All you have to do is set your teleporter to be controlled by a motion sensor set to detect the area near the teleporter. When you teleport away, the teleporter turns off.
2 Issues I see with Teleporters as of 1.9: 1. They don't always load in the structure before you enter. So if you have a bigger base and you try and TP into it you will just fall/clip through the entire structure 2. As other mentioned, the signal solution provided here is inconsistently working. This makes sense if you understand how the playfield's unloading/loading stuff. The solutions for both involve freezing the player in place more until all structures in a playfield have fully loaded, and *after* this happens, then you unload the playfield behind him. Doing this will fix both problems and while it may take longer for a player to load in, it's well worth the stability imo.
@Fenra369, In limbo! yeah it would seem to be the answer, like a longer loading screen, if it was made interesting in 3 stages (something like cloudy,fuzzy,crackely... or vice versa) then the player could watch for emerge @ravien_ff, It's my guess then that the switches and sensors don't work automatically when placed near the object like with minecraft redstone? I have no idea what to do when I've plonked them on a wall or wherever, and as far as I've seen there's no prompt to set them up when placing.
You configure them in the signals tab of the control panel. There's probably more than a few guides on how to use signal logic floating around somewhere.
Here's a pretty simple visual one. Teleporter keyed to a "hey turn on" signal. Vacant/occupied sensor that can make that "hey turn on" signal activate, but is itself also keyed to it. So that sensor stops detecting anything, that signal stops working, and both the teleporter and this sensor turn off. Sensor configured to be a "button". You "press" it by jumping. This momentary activation also starts the "hey turn on" signal that powers everything back up. I came up with this setup because I disliked how the teleporter would reactivate needlessly for inbound traffic. I strongly suspected this was the cause some fuel usage calculation issues. It also was just wasteful on its own. So I made a little rig that turns itself completely off when there's nobody around, and can only be reactivated by a separate priming signal. In this case, the priming signal is supplied by an overhead sensor field setup to function as a button. Stand on the pad, jump, teleporter comes on until you leave it. Doesn't come back on until you stand on it and jump again. To make this work with a shield, I'd probably do an Inverter circuit from that System On signal, pair that output with a simple Shield On/Off signal from the control panel in an AND circuit, and use that to control the shield. The net effect would be having a control panel switch that controls the shield, and a teleporter that interrupts the shield only when someone wants to leave, not when they arrive (which is even more wasteful). That "button" sensor could probably itself be keyed to a master control signal for the teleporter.
I have a basic teleporter signal. Turns on when I step on to it, and funnily enough off when I step off it. Literally the motion sensor sits directly above, and is a 2x1x1 field around it, just big enough to have the teleporter pad within the field only. The shields, whether used on a base, or CV are also tied to the same signal, but as an inverted signal. They turn off when stepping on, and come back on when stepping off. I honestly did not use signals for ages, but watched a couple of videos from Spanj, Jrandall, and Rakoona (possibly a couple of others as well). Managed to get the hang of them from those, and by asking questions in the discord channels as well. Now I have multiple signals, and logic signals, and 2or, 4or logic circuits controlling sentry guns on landing, lights, hangar doors, etc. Learning this can be done, just takes a little patience, and perseverance.
So is the "button" sensor selecting the block above the teleporter? This might help with my space base where I'm using a trigger pad, but sometimes the sensor for my grav generator takes a while to notice when I teleport in and when it kicks in I drop onto the plate which turns on the teleporter and drops my shields. Can't wait to get back to my PC to try this out in game