
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    11) MUTE OPTION FOR CHAT!!! We have no way to mute a player who is being rude, offensive, or just wont stop spamming chat. On the official server now we have a player "NikFlatBlarneyQuandoFleu" who is telling people (possibly depressed kids) to kill themselves. Yet our option is to try and ignore his constant spamming or stop playing.

    Repier and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I think this is in line with what we see in most sci-fi movies : small attack fighters don't have much chances against big warships. If a SV is designed as a fighter and not as a sluggish mini CV then it has a chance of chipping at big CV defenses. I don't use lots of weapons in my SVs and mobility is the key to survive, not the amount of weapons.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    In SciFi movies SV would have emc or flares to counter the one shot one kill homing missiles of CV and BA in the game. They would also have ejector seats so when you see the missile incoming and you are out of flares you can eject. In SciFi movies CV an bombard planets too and there is no reason any of their weapons wouldn't work in atmosphere. Oh and while almost nobody in SciFi movies builds bases under water.. At least chemical weapons do work in the water and any projectile weapon can be fired into the water. If we are going SciFi lets at least balance it out.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    No flares in Star Wars, no ejectable seats, only the Death Star could properly "attack a planet" while other big ships, well... at least I know star destroyers were not fond of atmospheric flight. In Star Trek they occasionally played tricks on a planet with the tractor beam, but they did not leave orbit. But that's besides the point : you wish that a SV be able to face a CV regardless of the skill of the pilot, and I object to this that it renders CV useless. In fact you are reasoning on a generalization because you do not address specific situations where a SV has no fear of a CV. A transport CV is no match for a nimble SV, and a sluggish "troop transport" is the bad ship to attack a destroyer type CV with. I don't know why you are talking about firing weapons in water here...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I believe SV should have very limited abilities to hurt a CV

    Standard SV weapons should do little to no damage to armor blocks.
    CV vs CV should be the main combat.
    In pvp this means a SV can disable a CV and run away to fight another day.

    SV's should be used to disable CV
    • Thrusters (Should be outside ship)
    • Weapons
    • Turrets
    • Sensor arrays/Radar, Used for turret targeting without them they are slow or ineffective
    • Shields Array

    That being said SV should have a few defense systems to help accomplish this job.
    • Reactive armor, Armor plates that detonate preventing a missing strike, Cheap ammo based systems with a very limited fire arc..
    • Thermite Flares (ammo limits), assuming missile are heat seaking might cause the missile to follow it.
    • Burst ECM, Limited recharge cycle, Cause all missile in a radius to become dumb fire.
    SV Anti CV weapon

    • This is a large Weapon (CV weapon mounted on a SV)
    • 10 X 10 X 40, HxWxL
    • This is a Limited shot system, No reloads. Must be Repaired to reuse.
    • Possible Limit cap
    • large mass,
    • Large Power Consumption.
    • Torpedo can be shot down.
    Boarding System
    • Requires Multiple players.
    • Gives SV the Ability to Attach to the hull of a CV
    • Penetrates armor
    • Players can enter the ship
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
    geostar1024 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  6. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Options for painting an texturing like 3x3 area, 9x9, 50x50 even
  7. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Why? We have cloning in this game. It would be more efficient to re spawn than to float to a planet in a pod.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    and/or ALL.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I think stuff like EMC, Flares, Chaff, & such are all options, & I think Point Defense Lasers would be cool too. I dunno about Ejection Seats though, cause 2 seconds after ya Eject ya might just get Swiss Cheesed by CV Minigun Turrets.... plus even if ya don't what are ya gonna do other then die afterwards anyway if no one can rescue ya?

    For CVs vs Bases, i've seen cool Sci-Fi Movies where CVs could fire onto Planetary Bases & those Planetary Bases had huge Guns that could fire all the way into Orbit. After we get Real Planets with maybe also no Transition between Planet & Space anymore, if this is even doable, CV vs Base Battles could get cool. *Reminices about Starship Troopers 1 & that Scene showing Spaceships firing onto the Planet vs Planet-bound huge Artillery Bugs firing huge Plasma Shot lookin things into Space...* Especially could happen if CV Mechanics & Intent get overhauled to make CVs slow behemoths instead of the current being more like the USS Enterprise or the Defiant or such where the Ship can fly around & dogfight.

    Ahh, I remember this of long ago... Long ago before Homers, SVs really could SOLO CVs 20+x their Resource Cost with not a scratch on them & win & this made CVs very very useless Warp Drive Bots no one ever wanted to play with. No one can have fun playing with a huge massive Behemoth that cannot kill a single little Fly. :(

    It'd be like a Dragon flat out auto-losing vs a Sparrow... it can't make sense.

    Alternate idea: This Torpedo Shooter has a single Ammo Inventory Slot that can hold a Max Stack of 1 Torpedo that it can fire then it's out of ammo till Reloaded, & it can't pull more Torpedoes out of Ammo Boxes & has to be loaded by a special Machine that can only be Installed in a Base or CV's SV Hangar, so it's damn critical to make that Torpedo count... but if ya do, ya've done a hell of a lot of damage for the buck.

    Though... this might get abused & end up used as a Space Station/Planetary Base buster instead seems how Bases can't try to Evade...
  10. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    That was MY argument! ;)

    Ever see a hawk get owned by a swallow? I have. It's not auto-lose, it's getting arse kicked, I best get out of dodge.

    EDIT: I'd like to see SV's be able to annoy CV's, to the point that the CV needs to launch a fighter and deal with the threat, or suffer significant damage before finally destroying it.

    If one person is piloting a CV, they better get to their SV fast. Or fly away. Seems like it somehow evens the odds between single player ships and fully crewed ships.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2017
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Then ya can consider that my Supporting it. :p
    Captain Jack II likes this.
  12. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    How about spawn in another ship from your factory and fly home? who doesn't carry a little extra fuel around all the time? Or if you ship can still fly but had been decored putting another core in it? another thing i always carry around
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    The game was a LOT more fun for pvpers when sv weren't target practice for any BA or CV with homing missiles and could eventually do some damage. I can't even tell you how many, a LOT of BA and CV I destroyed with SV. Not because the SV were overpowered but b/c i was dedicated to spending a few hours working on taking down their defenses. In the case of BA most of them had active players inside who simply refused to fight. Favoring dumping all the resources they could into their factory or stocking up a small ship to make a run for it or putting all they could in their backpack and logging off rather than putting up any kind of fight. The problem was NOT that SV were overpowered but that people building bases in pvp areas had not yet learned that a BA on its own un assisted by active players for HOURS would eventually fall. IMO if they want to build in pvp space or planets then at the very very very least they can help their base defend itself at least when they are around.

    So maybe maybe homing missiles on bases should replace offline protection. So you can't ever use offline protection but if the player or faction is offline then missile launchers can use homing function. But if they are online then they should have to choose to defend their stuff in pvp space.
    Tyrax Lightning and Kassonnade like this.
  14. Repier

    Repier Commander

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Ejector seats could be worth considering if there was more penalty from dying.
    Tyrax Lightning and Frankyln like this.
  15. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    If you're turning the ship (with the arrow keys), that's steering; steering and maneuvering have basically the same meaning in this context.

    Anyway, it sounds like the center of mass of your HVs needs to be pushed back a bit; the CoM is too far forward, which is why your HVs are permanently pitching down. Unfortunately, Empyrion doesn't show you the center of lift for your hover engines (KSP this isn't), so you'll probably have to iterate on your design as you're moving parts around.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    All CV weapons should work on planet other than homing missiles too. Bigger is Better when it comes to weapons platforms except in this game?
    Tyrax Lightning and Kassonnade like this.
  17. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    "steer" is changing orientation in relation to direction of movement. using arrow keys as described while in 3rd person free camera mode still isn't "steering" its strafing. Get a dictionary before you argue the minutiae of a definition and stop trying to derail a serious request for an improvement in the game with your imagined knowledge of the fine points of the English language.
  18. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    In 4.0 and before when you could jump out of a moving ship I had been in many fights where when my ship was toast but I was still alive I could pull out ammo, fuel, or loot i'd already collected into my backpack and jump out. The enemy almost always followed the ship rather than me. That let me drop to the ground if on a planet where I could then use hand weapons if they did see me and come for me. Dig a hole to use as a temporary bunker until my allies could come and pick me up. Or just run for my life with all the loot i'd salvaged.

    In the vast majority of those cases I got away with my character alive. In some of those cases b/c I was free of my ship with hand weapons I was able to continue assisting my side by damaging the enemy ships from the ground. In one case I actually took out 3 enemy SV's AFTER my own ship had been disabled which completely turned the tide of the war we were fighting allowing us to conquer the most valuable planet on that server. This would NOT have happen if i'd been forced to stay in my SV till it hit the ground as the enemy had followed it as mentioned before and completely trashed it. I would have died and not had any weapons even if i re spawned.

    In other cases I was able to make my way to a ground base and manually control weapons on the base to assist in the fight as at the time those weapons when fired manually actually took advantage of ballistic falloff of most projectile weapons. Which for one is incredibly realistic and two allowed me to get a little more range out of them than the auto targeting range of those weapons. I think its STUPID that now the projectiles just "disappear" at the end of their range limit. Its like russia trying to nuke the states but their missile runs out of fuel 30 seconds before impact so the whole thing just disappears. WTF? bullet falloff is real and was a game mechanic. Now like ejector seats its gone. The PVP quality and realistic aspects that were in PVP have taken a huge hit in v 5.0 and 6.0. I was told by one of the devs that pvp will be getting a lot of attention in 7.0 and all i can say is it better hurry and it better be GOOD or a LOT of pvp players are going to other games. At this point Space Engineers is better.

    As for "more penalty from dying"? its a "survival" game? If that aspect of role play that you are supposed to try and stay alive isn't enough then just consider my previous comments where my survival meant the success or failure of my side in a fight. Besides. At the end of the day real fighter pilots can eject. You going to tell me we have to eat food and put on bandaids to heal b/c the game needs to be that realistic... but we can't eject from a "fighter aircraft"? its ridiculous.
  19. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    This is possibly one of the lest intelligent comments Ive seen on this subject. I would be very very happy to have you on the OTHER team in a fight.
    1) The "it doesn't matter" attitude is contrary to the role playing aspect of the survival role you have in the game. I had a faction mate a while back who would rather die of starvation than open the fridge and eat from the hundreds of cans of food we had b/c he didn't see the point. We eventually kicked him when he starved during a battle and lost his ship as a result.

    2) suggesting that its more efficient to respawn suggest that because your ship is dead that you now have to purpose on the battlefield. this couldn't be further from the truth. Anyone who even remotely prepares for combat first of all has spare components like a core, power gen, fuel tank, a cockpit and at least 1 thrusters. For the MANY occasions when the enemy ignores your disabled ship to focus on others which are engaged and not yet disabled. With a few cheap components 90% of the time you can repair your ship and salvage it, fly it home, or is at least 30% of cases re enter the fight and add meaningful support to your team mates.

    3) Even if your ship isn't repairable there is still the likelihood that any prepared pilot will have had weapons like pl cannon or explosive charges. I killed many enemy ships I destroyed after losing my own b/c I could eject and they came in to kill me and I got them instead.

    4) You may just be holding a lot of loot. Or Maybe when you realized your ship was doomed you salvaged the ammunition and fuel. In at least a few occasions I did salvage my ammunition before jumping out of my ship. One of my own team mates managed to pick me up in the midst of a large battle and my salvaged ammunition was then added to his several depleted supply.

    5) In many cases I simply got away alive with whatever loot and weapons I was carrying. Managed to get picked up by an ally or ran back to my base of operation never found or killed by the enemy.

    The point is there are those any many other situations where any real pvp player would want to stay alive after losing their ship. To suggest it doesn't matter and you might as well spawn at your cloning bay is incredibly shortsighted and I definitely wouldn't want you on my team.

    P.S. I know some of this is repeated from my other post but its definitely worthy of repeating :)
  20. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I think you missed my point.

    Yes, ejector seats (maneuverable?) would be awesome, but with no real penalty for dying, he and I agree.

    Ejector seat implies military in design. If you're in a single seat space fighter attacking a CV and your ship is disabled, from a command perspective, you are much less effective than your clone would be in another fully functioning fighter. It's not a personal attack on humanity, just an observation.
    Tyrax Lightning and geostar1024 like this.

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