
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    My Tyrax Dwarf Mole handles falling onto its side a bit & leaning on Rock Wall as it digs as needed & is even sometimes resting on the Rock its digging upon its Drill Ends at times. Good ol' Ruggedness. :p

    'Amazing' would be Micro Blocks powered Custom Built Player Drones we could choose how to outfit with what Weapons/Tools & such imho. :p

    'Amazing DropShip' I can just fine imagine being able to build with the existing Large Blocks. :)
    Track Driver likes this.
  2. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Just a cv at that point. and my main reasons for wanting 1m blocks. A) it is the logical in between step B) with 1 m Blocks Being the Base Size for x by Y hanger door on a DV a .25m block vessel will fit Neatly through the Door.. C) SAME BETWEEN 1M DOCKING ON A 2 M base block Vessel.

    I am Really kind of disconcerted that this kind of 'Nesting' is eluding you, or you just don't care. Either way I am a little worn on what seems to be many people's 'pooh pooh' Attitude about it. SV dropships are going to stink on Ice. Not a prediction. Just an opinion.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    If the Devs find a way to swing it, I won't say no to it. I just simply worry about how many different Block Sizes can coexist in the same game at the same time. If it turns out that many many can & my fears were unfounded, maybe both of us can have our Cake & eat it too. Or for all we know, having only Small Blocks & Large Blocks alone already IS the limit. Honestly I dunno Unity near well enough to know what it's capable of in this regard, so for all I know I may have been talking like a Mega Derp. *Shrug*
    Track Driver likes this.
  4. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    3 would be good. it gives a nice Mix of pleasingly sequential block sizes. Personally, a DV could be the space equivalent of an HV, Multi turret and mining turret same weapon style load-out as the hover just scaled 'up' a little (and Yes I mean move the Multi-turret and Drill Turret to the DV). It makes sense to me, doesn't seem like it would be overly burdensome to the team, and I think it would really do it for just about everyone if they might give it a chance.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    I was wondering if there were any plans to update the graphics and transitions into space. Most of what I've seen so far looks amazing, but when you leave and enter a planet, it is still very rough, and the transition itself is jumpy and not smooth. Also, the planet itself when viewed from space is less than ideal looking, to put it nicely. Just wondering if there were any plans to update any of these aspects of them game. Would love to see some more continuity between planets and space.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Many, not necessarily you @Hicks42 . like to build huge, leviathan ships to travel the stars. And, indeed, when we venture beyond the inner planets of the Sol System, it is likely that leviathans will be the order of the day.

    That said, in the EGS universe, many (not meaning you) of those ships could easily handle dropships built with either large or small blocks. The trick is to get CV to CV and SV/HV to SV/HV docking. How difficult is that to achieve, I don't know.

    I'm not opposed to your concept. I just know I can build a mother ship and a drop ship if we have docking. But I can't build a drone. Don't know if I ever will, but I would like to.

    However, If you can see your way to throw some votes my way for the Combination H2O/H2/O2 Generator, I will be more than happy to support your proposal.

    (That's how we do it in Chicago!)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Drone customization, weapon customization, structure Component customization(less a 'Turret #5 is an Enhanced turret' and more 'If x condition is met then AI weapon spread is halved') Even (Perhaps) avatar customization through cybernetics or genetic engineering(Or Both) Would all be more than nice to see. However, the one thing that I would Absolutely Not want to see is being Forced into making leviathans. Completely incomprehensible how the trend is to restrict gameplay and limit it (Outside of the bounds of good taste and reason Neither of those is as subjective as some would Like) rather than let people skin the zergling how they want. Not saying you are advocating this as the only way, mind you, just commenting on my perception.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    ... Did you just seriously suggest to move Mining, Repairing Stuff, & Salvaging Stuff power to the DROPSHIP that's job is to Transport HVs, & OFF the HVs themselves, thus putting those HVs outta 2 outta 3 of its jobs & defeating most of the entire point of why you're Dropshiping HVs to & from a Planet Surface for in the first place...? o_O

    I really hope I misunderstood this... :confused:

    So... Small Blocks are too small for ya, & Large Blocks are too big for ya, & ya can't deal with either...? Or again, am I miscomprehending...? :confused:

    Now i'm starting to wonder if i'm just not understanding your 'Building Style Tactical Situation' & how much it's differing from ours...? & also if I sorely misjudged how much Small Blocks & Large Blocks could do alone in terms of Variety... I really don't seem to be getting it how those two alone aren't enough in terms of building desired kinds of sizes of Creations... but it wouldn't be the first time i'm missing something that most others can blatantly see right in front of their face... >_<
  9. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Oh hell! Now you both have me confused, I'm too old for this ****!;)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    No you didn't. If you stop and take a breath you will realize that would be for SPACE, just as the HV is for Planetside. So Yes it makes Absolute sense to ME that the thing you use in Space to Mine would be the thing that Hauls the thing you use to Mine on the Ground. If that sounds silly or illogical to anyone stop the planet, I want to get Off. ;)

    My point is that an in-between sized ship by nature of block size would be aesthetically pleasing as well as make a whole durned lot of sense. .5m blocks would be 8 to the mid sized 1m block which would be 8 to 1 volume wise to the 2m block. It. Fits. Anyhow, my predilection to having things sequential in form aside, We need something to drop our stuff off that doesn't Have to be the size of Nebraska, I feel that a separate, Non-fixed weapon heavy, Turreted, medium-warp capable and in between in size vessel class is the answer. It isn't a popular idea, a mystery to me and one I'd like to elucidate myself on or change people's minds, in a perfect world. :D
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2018
    geostar1024 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  11. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Using the Dropship to Mine the Space Playfield Resource Asteroids... instead of a Mining CV... or potential future Mining SV...? We are indeed on two different metaphorical wavelengths on this one... but I guess to each their own. :confused:

    With that said, if doing this was possible, having our two different Wavelengths in the same Sandbox at the same time would definitely boost the Variety in Empyrion & that would add more spice to the game & that could only be good. :D

    I wonder if @Hummel-o-War could ask the Devs how many Block Sizes the game can Support simultaneously...? Especially in regards to how many can be done while supporting all the additional Block IDs for stuff exclusive to that Block Size...?
  12. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    My only concern is that an extra block size could lead us down a path to even more artificial device restrictions as the devs struggle to make all of the ship classes have distinct roles. But, I definitely support the idea of an intermediate block size in general, though, because it does give more design options.

    As you know, my overall opinion remains that ship role should be dictated by how the ship is built, rather than by what size of blocks it's built from.

    Well, block IDs seem to be 2-byte integers (that's how they're stored in the blueprint format, at least), so theoretically there would be room for at least 65536 distinct game objects.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    SV is the premier small combat craft the CV is the same for the large, because it can move. I would think having the HV being the primary ground utility and a similarly kitted out dropship filling the role in space would not be an undue amount of Classification of roles to anyone open to finding a middle ground? ;)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    Some more ideas for additions I'd love to see:

    1.) Stealth shields, both for players and ships. They could be extremely expensive and high up on the tech tree, so only the most experienced and ambitious players would be able to make them, and as a counter part, there could be a stealth detection unit, which would mean they are not 100% effective in certain cases.

    2.) The ability to scan an enemy or base, or at the very least, some info about the enemy in their name display (health, type and number of weapons, etc), so that you aren't going into a fight blind, and end up getting creamed when the enemy is way OP.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Right. only the most Leet players can get them ... perhaps only some difficult PVP action needed?... How about No. Making stealth the bailiwick of only the most dedicated players is a Mistake. Then like Me and 3 others would have it and I'd just use it to build stuff in peace. Artificial difficulty restrictions on things as Powerful as stealth Just Piss People Off. Make it so it is an Even playing field for folks to get it Or Leave It Out.

    If you want to make a Meaningful restriction on stealth make it so you can only use it in Light armor on foot and disable weapons and shields on craft or bases while active ala-cloaking from Star Trek
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    The tech tree already is designed so the better things are in the upper levels. I'm not suggesting it be impossible to get, I just don't think it should be something you get when you first start out. It is not an even playing field to begin with, you need to work to get better stuff already. So I'm not really suggesting anything radically different from how things are structured already.
    Tyrax Lightning and Hicks42 like this.
  17. spacefarmer

    spacefarmer Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    To your latter point, that kind of defeats the purpose of stealth. If you can't use it for sneak attack, it is kind of not as exciting. Perhaps the stealth detector could be available in the mid to lower levels, so that those who are more vulnerable can be protected. But then again, if someone is so inclined to gang up on underlings, they don't really need stealth to do it anyway.

    I do agree that it would cause some potential issues with balancing, but I think it could be very useful in some situations, and could be tweaked for proper balance.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Fair enough.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    You are going to get your 'Sneak attack' anyhow. You know By appearing Within weapons range Before the target has time to react to your appearance. Don't see a reason to have to fire From stealth to get an advantage in this game. Especially with maximum speeds being all the same.
    spacefarmer and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  20. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Is there a wrong way to skin a zergling? Personally, I use an M-7 bayonet, but that's just for nostalgia's sake. Works just fine.

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