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Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Dakota Darkfire

    Dakota Darkfire Ensign

    Mar 6, 2019
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    No it absolutely was not a legit attack. I looked into the logout timers before I made the complaint so I wasn't simply "whining" then double checked my faction as to when they had logged in last just to triple check. The OP timer would have more than triggered and was still in place active alive and powered on login. So its either an exploit or the OP somehow bugged to allow this person to attack the base.

    The base was a two story base the under compartment was under water to allow for a water generator down there. I don't know if that somehow added to some bug I am unaware of. I checked the terrain after the attack and no terrain was removed to my knowledge and no parts of the base were collapsed it was all missile damage.

    As to being underwater to not take damage that wouldn't seem legit to me but that wasn't the part I was complaining about. That parts just more what the heck is this? The turrets on my CV I noticed targeted the part of his ship that was under water so it more then makes sense to me if the person was doing that. If that isn't a legit attack method I would also like to know.

    I have more video showing my turrets only targeting that part of the ship. I'm not 100% how turret targeting selects a target but the part he had under the water was the part my base turrets would have targeted. Because when I took off in my CV after him it's all the turrets would shoot at.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
  2. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    U logged in at 4.53 CET
    Logged out at 5.07 CET

    5.08 CET Login
    5.12 CET Logout

    Then again Login at 9.09 CET

    Found the problem. Infact you OP was indeed not functional. As i said the CP only shows u placed it, same as landclaim. Only shows
    you have the device, LandClaim is active when the yellow border is shown around your base on the map, what isnt the case with your base, same with OP

    U placed both devices in the water. They dont work since we have underground turret check active.

    They need to be placed above ground level
    Stilgar likes this.
  3. Stilgar

    Stilgar Ensign

    Feb 19, 2019
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    What is the turret check, what does it do when enabled?
  4. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Checks if your turrets are undergrount and devices like the OP and LandClaim.

    Prevents them from working since players cant destroy that and thats is unfair
  5. Dakota Darkfire

    Dakota Darkfire Ensign

    Mar 6, 2019
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    So you are saying since I placed the OP on the CV above the water line it was online and the OP under the water wasn't on? This isn't a turret. Obviously I wouldn't have placed a turret underwater. I put power and stuff down there I just want out of the way. The OP can't be attacked when its active anyways so I guess I don't know how it ended up being a turret.

    All I check is the device when I place them and then the control panel. The control panel tells me I have OP.
    I dont think thats right at all or fair for you to tell me I have OP in my control panel but I do not.
    This is a clarity issue that should have been reflected in the control panel. Which is why I provided a SS of the control panel.

    If you have a turret underground check option to even be enabled on a server it shouldn't read I have OP in the control panel. I mean I guess this is an alpha and I appreciate your diligent work on figuring it out. But I think something should be done on the CP so people know. Or maybe OP shouldn't be regulated as a turret.

    What if this was in an underground base? Are you saying OP wouldn't work because its underground? Last time I played all I had heard was don't build your base underwater. So all I did was put stuff no one uses down there other than the water generator of course it has to be.

    In this case I don't think I wouldn't have even had the ability to find this out without a second account out of faction.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
  6. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Your OP was in the water. Ive restored your base and checked it out.

    2 times. That the CP SAYS u have OP doesnt mean anything. It means the device IS PLACED. Not that IT WORKS.

    If we disable the OP on the server. and u place the device anyway the CP still says Offline Protection : Yes. Would it work then? No, since its disabled server wide
  7. Dakota Darkfire

    Dakota Darkfire Ensign

    Mar 6, 2019
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    No one said OP was disabled server wide and as I said it should tell me I don't have OP in the CP I respectfully disagree. You lead anyone who starts this game to think its active that way and it's not fair to us.
  8. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Please read what i write.

    IF we disable it the CP would still say its active.

    We didnt Disable it at all. Even IF we did u can see it in the server settings.

    What we do have is UnderGroundTurretCheck : Active.

    Means Turrets, LandClaim, OP Device HAVE to be placed ABOVE GROUND LEVEL

    I can offer u to restore your base, but thats about it
  9. Dakota Darkfire

    Dakota Darkfire Ensign

    Mar 6, 2019
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    Sir I am reading what you write. I am not arguing with you at all I am explaining how it looks on my end. I have hosted a server of this game before, paid for it, did the configuration and all I am experienced with servers. I have played this game off and on for a long time. I remember when you even added in the underground check. I never expected the OP and Landclaim would be in that check and I've seen the technical side of this.

    All I am saying is for clarity for people buying the game and starting it that's confusing as heck and something should be done to make that clear. I didn't build an aqua base to hide from people or to exploit. I just wanted to be on top of the water. So in this case it's just a real misunderstanding of this check that was added and what was covered on my part, backed up by what I think would be a much more useful CP if it says next to the offline protection not active or disabled or anything at all. A red X.

    Anyhow as I said I would like to know if this pertains to any underground base because this had to do with water. If I for instance dig into the side of a mountain vs dig straight down is it not functional in that case too? When I place blocks or devices when building it usually warns me if I can't. There should be a warning.
  10. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Knowing if OP works or not is by reading the server config before u click enter server. It says a timer when it kicks in or it says disabled if its disabled. Information about the OP, AG Zones, Wipe Timers is need to know information before you join a server not when u are already building a base. Thats the reason its in the server config and not in the CP. If it was in the CP and u build a base and find out it didnt work. that would piss ppl off more.

    If u know that the TurretCheck is active (as most servers do have it active) then u know u cant hide things under ground level = wont work.
    Other then a second account u cant see it your self then by just knowing the settings.

    In a digged out base i believe the OP works but LandClaim doesnt. Not 100% sure about the OP. I know 100% sure LandClaim doesnt work when its placed underground even if the base is fully digged out.

    It doesnt work in water to the simple fact we have no weapons that work in the water. No-one can destroy it
  11. Dakota Darkfire

    Dakota Darkfire Ensign

    Mar 6, 2019
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    Someone will login to this game probably not gonna be the last and see this and think they are protected.
    I don't think this is my fault when it tells me I have it. That's all I guess I can say about this and I hope you plan to do something about this in the future so people are no longer confused by it. There should be a way for the person to know its not functioning.

    As you said on a dug out base it works or might work just not landclaim. You see what I mean?
    People just need to be able to understand in some shape fashion or form its working.
    Again thanks for your help I also appreciate your offer to restore my base.


    Maybe that should just say No. lol At least then Id have went on a mission to find out why.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
  12. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    I do see your point and i will make a note of it :)
  13. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    ok sorted !
  14. Dakota Darkfire

    Dakota Darkfire Ensign

    Mar 6, 2019
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    Im sorry but I completely disagree with this. If I build a base and find out my OP needs to be above ground I move it. If I build a base and it gets destroyed because there was no way to know it wasnt active that ticks me off a heck a lot more and new players will feel the same. Reading the server config information says turrets it does not say OP and Land claim. This is not something everyone's going to know from the server config. As you can see it is something people have to learn the hard way because it should error in some form or fashion in the CP so you know you don't have it.

    There's not enough explanation or errors in the game to back up this sort of thing. I'm just going to go back to chalking this up to being alpha.
  15. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Iam not getting into it anymore. I offered u to restore your base. For the rest case is closed

    Game suggestions/feedback should go to the right post about it. This isnt the place for it :)
  16. Dakota Darkfire

    Dakota Darkfire Ensign

    Mar 6, 2019
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    Has happened yet again while offline after you placed the OP. I was on within 24 hours to make sure the OP was active. Base was destroyed upon logging in this morning. You placed the OP yourself this time. Base is still powered. So why did the OP not work this time placed as you say correctly?

    No one was online when I logged in yesterday morning to make sure OP was setup and to remain active. I think 2 normal players outside of the system so they couldn't have done it. I logged out almost immediately, someone would have had to perform a miracle to get there and do this unless the OP once again was not functional.

    So we have now moved the OP from below ground to above ground. OP was not functional still even though you say it was. Can you please look into this? At this point I'm thinking OP dont work at all right now and I am simply feeding people free resources that know this about my base. So they keep coming back.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
  17. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest


    when i have some spair time ill look into it but iam bussy with A10 currently and it asks all my time

    The OP works. Ive checked that already and it functions fine
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2019
  18. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    As u can see the OP is "online". It came right up when i reloacted your base.

    Either your core has to be above water level aswell. Or the base is to low brought in the water.

    Still looking into it if its the core or not

  19. Dakota Darkfire

    Dakota Darkfire Ensign

    Mar 6, 2019
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    OK none of the guns were damaged that I could see on the outside of the base. They were still all working. I left faction just to check and I couldn't get into the base without being utterly destroyed. I have no idea how people get in and destroy cargo boxes and take everything without taking out guns that would have been shooting at you non stop. I did not remove the OP. However when I logged in this morning the OP was gone that you had placed. I didn't want to move anything even though it was in the way just to make sure it worked. Please let me know what you find out. Oh and yes the core is below water level. I never knew that mattered either. Does it? I thought that was just LC and OP.
  20. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Found the source. Your to close to the Copper Deposit, If you look on the map its inside your AG Zone.

    Moved the base a bit to the left and OP went online streight away

    Ive restored it, Ill set the base to you since u left your faction. OP is Online currently but will go Offline when i set it to u, since your online

    can also add you back to your faction.

    Just let me know what u want
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2019

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