
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    I was pretty active with this game some time ago . . . several months if not a year. I've been away and had not played the game for quite some time. I recently updated, and have been playing to check out all the new features and I thought I'd provide some feedback.

    I do hope a developers eyes will get on this, as I have a few suggestions I'd like to be seen.

    First off . . . I'm speechless at how fantastic this game is now. It was already fantastic before, but now it is just . . . amazing!

    This just might be a textbook example of how to design a market-rocking game. I don't know who you guys are, but wow! You really know what you are doing. I would love to learn what you could teach, but that is a different story . . .

    So in sum, overall, in my opinion you've taken this game in EXACTLY the direction it needed to go, you haven't messed up anything, you've improved it where it needed it, and the changes also hint at the incredibly promising direction of the game. I really hope you guys will still be developing this game or its sequels spinoffs for many years if not decades to come and that it will continue to evolve and grow as it has. If you guys can add narrative, you can easily crush all comers: Bethesda, Rockstar, Firaxis, EA . . . NONE of those developers best exemplars are "better" than this game as it stands right NOW, let alone where you might take it in future.

    Now fora few specific suggestions/comments

    Empyrion Suggestions

    1. Functionalty to hide native mineral deposit waypoints in HUD. Being able to turn off the native waypoint markers in the HUD (mainly mineral deposits but other markers too) would be nice. I took over an Outpost and built my base on top that site and I have that marker both on my map and in my HUD and it is mildly annoying.

    2. Control Panel Nested Groups (with Inheritance). This isn't a high priority thing, but just an idea.

    3. Ability to Eat/Drink/Administer Drugs while inside an HV or SV.
    (already in the game: Shift + RMB to consume from inventory)

    4. Display new device names in Device inventory pane. This may be a bit confusing, let me illustrate what I mean. Let us suppose I have a base and I put up two new Cargo boxes. In the control panel, I rename one box "Gear" and the other box "Devices". It would be nice if, when I interact with the box that I renamed "Gear" it is called "Gear" on the upper left of its inventory pane, rather than "Cargo Box."

    5. Configure cells to restrict input/output. I like to be organized. So for example, I like to set up my constructor so that: all minerals are in the top row (alphabetically). Immediately under that row, go their ingots/initial intermediate products. Next row is another row of minerals, and below that another row of product. Below this, all the "components" also alphabetical. So let us say in my most upper left cell I have a stack of cobalt and immediately below it I have a stack of cobalt ingots.

    "Restrict input" would mean: I right-click the cell (or any UI mechanic) and click "Lock Input (locks cell to only accept current item)." So, if I enable this for a cell that has cobalt ore in it, that cell will not fill with ANYTHING except cobalt (until I turn the restrict mode off). So, if I use up all the cobalt ore, all I have to do when I come back is Shift LMB to fill it back up!

    "Restrict output" would mean: I tell it to always keep X amount of its contents (1, 5, 10, whatever).

    If the specific permutations of these settings could be saved to a template file, and then applied to OTHER inventory panes of the same design == major quality of life feature.

    6. Base repair bot: Not sure if this might already be in the game (maybe the "offline protection serves this function?"), but, the idea is, a device that you set up in a base. The most barebones would simply be a device that looked like a console of some sort, but if in future there was a desire, programming some "NPC" critters (the robots) could be done too. Basically this thing would slowly fix anything that was damaged. I'm not talking like fast enough to overcome the effects of an ongoing attack, and perhaps anything that is below a certain threshold cannot be fixed. But a slow, ongoing "block repairer." Why? Well, in my current play through I have "hard" Drone attacks on whether because of that or the fact I put my base on top of their "outpost" they drones just keep coming, like 3 or 4 times per day. Which is fine, I need to XP and the loot, and my cannons take them out. But they do cause a small amount of damage from time to time, and I'd rather not have to go hunting for damaged concrete blocks.

    7. Base loot bot: related to the above scenario: a bot that will go out and loot killed NPCs.

    8. Memory management: I'm sure you're aware the game is pretty heavy on memory. The reason I actually logged on just now was, I had my very first CTD (in probably 50 or 60 hours of play so not too bad). I was manipulating stuff in the control panel in a hover craft that was sitting in a base on Akua and I attempted to "over click" something from a cargo box into my hot bar. I believe I was taking a steak out of a fridge in the HV and attempting to put it in a hotbar slot that had something in it already (motorbike lets say). The game stuttered a bit (which I've seen it do a number of times that I've committed this particular sequence of actions), but this time it CTD. I'm guessing it ran out of memory? This was after a fairly long continuous play session.[/S]
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
    jmtc and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. [SG1X] SG1Oniell

    [SG1X] SG1Oniell Ensign

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Perhaps just a wishlist item rather than straight feedback, but:

    I'm playing around with Gravity Generators at the moment. While they have their uses, I was hoping that the field generated would affect SVs. Similarly, they should function on planets and moons.

    For the first part, regarding SV's, they could either be used as some sort of defensive measure, pulling SVs down and forcing a rapid burn of fuel to escape. Effectively forcing attackers to leave the immediate area. It would also be fun to use them as catapults, similar to what exists on Aircraft Carriers in modern navies.

    The second would help to normalize gravity on planets with little gravity, allowing normal travel. At the same time, higher gravity should slow a persons movement down, effectively making them much heavier. Numerous gravity generators forcing your movement to a crawl inside of POI's would be fun.

    Then, with functionality on planets and such, it could be a fun way to launch people and/or SV's into orbit rapidly. Effectively building a missile silo.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Methule

    Methule Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Please change the 'pickup' hotkey combination from Shift - F to... any other combination that doesn't cause you to pick up an object by accident. It's silly to be running up to an oxygen or hydrogen generator only to pick the whole thing up rather than looting it. Action combinations should mutually exclusive.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. DrBacon

    DrBacon Ensign

    Oct 28, 2016
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    So I have been to Ningues many times and for the life of me can never find naturally growing phoenix fern. was it removed from natural growth? Any help would be cool!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. jmtc

    jmtc Captain

    Sep 29, 2016
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    I like the majority of your suggestions a lot.

    For #1, there is a partial work-around as exists in the game now:

    Using the F6 key, you can cycle the HUD display between three modes. The first toggle disables native markers such as base and resource deposit locations. The second toggle position disables your item hotbar and status displays. The third position restores all HUD information.
    Tyrax Lightning and dichebach like this.
  6. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    I think flares could be more useful if they could be seen from much further away than any other object in game, a bit like real life. This would facilitate finding, for example, bases/landing strips at night, friends or foes deep in space, other ships or places in fog.
  7. lek56

    lek56 Ensign

    Oct 3, 2017
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    Please consider a "Save as..." option.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. faxmonkey

    faxmonkey Ensign

    May 10, 2017
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    I am starting to loose faith in the dev team. There are so many obvious things they need to work on like all the npc-animation, weapon sfx, believable proportions of planets and space (you can say what you want, No Man´s Sky did a splendid job there), performance, bugs, glitches and so on... yet what do we get? A new warp drive! We had a highly detailed, perfectly working warpdrive yet you replace it? You screw all those cool workshop designs of your customers who created their whole capital vessel (or at least the engine room) around it? I really had high hopes you learned your lesson after the negative reactions of your turret replacement...
  9. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

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    Jan 13, 2017
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    They working hard, and some major items is beyond the engines capability that they need to manually figure out and code.

    Please remember the game is in alpha, there is now a lot more content then even just 2 major release ago. Unfortunately the more things there are the more time it takes to squash bugs and develop new items.

    Rather wait for beta if you can't accept these kind of development
    Bollen and Kassonnade like this.
  10. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    That's a bit unfair, this game has wayyy more content than NMS, I have it, I've played it and I try it again after every update. It's a fine game, but it feels a bit (to perhaps use the term incorrectly) "arcady". Base building is super limited, in both size and shapes. Too many aspects of ship flying are automatic i.e. docking, landing, no strafing and it terms of planet variety is not that far off form this game, there's about 5 planets and the rest are just variations. You can't even paint your own ship, much less design them and you can't fly your CV. You also can't take over stations nor fight aliens, just pirates. As I said, it's a fine game, but I wouldn't even compare it to to this game which is only in Alpha and is already one of the fullest most exciting games I've ever played!

    Don't lose faith, they're still constantly developing and introducing suggestions. They've hinted at HV to SV docking!!! More solar systems and many other goodies coming our way...

    On a side note: I welcome the new warp, it'll mean either new designs or getting some much valued space in my engine rooms e.g. more fuel tanks!. I haven't seen it yet so I don't know if it's smaller.
    dichebach likes this.
  11. faxmonkey

    faxmonkey Ensign

    May 10, 2017
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    Fair enough. I am well aware they are working hard, i am following this game for over a year now.

    @Bollen: I didnt compare Empyrion with NMS, that would be unfair as you said.
  12. BajaManiac

    BajaManiac Ensign

    Oct 10, 2017
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    Now that you are changing the look of warp drive I would like to see the ability to chose multiple textures for including the old look :)
  13. Eudémonix

    Eudémonix Ensign

    Oct 10, 2017
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    Empyrion is a great game. Lots of potential. I playing for 800 hours so far. I know you recieve a lots of sugestions to improve the game. Let me add a few more ;)

    a few missing features should be implemented :

    1) Improved filler option in the drill tool.
    Lets say we mine on the ground to collect ore. When the job is done, it left the area with an ugly hole. We can fill the surface with the drill but flatten option is bulky and innefficient to make it the way it was before.
    If we use the drill to fill it it anyway, it make a finish result super UGLY! A disgusting rock look. At least, i tried to flatten the ground as much as possibile to make it the way it was before, but its impossible. The drill tool do not have a good flatten tool. The ground can not be properly flatten and, worse... the ground is ugly! No soil (and no sand on the beach) can be use to fill it. No grass will ever grow on the filled spot. From time to time, the surrounding become ugly as F***

    We should have a better ground flatten tool and a better filler option. We could fill with A) rock B) soil C) sand. So if we drilled on the beach, sand would be use to fill it so its gonna be back the way it was. Of course, same thing for the soil. Grass would grow again in a way that it would be impossible to see where was the hole.

    2) By the way, we should be able to plant some trees outside to decor our surrounding. Different kind of tree for different kind of wood (which each one has a different texture look when used in our building/crafting jobs) that we could seed and farm just like any other goods.

    3) We need much more textures for the texture gun tool. And much more colors for the color gun tool. We could be able to create our own textures and logos and upload them in Workshop.

    4) Same thing for the light color option. There are very limited amount of color for our lights. It could be implemented a color palette where WE define colors, just like in this example :

    5) When i do terraforming an area. i can get rid of most of the trees with the chainsaw. Get rid of most of the rocks with the drill and roots and plants with the Multi tool 2. BUT... several objects like some trees, some plants or some rock kind of objects just cant be removed! Its really annoying when we need to terraform before building stuff. We need to be able to remove ALL of the objects on the ground and flatten it to make the building job easier.

    5) We should be able to stack oxygen blue bottles to 999 instead of 50. Many other items are annoyningly limited in stacking, like the Pentaxid in warp drive. 1 pentaxid per case. so it becomes frustrating to manage our inventories

    6) The structural integrity is frustrating As F***. The way it is implemented make it very irrealistic to build some well known structures. It crumble. It should be possible to reinforce a structure without adding so much additional beams in the middle of a room. In the real world, structural integrity use different kind of material to make that possible.

    7) To add a real ingame player driven economy, we should be able to sell or buy (to and from ) other players. Just like a trade hub in Eve Online or an aunction house in World of Warcraft.

    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
  14. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

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    Jan 13, 2017
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  15. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I have logged over 1000 hours in a short few months.

    I have learnt to be patient after my initial impatience, reminding myself that this is a game in development and that I have never participated in a game during development before.

    The game is brilliant in its concept and the way it delivers that concept, there are of course some rough edges and of course being in development this is natural and will eventually be resolved as best possible by the dev team, which I have come to respect greatly for their work here.

    The creative side of this game is relatively simplistic and a lot of fun.
    The visual side of this game is very pleasing to me.
    The combative side is great for me.
    The potential for exploration and adventure is boundless as people create more POI playfieds and scenarios, servers, add on apps through API.

    I have managed to bring 6 paying users to empyrion including myself, each of those users see this game mostly the way I do too.

    I think an older generation will respect this game more than the younger.
    Most of the younger hardcore gamer generation are in full expectation of the best of everything right away, judging a game by its graphics for example, is the first best way to probably miss out on one of the best games you could ever play in your life !

    The ideals and concepts in this game are the sort my generation dreamt about when we were young, and now here it is.

    I am enjoying this journey watching this game being developed, loving the new features as they come out and I have made quite a lot of stuff on workshop in my short time here.

    I have a trump card though as I am very fast at learning and adapting to any game. A lot of the people I meet on empyrion seem as though it would take them years to learn what I have learnt with my borg like speed & adaptability.

    There are so many features and ways to use features in empyrion that a decent game guide is going to be very big and complex to make ^-^
    So I can understand fully why there is barely any info available at the moment in a centralised easy to access place.
    I imagine there is probably a more complex guide of some sort in the pipeline.

    At the moment I work my ass off teaching others how to play in my server ^-^ that is probably the only real negative I can offer, even though I enjoy helping and teaching people.
    dichebach and Bollen like this.
  16. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    I think this is true and it certainly applies to me. I came to the game shortly after v5 and it's been quite a journey...! I am hardly a "gamer" and single player almost exclusively, though I have bought this game for friends, but we all play at different times according to life's demands.

    At the beginning, after my 1st gameplay, I thought this game was exhilarating and so much fun. After a while I realised it was almost medicinal as an interesting and challenging distraction. Eventually it became a bit of an obsession and I found myself thinking of designs and solutions to problems during the week :oops:.

    Now after almost 700 hours of it, building huge fleets of gigantic vessels, cities with hover cars and motorways, airports with different planes and all sorts of shuttles and combat ships, I find myself designing my own playfield, whose working title is "next generation" (not a star trek reference). The way I'm going about it is by creating a different mission for every item (or occasionally a group if they are related e.g. food recipes) in the game. I thought this would be a fun way to learn how to play. The premise is that you're a farmer in a remote planet and you dream of becoming a captain of the super large exploration ships in Empyrion's galactic fleet (EGF), though you still have to build several different types of vessels and bases. I'm slightly over a hundred missions now, but some of them require a form of automatic pilot or automated transport (somebody suggested the teleporters) since the premise is that it takes at least 50 missions to become a junior pilot.

    The reason I find this game to be the best for me and my friends of the same generation, is that there's so many ways to play it (and I'm trying to make the missions reflect that) which is important for people with busy lives, families, careers, etc. you need to be able to sit down for just 20 minutes to do something fun (make a small farm, expand O2 capacity on a ship, etc) or sit down for a whole afternoon to do some massive campaign (take down an enemy base in a sector in space or planet or the abandoned mine which was so much fun!).

    This game has the potential to be infinite and I hope developers continue to listen to feedback. My only concern is that my generation doesn't tend to be very vocal about features or even to come to forums to express ideas, I know my friends don't, even when I press them to share a good idea here. So a lot of the comments are mostly from young and multiplayer players, though there are some exception.
    Furious Hellfire likes this.
  17. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Ya know when you're building like ANYTHING... and you go oh whoops...

    And then you multitool the blocks off...

    and you have the ####ing blocks in your hotbar but it returns the blocks to your inventory instead.

    Can you change that PLEASE

    jes01965 likes this.
  18. lek56

    lek56 Ensign

    Oct 3, 2017
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    As I see it, and this is my personal opinion, is that I knew it was an early access and there would inevitably be glitches along the way. I was offered a cut rate and for this they asked me to help them out. Now if it was a release version we'd have issues, but until then yadda, yadda, yadda, HEY WHERE'S MY SV? THIS IS THE FORTH ONE THAT DISAPEARED! :)
  19. Green

    Green Ensign

    May 22, 2017
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    First, I like most things about the game.

    My largest problem, is it's still only 4 hours of progress once you know what you're doing.

    Land on planet, break 16 rocks (They still drop cobalt on every planet!!!) Pick 35 flowers, boom you've got a HV, pick 40 flowers, now I'm in space, loot sathium, now I've got planetary travel, go to moon, now I've got warping juice.

    Maybe loot a POI maybe not... head shot beasts from on top SV, no risk...

    Now I've got levels. Warp, warp, warp, now I've got end game gear.... Nuke POI from space.

    start over.

    What is the 'speed' run from level 0 to level cap, and having enough resources to build anything you want?

    Shall we start a challenge?

    I'm even being a bit 'nice', if you use the currently broken blueprint system, and the fact you get XP with a hovercraft and 15mm ammo. You can do this.... very easily. Also the fact every scenario I've played, has teleport to space or infinite air. I mean, some of the space stations built into game, have farms with 90 plants.... 90 plants == 18000 xp!!!
  20. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    There's a really simple workaround I use when building, which is to spread everything you have in your inventory into every slot and then just use your "belt" for building material. Every time you remove something it'll go to your belt.

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