Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    The creative system is not properly done yet. The game was orginally created as survival only and thus the creative side is actually the add on where as alot of other games started in creative (SE, Minecraft, Starforge etc) and then added a survival mode later on, Eleon wanted to make EGS about survival right from the start. The creative system will be improved but right now its low priority.
    mcsproot likes this.
  2. imnebuddy

    imnebuddy Lieutenant

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Well, Minecraft did start as a creative mode sandbox game, but creative mode was removed and readded and re-removed and finally re-readded (in Minecraft 1.8 Beta Adventure Update). I understand Empyrion started as survival; I had just suggested what I said in the feedback section to help Eleon Game Studios get a concept of what their creative mode can be like for Empyrion.
  3. shadow250

    shadow250 Lieutenant

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Thanks for making the ui so i can see the info window through it. :)
  4. Pravus_Nex

    Pravus_Nex Ensign

    Aug 6, 2015
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    I saw a few people have touched on this, But I think the construction system is slightly overly micromanaged after a while.. I do wish I could either setup custom queues, or at the least after I make something for the first time the following times I make that item it will automatically fill the queue with any prereqs needed that I don't currently have. I understand you want some sense of accomplishment in making things, but it takes away from exploring and building when you have to sit there and micromanage making each and every thruster you need for a vehicle
    the ability to make custom map markers would also be extremely nice to be able to do as well!

    (edit) also the ability to mouse wheel scroll seems like such a small thing to ask for, but my got it would really make things run "smoother" in the inventories..
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2015
    vsyeung likes this.
  5. migisan

    migisan Lieutenant

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Currently the helptext of an item in the crafter shows the needed materials. It would be nice to have an alternate help text (maybe by pressing shift) that shows in which recipes the resource is used. This would be useful in normal inventory too.

    Mousewheel scrolling was already mentioned several times.

    Filters for crafting recipes were already mentioned.

    It would be nice to have a bigger crosshair - or customizable. on a 4K screen, on a bright scene, you don't see where you are aming at. Maybe different crosshairs for different classes of tools would be nice. Weapon crosshair different from mining/flattening/repair tools.

    Planet Map: It would be very helpful to be able to remove ore icons when the deposit is depleted. It would be awesome if the icons would indicate how much ore is still left in a deposit. Refresh of the icon status should be done only when in scanner reach.

    It would be nice if the cockpit instruments were functional parts of the GUI and not just an image layer.

    It would be nice if the GUI in first person view would look like a real HUD projected on a space helmet.
    sharpshifter, Morkar and Tinfoil Chef like this.
  6. migisan

    migisan Lieutenant

    Aug 3, 2015
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    next round:

    We need a compass. On the map and in our HUD.

    It would be nice to have alien tower icons on the map, once we have discovered them.

    Information display for atmosphere density is displayed in kg/m³ and speed is displayed in m/s. Who on Earth uses these units?
    Yeah, I know: Mad scientists.
    We are used to bar or atm and km/h or mph (*sigh*)

    Our astronauts are wearing a super duper space suit. Can we have night vision included?
    Morkar likes this.
  7. Captain_Brian

    Captain_Brian Commander

    Aug 5, 2015
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    I'd like to see suit upgrade's added instead of just adding the features from the start:
    • Night vision
    • Increased O2 tanks
    • Upgraded jet pack
    • Boyancy upgrade for swimming
    • Etc
    Morkar likes this.
  8. Turboxide

    Turboxide Commander

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Current GUI Feedback - Overall

    The current UI is fairly intuitive and displays relevant information without making things overly complex. I think the color system works well for Health/Food/Oxygen/Stamina. I would like to see numbers and/or % added to these in the future as the game becomes more refined and complex. The same goes for items like fuel and oxygen so we can see what a unit provides based upon current supply/need. This would really help when making food and planning for an away mission. The time, temperature and day/night cycle clock are simple and effective. I use them often although, the temperature doesn't seem relevant yet for the game as if it has no real impact on the player. Correct me if I am wrong here.

    Player UI Suggestions

    I would like to see a navigation bar/compass added to the top center of the player UI to help with ground based navigation and eventually, waypoints. I would also like to see a cycling toolbar or an option to expand the toolbar to 2+ row and assign hotkeys. (Think MMO but not quite as crazy.) I realize this would impact the player inventory but maybe that can be worked into player advancement later. UI customization (movable frames, colors, sizes, options, transparency) would be nice but it is not currently a deal breaker.

    I hate to admit this but I ran out of oxygen the other day while building on my base. I didn't even realize I was dangerously low on oxygen until the screen went wobbly. This of course, sent me into panic mode, I fell, off the building, *lost health* staggered up the ramp, ran into the wall, fell back into the water, back up the ramp and died about 5 feet away from my oxygen station. As hilarious as this was... I realized that I was so engrossed with building that I had no real feedback from the UI on how low I was other than the color change to the "Oxygen" section. Alarms, pop up messages or something additional may have pulled me out of my building coma in time. Having a "suit" AI that chimes or speaks to us might be nice for this kind of stuff. I realize that is not entirely UI related but there you have it. :D

    Vehicle UI Suggestions

    The Vehicle UI (cockpit) is a bit barren with the current build. I hope the instrument clusters actually display live information in the future. The navigation bar/compass should be added to this mode to allow seamless transition from cockpit to ground navigation for the player. Currently, there is no way to tell how much damage your vessel has sustained. It would be nice to have critical components and their %s displayed to allow the player to see their ship "health" while in combat. Primary systems (flight components) would be the way to go with this in my opinion.

    The Vehicle Component UI is simple and effective but is not speedy if you need to turn off individual components mid flight or in an emergency situation. Adding the ability to toggle on/off secondary systems (fridge, oxygen refill station, crafting, lights, etc) in a hurry would be nice for low power emergencies. I'd also like the ability to put my ship in "standby" mode when docked or landed. Standby mode means, it's not moving, there is no power going to thrusters but secondary systems are active to support the player. The player could toggle on/off devices like lights, fridges, crafting stations, etc to allow for optimal power consumption. When the player needs to depart, they toggle the ship "on" and primary systems come online to depart. Currently, it's either all on or off and manually toggling on/off components can be time consuming.

    Control Panel UI Suggestions

    The BA/GV/SV/CV control UI is fairly simple and intuitive. My above comments apply here as well. Identifying individual components can be a time consuming process when you have dozens in the list. This is especially true for lights and thrusters. I think a good way to help would be to allow the player to add a note to every component so they can custom label things as time permits. For example... Interior Light (Bridge Deck - Port Side), Interior Light (Bridge Deck - Starboard Side), etc. etc.

    One suggestion I have for this view is to divide primary/secondary systems into categories. Primary systems are defined as requirements for the structure/vessel to function... that means flight controls for vessels and power (maybe security) for bases. The secondary systems are devices that support the player and/or base/vessel but are not required. Obviously, there is some debate on this. I would start with running through the item database and classifying items as "Primary System", "Secondary System" or what not. While I don't see a life support system in this game, if we ever get to that level of detail, that may end up going either way depending on how it is implemented. By that, technically, we don't have pressurized vessels/bases so the player has self contained life support. Thus, a non issue in regard to bases/vessels. As features are added, remember, scalable information is tremendously helpful for new players and veterans who want the ability to define their data being presented. Adding toggles for information layers is important in my opinion.

    Map View UI Suggestions

    The current map views are simple but limited in regard to navigation and using coordinates/waypoints to navigate. It would also be nice to click a resource, see what it is and then select "Navigate To" to add it as a waypoint objective. Likewise, clicking an empty spot on the map and making POIs would also be handy for build sites and areas of interest. I realize the poles are currently off limits but navigating using the map is painful at present. It would be nice to see restricted zones on the map, alien outposts, named mobs, enemy activity or controlled zones, etc. Of course this would have to be within reason... I'm not sure if the unity engine will allow you to establish a spawn zone for certain creatures/drones/ai that could be identified on the map once discovered but it might be something to experiment with down the road. Imagine that certain planets have champion like creatures or "world bosses" that are powerful. Their "domain" could be registered on the map and shaded with a color. The same applies for normal spawns and their "ranges" once discovered. Options and scalability are key with this! Being able to toggle/filter the information would be incredibly helpful.

    I can see the foundation for a solar system and galactic map view and I am excited to see what these turn into as time moves forward with Empyrion.
    Morkar likes this.
  9. Nvara

    Nvara Ensign

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Constructor/Food Processor:
    - Would prefer drop down text menu instead of scrolling through icons
    - Current system is a little too micro-manage-y .. would like to see subcomponents auto-queue if we don't have them as others suggested

    - Need some love for playability as soon as possible. Labels on discovered resources on the planetary maps please! So I dont have to zoom in and squint to tell if it was iron or magnesium. Would be great if we could tell how much was left at a site and/or if they would vanish at 5% or less mineral remaining.

    - Also really need auto-created waypoints for our deaths backpack/crash sites.

    - Icing on the cake would be player-saved / editable.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
  10. Domo

    Domo Ensign

    Aug 15, 2015
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    - I wish ther would be small icons for the stats (weight, perish time, armor etc.) or diffrent colors between the name of the attribute and the value.
  11. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    so how i look at the statistic, it will be planned for the future. at moment the team have as primary target the solar systems and ,,more planets,,. this can take a long long while.
  12. Duckroll

    Duckroll Lieutenant

    Aug 13, 2015
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    You should be able to 'pin' ship components health percentages from the P menu onto your HUD when flying the ship. So I can choose to show my cockpit health, generator health, and health of the four weapons I have on.

    % Should be colored red to green depending on how critical the damage is.

    % Should be health remaining not % damage.
    VooDooShamane and Captain_Brian like this.
  13. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    As for etc:
    improved armor (straight upgrade, or resistance to damage types.)
    weapon handling (reload speed increase)
    environmental resistances (assuming heat, cold, radiation or somesuch appear to do damage over time)
    automatic medical response of various flavors (basically resistance or immunity to various statuses, maybe tissue regeneration/healing)
  14. adin_odmin

    adin_odmin Ensign

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Notice! I've only played like several hours of the game, so I maybe completely unaware of some functionality :)

    I would agree that generally UI is intuitive & solid, but
    1st The UI is rlly nice and solid if U check keybinding first. But it may still be a problem for ppl who just start the game for a first time & want to dive into the game instantly.
    So basically what I would suggest is to make basic tips slightly more annoying (like forcing user to open-once (I)nventory, (P)-vehicle menu, building and placing 02-gen etc.)

    2nd I would agree that vehicle menu needs more cool stuff & I would vote for everything Turboxide said.
    The batch On\Off option is a must.
    I'd be glad to see it in some kind of branched structure with highlighted dependencies (gen can't work without core etc). [offtop] Would look even more cool if large vessels engines would have to be warmed up before start [/offtop]
    I also noticed that vehicle height\width are already detected by game.
    How cool it would be if Vehicle menu gets some kind of transparent ship model with core items being highlighted (element health on mousover and on\off status shown by opacity lvl). I know this add another months to dev process but it still would be cool to see that (on post release stage at least:) )

    3rd I agree with Axios and Turboxide about player UI (again). It would be great to get more status effects onscreen together with sound effects for critical stuff (like buzzer for low oxy lvl, stomach rumbling else).
    The compass is a must too.
    However I would say that all the compasses,attached tactical flashlights, NV, personal drones(?) should be craftables and work as a part of RPG-tree progression.

    4th I'd say that you should consider some type of ingame sound chat option (in form of ts\mumble bridges).
    I've recently watched 2 Empyrion twitch streams from the same guys. The first one was co-oped over skype & second one was handled with Teamspeak+Arma radio plugin.
    The skype stream eventually turned into yolo (like any other rust\minecraft\any? stream with russian guys) with ppl flying & killing each other on a board with a cockpit, RCS, gen & one thruster.
    On the other hand the second stream with Radio pluging turned into roleplay realy quick.
    The second Rollplay stream was really pumped up by all the radio broadcast distortion effects. It was a rlly small thing that had a huge impact on a gameplay experience.
    I believe that all the radio distortion effects, signal lose effects (else) handled by external bridge paired with ingame items (like multi-channel radio stations, signal beacons, close range & cross-planet radio transmitters) can affect the gameplay itself in lot of good ways & possibly add completely new rpg element.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
    Dead8Eye likes this.
  15. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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  16. Vedrit

    Vedrit Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2015
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    For the love of all that is good and decent, please do NOT do this. It's annoying for a reason. On-screen tooltips at most would be fine, or in-chat messages.
  17. adin_odmin

    adin_odmin Ensign

    Aug 21, 2015
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    M8, I'm not suggesting to stick pop-ups everywhere. On-screen tooltips are fine.
    +All the tips\popups\else should be easy toggleable (probably even without having to browse to settings window).
    Dude, I've worked @helpdesk for 5 years, I do know that absolutely most ppl fail to see OK button even if thats the only one button on the screen.
    So again, I'd vote for more onscreen tips\tooltips if they can be completely disabled with one click.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
  18. Vedrit

    Vedrit Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I work helpdesk as well, and I know that just as well as you, but forcing a player to open certain windows in a forced tutorial is infuriating.
  19. CapitanSurrender

    CapitanSurrender Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    He's on drugs!
  20. CapitanSurrender

    CapitanSurrender Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I think it needs big improvement.
    Make it possible to USE items directly from inventory. So I can eat food from inventory without having to clear a slot in my belt (1 to 9), place the food item there, closing the inventory, then selecting the food item (no in-game model for it) and then right click to eat it.
    What takes next to 8 seconds could take just 0'5.

    Double clic on inventory to eat. Or right click, side menu like in Fallout and select "use".

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