How to Install Vanilla and EXP versions of EGS together

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by TSM, Jun 9, 2023.

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  1. TSM

    TSM Guest

    [1] Download SteamCMD for windows from
    [2] Extract the contents of the to location of your choosing

    [3] You will need to create a batch file for the Experimental Version, open a text file copy

    steamcmd +force_install_dir "<DownloadPath>" +login <SteamLogin> <SteamPassword> +app_update 383120 -beta experimental validate +quit

    name it example EGSEXP.cmd (Never share this file with anyone) .cmd makes it an executable file

    remove the <>
    <SteamLogin> - Replace with your steam login
    <SteamPassword> - You can replace this with your Steam password (do it at your own risk, otherwise you will be prompted to enter your password each time you run script). Remove if you do not want to store your password.
    <DownloadPath> - Path to the folder where you want to store downloaded branch.

    [4] Place edited batch files into the SteamCMD folder <-----don't forget this bit!

    [5] Run batch files one by one (you may be requested to enter the one-time code from the steam authenticator app)

    [6] Now you need to restart your Steam client because you were placed offline by SteamCMD

    [7]Done! Now you can launch desired version of EGS from <DownloadPath>

    Warning: you will need to launch update scripts for each new version manually!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2023
    Escarli and ravien_ff like this.
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