
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Can ya ask this Blizz Game Dev Friend if, during the Upcoming Sonya Rework, they can do something about the Arceus Damned usage of Sonya's Abilities, & some other Abilities on some other dudes even including the Garden Terror W, & make them quit fucking force-breaking Target Lock & fucking up ability to stay glued onto the desired Target? :(

    Oh, & quit programming Bot Allies to try anything & everything under the Sun to seemingly ON PURPOSE throw the damn fight... :mad:

    Oh, also i'm damn sick & tired of the beginning-of-fight 'bla bla bla click me to disable Allied Chat FOREVER & fuck up ability to chat with Team to actually be a Team' Line parked RIGHT IN MIDDLE OF THE DAMN SCREEN WHERE IT'LL BE STUPIDLY EASY TO ACCIDENTALLY CLICK BY MISTAKE THEN FUCKING HARD TO FIND IN OPTIONS SCREEN TO UNENABLE... :mad:

    Aside from that, HotS is an Epic Game... ^_^

    P.S. Can't Feedback this on the HotS's own Forums sadly cause those Forums are WAY too Hostile... :(

    "Minegraft"...? Is that some kinda under-the-radar Minecraft Clone...? :p

    Also I don't think Minecraft has Spherical Worlds... it's actually totally flat all the way to the Far Lands...
    Track Driver likes this.
  2. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    lol ill ask him and screen the reply
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Woot! Many thanks! ^_^

    I'll understand if the other 2 Issues I posted needed more 'Investigation Time'... :)

    For the Topic: I'd love more Cockpit Options with at least some 'Floor Windowing' for making SVs with easier Ground Visibility to see stuff & land easier with, kinda like that one certain Legacy Cockpit... except with less weird Patterning that can better synergize with HOW Hull Block Shapes we got can attach. Also in general Any Cockpit that has Cockpit Shaping Hull Blocks can't Synergize really could use tweaked to Synergize with available Hull Block Shape Placement. I'll understand if ya Devs don't really have time for this right now... just wanted to at least 'keep it on the Radar'. :)
  5. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    well you sounded mad wasent going to copy/paste that to a dev thats my friend he would ignore it lol so i dident bring the other 2 up in the convo
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    ... fair point. >_<


    Oh, & quit programming Bot Allies to try anything & everything under the Sun to seemingly on purpose throw the damn fight...

    Oh, also i'm damn sick & tired of the beginning-of-fight 'bla bla bla click me to disable Allied Chat forever & fuck up ability to chat with Team to actually be a Team' Line parked right in middle of the damn screen where it'll be stupidly easy to accidentally click by mistake then fucking hard to find in Options Screen to unenable... I wish I could disable the damn thing, INSTEAD of the actual Chat Disabling...

    Better...? >_<
    The Tactician[ Λ ] likes this.
  7. wildboy

    wildboy Commander

    Feb 20, 2017
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    oeps edit my original reply , it's now minecraft... XD :rolleyes: and did @ a youtube.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Don't hold back. Tell us what you really feel.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Just finished watching FIxed Vid Link & it was rad! I think @Hummel-o-War & the Devs oughta give it a watch! :D
    wildboy likes this.
  10. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    Some additional things I wonder if they will add (based on stuff I've seen others mention elsewhere):

    1.) Wheels
    2.) Mechanical parts (to make things like robot legs, retractable landing gear, movable wings and different configurations for a vehicle, etc)
    3.) More block customization/specification/texturing.

    As an after thought to these two things, I'll say I would love to be able to make rovers as well as mechs. Things like retractable landing gear and movable ship parts would just be cool, and make ship designs much more epic. The block customization would allow for much more smooth and customized construction, and it would be awesome to be able to make stuff with no sharp edges at all.

    Another thing I wonder, in the current game form, is why the drone is basically never mentioned to beginners, either in the tutorial, or in the robinson protocol. It makes life so much easier in so many ways, but I had to learn about it on my own. Maybe it's there somewhere, but I didn't see it, except for when people mentioned it in youtube videos.

    And one final question related to drones is whether it would be possible to make a drone with a longer distance, like the ones that roam around the planet on their own. It would be cool to be able to have a display pad that lets you control each individual drone, and launch a mobile attack on a base, from a drone that you custom built, and can upgrade with different components. Not sure if this is possible already or not.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    The Player Drone, as it is now, is one of the Band Aid Fix Systems awaiting eventual Implementation of a actual REAL System... including but not limited to the Player Drone most likely someday no longer being infinite numbers of & non-consumable.
    geostar1024 likes this.
  12. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Properly doing wheels would require a lot of dev time; fake wheels (e.g. fixed-height hover engines) are likely to be what is implemented (if the devs decide to, at all, of course).

    Retractable landing gear, and blocks that change their hitbox in general are being worked on, but I doubt we'll see devices that actually move subgrids (in the manner that SE has, for instance); at most, we might see minecraft-like pistons that shift blocks around on the same grid.
    Tyrax Lightning and Fractalite like this.
  13. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    <Breaks out the redstone paste> Bring IT!
    Tyrax Lightning and geostar1024 like this.
  14. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    You mean we'll be able to eat them? Talk about crunch for lunch.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    No silly, I mean when ya have a Player Drone someday, it'll actually be an actual SINGLE DRONE... when it gets blown up, it's as blown up & gone as if it had been a SV or such. No more Magic Player Drone Spawn Pad Integrated onto invisible part of Player for no reason at all whatsoever. :p

    Speaking of blown up as if it had been a SV... I still can't quit thinking on if it'd be cooler to not get a new Block Size for something like a Dropship & if Dropships could just be made working with existing Block Sizes... & a new Block Size was instead made that was many times smaller then even SV & HV Blocks that was like a real Micro Block, & it was made for making Block Player Drones just like how we make our HVs & SVs... then we could have a wide variety of Custom Made Player Drones instead of the 'Copypasta' One Size Fits All boring generic Player Drone. :D
    geostar1024 likes this.
  16. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    This would be an excellent use-case for meshmerging, so that the completed drone behaved as one entity (and thus would have negligible impact on server performance). You'd build it out of small blocks (maybe 2.5 or 5 cm blocks), merge it, and then fill it full of fuel and ammo. Plus, this same system could be used for alien drones as well.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Oh.... good! i didn't fancy munching on a drone!

    I get the micro-blocks to build custom drones. I like the idea.
    You almost lost me with the Dropship stuff until I saw " cooler to not get a new Block size" Didn't know that had been proposed.

    Speaking of drones, did you know that you can drill with a drone? 3600 hrs. and I never even thought to try until today! I tried weapons and they didn't work (dammit!) but never the drill. All the holes I dug myself into and found it nearly impossible to get out!:mad:
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Yep, many who are advocating a new Dropship Vehicle Type had also been figuring it should get a Block Size to itself... but I myself still can't think of a good reason we couldn't use the existing Small or Large Blocks for them. (I'd lean towards Large. Large Blocks would handle hauling of Small Block using Hover War Tanks & Mining HVs better imho.) Thus, if we got a new Block Size, it'd be best for use for a new Dynamic... like Custom Buildable Player Drones... not something Small or Large Blocks would already handle just fine. :)

    Also, yea I know about ability to Drone Drill & Drone Multitool but personally don't like doing it. I prefer using my Tyrax Dwarf Mole. :D (Also have been curious how my Tyrax Asymm "Demolition" would perform in regards to the likes of 'Devouring a Conquered POI'... but haven't yet tested...)
    Track Driver and monktk like this.
  19. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I have my own drill rig although I still haven't solved the stability problem once i break the surface. Still, I don't always have it available when a mining opportunity arises and using the drone would have been much more convenient.

    I agree regarding dropships. I adapted the CV Prefab T1 to a dropship by gutting the warp drive area and increasing its size to form a belly hangar for HVs. Still doing some tweaking, but so far it works well as a planetary and lunar shuttle. It will be even better when the planets get larger.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Really? You guys Don't get this? I am a bit surprised. Also, I am kinda fat but calling me Many is a bit much. Honestly I am convinced I am alone on this boat. Like to see more for it. People just seem to want to settle for what I see as 'good enough' over 'Amazing' in my estimation.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2018
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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