I Can't Hear You, Water, I'm Going Through a Pressurized Room

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by The Big Brzezinski, May 29, 2022.

  1. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    In short, being in a pressurized room should cause a player to ignore all movement, graphical, and other effect flags associated with being in water.

    Working with water in Empyrion is a pain. It doesn't flow, slows you down, and seems to be full of holes. When you fly a ship into it, you float like a pumice stone until you slowly fly out. Try to build a base in it, and you can't keep the water out to avoid drowning.

    So I say stop trying to keep it out. Let the water in and ignore it. Being in a pressurized room should block all those effects that normally happen when you go for a swim from happening. If you can't see or be affected by the water, then it doesn't matter that it's still technically present. Actually it might be even better, since it would mean water can then ignore structures in turn. No more weird air pockets when salvaging underwater wrecks because the water and blocks have no interaction. Lose pressurization, however, and suddenly you're in the drink, exactly as you would expect to be.

    Ideally, pressurization would also block these flags for plants, so they could be grown in underwater structures. Just keep an eye on your garden, in case a grow plot springs a leek.

    I bet that with this change, you could use force fields and switch-operated ventilators to control water levels in a POI. I think I just figured out how one could do Legend of Zelda -style Water Temples on Empyrion's ocean planets. I apologize in advance.

    Tinkering with underwater propulsion would also be nice, but, one thing at a time.
  2. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Makes sense in the vacuum of space, but not under water. Water is one of the best conductors of sound. Pressurization has no bearing on sound, internally or externally. When subs go into Silent Running, even a conversation onboard could be heard by another sub, which is why the crew on a sub running silent does not even speak above a whisper, and orders are typically communicated in writing, rather than verbally.
  3. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    What the hell are you speaking about? Did you only read the title?
    He doesn't say anything about sound in his post.
    Well...I guess you really wanted to reply to the title and not the subject of his post.
  4. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Something that, in this case, didn't happen to include you. Was referenced here from another thread.
    But hey, that's ok... I won't tell people how to ramble.

    I get what the concept is here, and this sort of thing could be addressed, if the development team decides to do it. It would actually be somewhat easier to do with Empyrion, due to how it handles Air already, especially where no-atmosphere conditions exist. You can toggle the view of air in the Debug console. They even have nice little O2 icons to show where air is (and sometimes where it is not), which could be used to displace water, but that would likely mean having to rework the water system entirely, and treat it like it was Air that you can't breathe. After all, if a structure is "Air Tight" it does stand to reason it should also be "Water-Tight".

    I think we're looking at least a year, if not two, further down the road though.
  5. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    The crux of it is the player. If they're in water, the game makes certain changes. Oxygen gets overridden. Temperature normalizes. Certain tools are prevented from working. Your view gets a water filter over it. You start swimming. This is how the game conveys the idea that you're now in a liquid environment.

    Now let's say pressurization didn't care about water. All a room cares about is its own internal requirements; power, a ventilator, enough stored oxygen, and a lack of holes. You can already see this some in partially submerged ships, where the water is only a few feet off the deck. You still count as being inside the ship so long as you don't go all the way underwater. You underwear may be soaked, and it may be 90 degrees Celsius outside, but you're otherwise perfectly fine.

    So imagine if that condition of being inside a pressurized room caused the effects of water to be ignored. No filter, no swimming, all your tools work, and environmental conditions are as comfy as ever. I'm pretty sure this is how Subnautica does it. That's why that game has the silliness of fish swimming through your bases sometimes. You're still in the ocean. It's just that you're now in a No Swimming/Drowning Zone, so the water effects get put on hold.

    Mainly, this idea just seem a lot simpler than trying to figure out some kind of liquid voxelmancy, where water is removed from structures and added back in later if pressurization fails. The water can stay where it was initially generated. Blocks can live in water same as they do in terrain. All that matters is how the existence (or suspension thereof) of water is experienced by players.

    Here's the best part.[​IMG]
    Underwater pressurization already oxygenates normally, and plant sprouts recognize it. These corn plants are growing normally underwater in a pressurized BA in a freedom mode save. It's just that when I clip inside, I'm still swimming.
    PYROHYDRA likes this.
  6. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Oh, is that why? Not because animated sprites, like schools of fish, don't have any collision detection, for the sake of performance? Who'd have ever thought it.

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