  3. MrSpades

    MrSpades Lieutenant

    Jun 26, 2015
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    I looked it up and it's a bit slower for recommended for this game. I would update graphics drivers, then run it on lowest video settings till the game gets more optimized. Try that.
  4. Axios

    Axios Commander

    Dec 27, 2014
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    Could we also improve the options ingame? I would love to be ae to change resolution and screen mode without closing the game.
  5. imnebuddy

    imnebuddy Lieutenant

    Nov 14, 2014
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    The game still doesn't generate the image of the terrain. Everything else works. Running the game at lowest video settings actually makes the game much faster, but I'm still disappointed that all I can see is a clear planet with plants and blocks being the only rendered objects in the game. I will just have to wait and see if Eleon Game Studios makes the game support lower graphics cards and lower directx versions someday. Thank you very much for your help. :)
  6. MrSpades

    MrSpades Lieutenant

    Jun 26, 2015
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    You are very welcome my friend. I am sure that they will be fixing all the important things soon. It is such an amazing game and I want everyone to be able to play very soon.
    imnebuddy likes this.
  7. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    BA is Base
    GV is Ground Vehicle
    SV is space Vehicle
    hit escape to get the "create new" menu for each type.

    Starter ship is disabled and needs components added to fly it, however making those components will prevent you from getting a base going and being able to make the better stuff that you need a Large constructor for.
  8. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Before I properly read the limitations page on the wiki, I thought the shields around the poles were generated by the pillars I found on Omicron. Meaning that to see what was inside, I would need to disable all of the pillars. Maybe that idea could be brought into the full game. For example, some planets may contain ruins of precursor civilizations, and to get to the treasure within, you need to de-activate it.

    Also, I would personally like to see some kind of 'medium' ship. Sort of like a small capital ship. From what I have read, the developers intention is to have capital ships as space only vessels, being too large to escape gravity. Personally, I'd love to see some kind of dropship that could hold a ground vehicle. That way you could quickly get set up and exploring on a new world.

    Also, a way to save a ship design for future use, so you could have a sort of standardised fighter ship etc.
  9. Devlah

    Devlah Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    The map borders can be a serious hazard. They don't seem to render fast enough to stop in time, and they do damage in the event of collision.
    Eviscerator likes this.
  10. Browser8

    Browser8 Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    I think the game is really good and amazing. I don't actually note any difference between the diferente graphics quality settings and turning on reactors to power a base/mothership is very very laggy.
  11. Raptorsorus

    Raptorsorus Lieutenant

    Apr 15, 2015
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    it is possible your pc is the issue there. maxing out your ram or overtaxing ur cpu but not knowing what your running in way of hardware i couldnt tell you... even without a DX11 card im running the game great the only stutter i ever see is when im suddenly facing the sunrise and its only momentary as it dose its calculations for shaders or w/e
  12. Axios

    Axios Commander

    Dec 27, 2014
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    How to start off in Empyrion Galactic Survival(Survival mode).

    When you first spawn in. The first thing you want to do is power your escape pod. (Place the power tanks in the left side) then enter the ship and press "Y" to turn the ship on. Then you want to take all resources from the 4x cargo containers located in your escape pod. After all resources are removed, you want to walk over to the right side, and open the small Assembly cube. Deposit all resources in the far bottom section.
    Once all resources are deposited. You then want to construct 10 of each electric componet as well as approximately 20 metal components.
    While in the process of construction, run down to the iron vein, and mine as much iron possible. Return to your ship. Once all components are constructed, you would want to construct a oxygen generator(construct any other components needed) after its complete, grab the oxygen generator and head down to the water. Place the Generator in the water and place any amount of power cells. (It takes time to generate oxygen tanks) head back to the escape pod. On the left side are 2x Oxygen Tanks and 2 power cells., place any oxygen tanks in the hold, and walk up to the oxygen box doohickey(use sparingly)
    after that is done, empty your inventory and take a pistol and all ammo with the drill, and head over to the large ship crash. (Reserve sprint) once engaged by drones, you want to charge at them and stay under them (they cant hit you) when close enough fire your pistol at the drone to kill (if done gets hit, the drone flinches for a easier kill)
    Don't forget to loot the drones. After all drones are killed and looted, loot all cargo containers inside the ship and return to the escape pod and deposit all resources.
    Press escape and press "construct base"
    And create a generator for the base, as well as any other utilities.

    Once the generator is built, place it on the base. And now you have established power for your base....
    Congratulations, you have setup all basic survival components. And you can build from there.
    Hope you guys found this useful for just starting off. Eventually when the alpha becomes open, i will release a further indepth guide to survive!
  13. harke

    harke Ensign

    Apr 20, 2015
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    planets move in the sky but it would be better if the stars also do ;)
  14. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Ships need better keyboard controls. WA and <- -> both strafe, but I have to use the mouse to turn right or left. proper Pitch, Roll (Q,E currently is good), and Yaw controls for keyboard please. Trying to turn a capital ship is very painful.
    Davis likes this.
  15. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I was very sad when I dug out the crashed ship and discovered it was a base and there was no way to convert it to a CV. I really wanted to build it out on the ground and re-launch it.
    Devlah likes this.
  16. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Random stuff that doesn't seem to fit well in other feedback forums:
    1. Allow capital ship construction planetside, but as an offset:
    2. Allow more detailed atmospheric production for fuel reactants ( high volume of reactant required for CVs to achieve orbit).
    3. Make save files/ships text readable for modding purposes.
    4. Make saves switchable between creative, survival.
    5. Allow manual Save As...
    6. Make fluids in combat from enemies/hunting coat your helmet in goo.
    7. Make blood spatter stay on your helmet until you take a dip in the water or use a bottle of water to wash up.
    8. Add equipment slots for players to modify/increase abilities:
    • suit mounted lights
    • suit mounted magnification scope
    • resource scanners
    • spare O2 tanks for long romantic walks
    • Exosuits for faster running, stamina increase, combat modifiers
    • Flamethrowers
    • Fumigators (to remove pests/fungus that eats crops damages base/ship)
    • Stealth suits
    9. Add research options for otherwise unobtainable blocks
    • Player can direct research area, unlocked block is random in that area
    • Research consumes components and resources
    • Research can be hurried with Alien Artifacts or credits (See below)
    10. Add economy and trade AI mechanics:
    • located resources can have a marker placed on them instead of harvesting them
    • AI mining ships/drones come down and mine the resources
    • Credits are placed in your account
    • Players can call down a supply drop for resources/components (random drop zone with beacon) for credits.
    • Terminal block for calling down a good trade ship (requires landing pad and associated gear for best deals/ equipment)
    • Trade ships sell resources, blocks, components
    • Higher quality trade ships sell advanced/alien blocks or prefabs that can be used for research to make otherwise unobtainable resources/ blocks
    • HQ Trade Ships also sell complete blocks that are otherwise unobtainable ( Suped up versions of existing blocks)
    11. Hire me as a game mechanic designer :p
    Kaeser and Devlah like this.
  17. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Fuel management is a PITA. Having to constantly shove packs into various devices is getting tiresome. Can we just allow stacks? Or make a higher capacity fuel cell?
    Devlah likes this.
  18. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I do think the flight controls needs a little bit of work.

    I find that even the slightest tap of the 'roll' buttons (default Q and E) send me spinning out of control. Also, when I turn with the mouse on a ground vehicle, I often end up in a spin. Perhaps a way to adjust the steering sensitivity, a bit like how gyroscopes in Space Engineers can have their effect lowered.

    Also, I think it would be a good idea to have flying controls also be mapped to arrow keys/numpad. I haven't built a capitol ship yet as I haven't yet been able to secure the appropriate ores. However, I imagine they steer slowly, and moving the mouse over to the side of the mouse-mat over and over isn't particularly fun.
  19. Jake9123

    Jake9123 Ensign

    Jun 28, 2015
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    alpha is very alpha, any issues i noticed are pretty obvious and have already been addressed... all it is now is the waiting game. however props to you guys on the overall stability! for the very first playable version i have yet to have a single crash which im very impressed by!
    dichebach likes this.
  20. Fyreyes

    Fyreyes Ensign

    Mar 17, 2015
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    I love the game so far! It's obviously still in alpha, but its very good so far! :D

    I agree completely. 100%. Small space craft controls are too sensitive (mainly the Q and E rolling) and it is absolute murder to turn a capital ship more than about 2 degrees.

    Another thing that comes to mind is inventory. Maybe its just me, but inventory space seems pretty large for our character. It might be that way because most things I carry are stackable, I dont run around with a lot of food on me for example as that spoils. I would like to actually have a reason to have cargo containers on my ship for instance, like for when I eventually will actually build my own capital ship, I'd kinda like to have to do supply runs down to the planet to build it instead of carrying everything on me. 999 seems like kind of a large maximum stack size for most things. Im okay with there not being a weight limit like they have in Space Engineers, but I think it should be just a tad bit more restricted, maybe more like how it's done in minecraft with those smaller stack sizes. Wouldnt have to be 64, but just something to consider. Maybe 100?
    Davis likes this.

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