Is it just me or is the average age...

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by hoxer, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. DingoFracker123

    DingoFracker123 Ensign

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Total Annihilation is 18 now . Ive been playing it and Starcraft since they were new. Im not too old only 28 but it makes me feel old.
  2. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    I hear ya. I teethed on Desert Falcon, Pitfall, Missile Command, Boxing, Frogger, Burger Time and many, many more (my Tandy had chess, checkers and a Radio Shack game. Literally, about a guy who worked at RadioShack who ran around filling orders and pleasing customers)

    But my first true loves were C&C, AOE, SC, WC, MYST and porn ... table games like the Gameboy and that Sega thingy... Yeah

    Side note - You joined a month ago and your first post was my quote. Should, should I feel honored?
  3. Leatherneck

    Leatherneck Captain

    Aug 5, 2015
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    To be honest, most of the "older" crowd seems more in line with who I like to play games with. I find a lot of the younger crowd are more PvP, and less PvE focused. Do not get me wrong, I do play and enjoy playing certain games competitively from time to time, but I run into a lot more "me, me, me" and not "teamwork" oriented players from the younger crowd.

    I am only 33, but I did play a lot of the C64 that my Uncle let me play, so I still managed to grow up playing games like Choplifter, Silent Service, etc. I also had an uncle that wanted to give me the tabletop Space Invaders (he owned an Arcade when that was a thing, I miss those), but that is a story for another time.

    More to the point though, I think I also prefer playing with people closer to my age in general but not because I cannot stand kids, but because a lot of us have kids, wives, jobs, and get that sometimes you gotta go AFK in the middle of a match, or we cannot all play the game for 12 hours in a single sitting (unless the wife and kids are doing something that the "men" are not required to attend LOL). Not that the younger crowd does not get that, but usually they are the ones that make comments (some inappropriate) about taking off because real life comes first.
    HeadHunter and RobDog like this.
  4. xjohnson21

    xjohnson21 Ensign

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Where's the beef?!
    RobDog likes this.
  5. HeadHunter

    HeadHunter Commander

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Parts is Parts. Step Aside.
    RobDog likes this.
  6. RobDog

    RobDog Commander

    Feb 27, 2015
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    It's time to make the donuts.
    xjohnson21 likes this.
  7. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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  8. Peter

    Peter Commander

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Yeah, that is what they mean... slut-walk-poster.jpg
  9. Muffinman

    Muffinman Commander

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Personally for me, I'm 31 now, it is a matter of time and a shift in perspective. I don't have time to play "competitive" games anymore. Games that put the grind on is also out of the question. I've hung onto EVE for the longest time, I was mostly into mining and production side of the game, but eventually also left it because of the endless nullsec wars and how being in a corp and alliance in nullsec meant that you had to go on ops at strange times.

    Gaming for me now is more cerebral, slow, problem solving, and creative oriented. When I get home from work, I just want to vegout in something slow for a bit of change and a different use of my brain. Of course, it doesn't mean I don't enjoy things like GTA 5, or the yet to complete StarCitizens.
    Frankyln, Peter and HeadHunter like this.
  10. Alchimeriste

    Alchimeriste Commander

    Aug 8, 2015
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    I dont generalize, I GIVE AN APPROACH

    If you're interested in two words here is why I am on this game and not elsewhere. Im over 30 years, I believe in the enormous potential of EGS in terms of creativity. I'm not here to fight, some games are better shooter, but few offer to create and live these online creations.
    I think that young people prefer the fighting, physical and nervous challenges. Most older people may prefer a deeper concept, slower, less based on pure violence.

    Our childhood was much influenced by science fiction, younger rather experienced political conspiracies, unemployment, the crisis .. We have dreamed of this game, to conquer space. Young people play call of duty.........

    We were known DOOM, the first and even Wolfenstein. We loved when we were young and we moved on.

    Maybe we seek an escape.
    Otterbear likes this.
  11. Battlezorg

    Battlezorg Lieutenant

    Nov 13, 2015
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    I love the fact there some older "mature" players. 39 here and my 15 year old Son is playing with me. So far things are going well. Except for someone blowing up our base on Hoth and is stuck there lol but still having fun in the snow.
  12. Yolofessional

    Yolofessional Captain

    Aug 13, 2015
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    as an old guy, i would like to ask other old guys on this board to refrain from variations of "kids these days." first i would ask the old guys to remember back when they were younger, and their reactions upon hearing then "kids these days." second, as someone who has played a fair amount of online games, i have observed most malicious trolling originates with other old, frustrated guys. third, i think younger players can offer video game experience inspite of not having many years- just think about the last time you struggled with a piece of technology: were you lucky enough to have a young person fix/ explain it to you? and lastly, and most importantly, i would like to assert that age ain't nothing but a number. upon looking for a humorous gif to explain this, i learned this to be the title of a resonably well known pop song by a singer named aaliyah. not my cup of tea, but proof you can learn something new everyday, no matter your age.
    dustinduse and Hiram Abiff like this.
  13. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Ahh memories my Tandy 1000 ran Mech Warrior.
    Now that was a slow strategic game even if it was a FPS took 5 minutes just to walk to the combat zone. You had to think of what to shoot you cooling systems took forever to reset. None of this mash weapon banks ever 2 seconds.
  14. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    I will agree that, on the whole, "kids these days" is not an appropriate response. It's more like "society these days" and what people let others, no matter their age, get away with. But that's a whole different conversation that shouldn't be hashed out in a gaming forum ;)

    That said, having "grown up" with the emerging internet, I can attest that so far, a majority of our problems online stem from "the older" crowd. When I was 14/15, the problems often stemmed from 25+ y/o men, who, at that time, were "old" to me. I was 16 when solicited for a picture of myself in an online chat...

    As for gaming, I found that people of my generation (at that time) were ... normal. We cussed and screamed and said foul language, but that was normal for "us". Looking back, it was immature, and I can see how "older" players, just wanting challenge in AOE, SC, WC, etc, instead of the PC predictable opponents, would not want to play with an adolescent constantly typing obscenities, taunts and threats. Nowadays, we have the unfortunate (dis)advantage of *hearing* them too. Ugh...

    Never had that issue myself. I've always sought to understand what I cannot. Be it the blinking VCR flashing 12:00, the runtime error in a java script, or learn how to replace the cooling fans on my car, I've never let my lack of knowledge make me dependent on someone else. There's the internet for that now ;) However, I will defer to someone's experience and possession of specialized tools, coupled with my lack of resources, motivations and funds ask for help. I may be prideful, but not entirely stupid. :D

    No, no it isn't. I wholeheartedly agree with you there.

    So Fallout 4 isn't your thing? J/k. I hated games like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter because of their button mashing. Not the perfect parallel to your example, but I feel you.
  15. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I don't think I've ever seen that except when it's obviously a joke. (Usually it's making fun of one's own age, or of the prior generations who used to do it to us.) Maybe I just hang out with the right people. :)

    Try telling that to the rapidly thinning hair on the top of my head.:p (Or my calves two days after a trail race, LOL.)
  16. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Still AD USAF, I feel that way after every PT test. Ugh! Some kid runs 1.5 miles in 9:15, and here I am, trying to make it in <13:00... But I believe @Yolofessional was speaking of mental age.

    (Of course, mentally, I'm still 15 sometimes. When I pass a bicyclist on my motorcycle and peddle my legs as I go by, or laugh at fart jokes, or stare and giggle at mannequins bizarrely/obscenely/mistakenly displayed...)
  17. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    My inner 12 year old understands.

    Hmm, I haven't done 1.5 since Lackland back in 92. That's a 6:10 pace. I can do 1/4 mile at a 5:20 pace, and my 5k PR pace (with adrenaline) is 7:05. So 1.5 is somewhere in the middle and maybe doable. I might have to try that.:D
  18. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    49 checking in.
    robberer likes this.
  19. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Yeah, for 30-39, the minimum is 14:00. And chances are, you won't pass the PT test even if you max out your push-ups and sit-ups with a 13:59.
  20. Battlezorg

    Battlezorg Lieutenant

    Nov 13, 2015
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    Morning guys/girls

    39 here me and my friends are looking for a Private Server to join and Pve/RP and little PvP on. Tired of Public servers.

    If anyone knows a good Mature server please let me know.

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