Hyperion Multiplayer Scenario (RECRUITING HELPERS!)

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Innocuous, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. James Grayson

    James Grayson Lieutenant

    May 28, 2017
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    Pentaxid needs to be readily available to facilitate trade. However, it doesn't have to be abundant int the starter system - only in the region. For example what if a region consisted of clusters of playfields wherein clusters are playfields that are seperated by only 1-5 AU. The clusters themselves would be separated by 15-25 AU Jumps.

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    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  2. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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    My only suggestion is to START SMALL. You can add more planets, sectors and systems very easily, by updating the scenario. I did this for my players back in 2017. Get the basics down, get the intro missions/plots down, a few SOLID planetary sectors in, and go from there.

    There's just no need for a hojillion star systems, especially when the most recent survey shows people play in groups of 3-5.

    My $0.02
  3. James Grayson

    James Grayson Lieutenant

    May 28, 2017
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    This is the map I came up with based on my Analysis of the Major components. In the bottom left you'll see the Cluster and resource map. An example of a cluster would five playfields: Akua and four surrounding asteroid field type playfields. The asteroid fields would represent Akua's Oort cloud or Kuiper Belt and would be within five AU of Akua. There are four reasons for clusters:

    1. We can make pentaxid within starter systems like Akua scarce, but a little less scarce within the Akua's cluster. This gives them something to explore for a cheap pentaxid cost.
    2. It creates multiple "warp in points" into the cluster's primary playfield making it harder to camp the entrance
    3. Similar to point one, tt creates a "resource progression." For example we can limit Copper on Akua so that it's a painful bottlekneck up to the point that they've created a warp capable SV. Then for the low-low price of a mere 5 pentaxid (one way) they can warp to Akua's Kuiper belt and mine all the Copper they want.
    4. We don't have to have as many planets. We can create space based playfields, more content for less work.

    Concerning the larger map: The idea is to create a large triangle or ring connecting the main regions and at least one 15 au ring and one 25 au ring in each region.

    In the drawing provided below I've sketched out three example regions. This is just a geographic template from which the layout of other maps can be derived. The point is to scatter the resources need for the construction of warp capable small vessels out among the three region's 15 AU rings. These are copper, silicon and cobalt with each region being the primary supplier of one. New arrivals to the server have to acquire these components initially via trade with players or NPC. Once they've managed their first warp drive, it should get easier.

    Once players have progressed to the point of owning a SV they can being exploring the other regions until they've mined, traded or pirated the materials to build a CV warp core. This gives them access to the deeper parts of each region where the advanced materials are available.

    With special "CV lanes" between regions, travel between regions can be much quicker and cheaper. This way new players feel like there is a big universe to explore, but vets don't feel burdened with too many jumps.

    I think this concept can easily be converted to the Hyperion map with the Federation for example being Region One.

    I'll continue explaining the results of my Analysis later when I have more time. However, I at least wanted to share the map.

    Last edited: Feb 26, 2018
    Innocuous likes this.
  4. Innocuous

    Innocuous Lieutenant

    Jan 16, 2018
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    I have decided that I am leaving this community. Please lock.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2018
  5. James Grayson

    James Grayson Lieutenant

    May 28, 2017
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    That sucks.
  6. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Why what happened, I was watching this to see how awesomely huge your scenario would end up, bugger I guess !
  7. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    What the? I was going to ask if there were any plans for an SP version. That's how much I liked what I saw.

    *sighs and returns to the pursuit of scenarios that focus on exploration and "colonization" more so than combat*

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