Challenge Kriel POI building Challenge

Discussion in 'Projects and Challenges' started by Escarli, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Greetings, time for a challenge I think :)

    Essentially more Kriel poi's are needed both in space and on the planet's. Unfortunately there's not many people working on them and could do with some help, I haven't got much time to work on them these days. I do however have a list of poi's to create for the Kriel.

    Now JRandall has seen this list, and approved it. He also know's I'm posting this thread...and approves of it :)

    So I'd like to share this list with you and offer them up to see if we can get some of them made.

    Challenge details
    • There is no time limit to complete a build. If it take's a couple of months it takes a couple of months.
    • The maximum size class is there to say do not go over this number, other than that it's up to you on how big you want the poi to be.
    • If you want to build a Kriel poi that's not on this list, please contact me as it has to make sense for the faction. They are not like the Zirax or Polaris or any of the other factions.
    • Please do not take an existing build and simply retexture it to have Kriel colour's, a Kriel build should be purposely built for the Kriel.
    • Elder Kriel are not allowed (this will make sense if you are familiar with Jrandall's build's)

    There are a few very specific build detail's to adhere to:
    • No grow plots - Kriel are NOT farmers
    • No huge hangar's, especially not ont on any freighter's or OPVs
    • No trader's

    Kriel Lore
    The Kriel are not farmer's, they're not trader's. They only want to expand their hive and unless you are a bug, they're not really interested in you and only see you as a resource to harvest. They are a hive mind so the outside of the queen's, they don't have independent thought.

    Building the Kriel can be a bit intimidating, I know that from experience, but please remember it's not a race. Take your time, spawn in some of the existing Kriel poi's in the game and see how they're built. Reviewing those really will help.

    I would highly advise in doing so because it's the best way to ensure you are adhering to the same style. I for one cannot build like J, but I try my best.

    Texturing for the Kriel is very important. I strongly suggest you spawn in some existing poi's and look to see how JRandall has done it on his build's. He uses a particular technique and has a tendency to use certain texture's with specific shape's.

    The colour palette to use is:

    There's also a vid that Jrandall did a while back where he mention's texturing, so please watch this and hear it from the guy himself :)

    Naming convention
    The naming of the build's is very important and JRandall does have a naming convention. In his own words:
    Blueprint naming
    Planet based poi's

    Space base poi's:

    Orbital Patrol vessels:

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2021
    ravien_ff likes this.
  2. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Below is the list of poi's and OPVs that need building, feel free to contact me if you have specific questions about them :)

    Defensive base
    Planet or space poi: Both
    Multiple variations needed of different difficulty
    Auxiliary building

    Planet Max Size class: 4
    Space Max Size class: 6

    Primary purpose:
    To help defend larger structures, think of them as auxiliary poi’s. The Kriel Insula and Kriel Pylon's are two examples of this.

    Bug Stables
    Planet or space poi: Planet

    Auxiliary building
    Multiple variations welcome

    Planet Max size class: 4 to 8

    Primary purpose:
    The Kriel are essentially bug’s, they see all bug’s as friend’s. So this poi is for all intent’s and purposes, a sanctuary for all kind’s of bugs. The Kriel drone’s you’ll find there are their guardians. It’s essentially a breeding ground for the bugs.

    Desired features:
    Small above ground structure with an entrance leading down like a road into the ground before it splits off into various tunnels/corridors. The first few rooms or floor should be designed around supporting the need’s of the bugs. After that, it’s full blown bug lair. Small Tiny bit’s of xeno to simulate eggs using the appropriate texture is fine but remember, it’s not an abandoned poi.

    Weapons Research Facility
    Planet or space poi: Planet

    Small and large versions
    Max size class (small): 8
    Max size class (large): 20 (dungeon)

    Primary Purpose:

    Being all about the expansion of their hive by any means necessary (which includes conquering/exterminating other empires) the Kriel spend a great deal of time developing new weapons. One of these is the hand held plasma blaster weapon.

    Desired features:

    Large version would have a good portion of the poi underground

    Ship Research Facility
    Planet or space poi: both

    Planet Max size class: 20 (dungeon)
    Space Max size class: 23-28 (dungeon)

    Primary Purpose:
    Much emphasis is placed upon capital vessel research with new and advanced technology being developed to help achieve their objectives. This is where entirely new ships are designed from the ground up to new advanced systems which are still at the prototype stage. An example of this would be the Quantum Repair system which the Overseer capital vessel uses. (please note the quantum repair system is a lore thing only and not a real in-game item!!)

    Desired features:
    If on a planet, a good portion of the poi should be underground for security. Tight security, friendly players should not be expected to wander around freely given the poi essentially has “state” secrets (for lack of a better term). Quantum Repair system lab. This is where the system was developed and they are looking into improving it. The system is currently only used by Overseer capital vessels as they were deemed suitable to be the test bed of the new system. At least one other lab with a new prototype being developed.

    Hive Colony
    Planet or space poi: Planet

    Max size class: 8
    Multiple variations needed
    Auxiliary building

    Primary Purpose:
    The existing poi “Brooder” is where the Kriel lay their eggs to hatch. The hive colony would be where they reside when not at war. Important to remember that the Kriel are a hive not a collection of individuals. Their colonies will need to be…different.

    Planet or space poi: Planet
    Max Size class: 10

    Primary Purpose:

    To build ships!

    Desired Features:

    The shipyard is built below ground, but the actual area where the ship is built is open aired. Think of it as a hole in the ground where they build ships with some defensive structures above ground and the main facility below ground.

    You might see the area where the ship is built but that’s the only area, the rest of the facility would be buried beneath ground (meaning the additional rooms and areas of the poi).

    Kinds of ships that would be built here are small vessels. I know the AI cannot handle small vessels but JRandall has made some very cool small vessels so I thought it’d be awesome if there was a poi designed that was in the game that was aimed at building them

    Munitions Depot
    Planet or space poi: Both

    Planet Max size class: 8-10 (preferably 8)
    Space Max size class: 12-14 (preferably 14)

    Primary Purpose:
    Essentially a storage facility for munitions. Important facility for the Kriel war effort. Heavily defended in every aspects.

    Desired Features:
    Above and below ground variants are welcome.

    Don’t think of it as a simple storage facility with a bunch of ammo boxes. It’s a military installation with good internal security as well as outside. The last thing they want is for enemies to come waltzing in and have an easy time taking out a key base that reduces the amount of ammo they have for a war.

    Training ground
    Planet or space poi: Planet

    Max size class: 8
    Multiple variations are MOST welcome

    Primary Purpose:
    A poi that’s essentially a Kriel assault course where the aim is to destroy all the sentry turrets in as short a time as possible. A Kriel that doesn’t beat the course in a specific amount of time is considered to be defective.

    Desired features:
    A poi that essentially simulates an attack on another factions base with various traps including
    sentry guns, turret robots and the mechanoid npc’s as enemies.

    Munitions factory:
    Planet or Space poi: Planet

    Max size class: 20

    Primary Purpose:
    Where they make all the ammo for their bases/capital vessels etc.

    Desired Features:
    Think of a production line, how do the resources get into the factory. Where do they go from there, is there a different manufacturing area for different sizes of ammo?

    Droid factory:
    Planet or space poi: both
    Planet Max Size class: 12
    Space Max Size class: 15

    Primary Purpose:
    The Kriel make use of the various droid npc models within the game to give them any advantage possible in war. This is the primary factory where those droids are constructed. Perhaps there’s different droid factories for the different droid npc models (optional and entirely up to the builder)

    Desired features:
    There should be a nice supply of those npcs within the poi, though that’s not to say you won’t find Kriel as well.

    Mining station:
    Planet or space poi: Space

    Max Size class: 10

    Primary Purpose:
    Speaks for itself

    Alloy Refinery
    Planet or space poi: Space

    Max Size Class: 10

    Primary Purpose:
    Industrial building that mixes resources together to make the various alloy’s needed for the Kriel war machine.

    Capital Vessels:
    CV Role: Freighter

    Max Size class: 10-14 (preferably 10 and below)
    Hardened Steel not combat

    Multiple versions welcome

    The Kriel are independent and rarely trade with other empires. Therefore they don’t hire anyone else to ship their raw materials or any other supplies.

    CV Role: Battleship
    Multiple versions welcome

    No hangar’s or grow plots, the Kriel are NOT farmers. If you do put a hangar then a SMALL one and nowhere near any vital systems and preferably in an unconventional location (i.e. not at the back of the cv that’s standard for player cv’s)

    Attack value: Approximately 10000-11000
    Defence value: Approximately 8000-10000

    This is a combat vessel so would have 360’ turret coverage
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2022
    ravien_ff likes this.
  3. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    There is also one POI that was started but never finished. I am not sure where to go with it and neither can I contact the person who started it. With everything else I'd like to build I simply havne't been able to get to it. So this might be a good started for someone wishing to have a go.

    The author is called Rhodekill and it was featured on one of Jrandall's youtube vids early last year, but we haven't heard from Rhodekill and this poi has been in limbo ever since. If anyone wants to pick it up, then by all means. The second screenshot is worth taking a look at because this poi does have some filler block issues. If you want to contact me separately about this one please feel free to do so.

    Could be turned into a variation of the Alloy refinery perhaps. If more than one person want's to pick it up that's fine, maybe add a few more level's onto it, change the internal shaping to suit your own purposes :)



    Attached Files:

  4. MatCz

    MatCz Lieutenant

    Apr 9, 2021
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    NewGame_11_2021-07-17_22-38-33.png NewGame_11_2021-07-17_22-38-06.png NewGame_11_2021-07-17_22-37-52.png NewGame_11_2021-07-17_22-37-41.png NewGame_11_2021-07-17_22-37-06.png NewGame_11_2021-07-17_22-36-20.png NewGame_11_2021-07-17_22-38-33.png Alright, let's get started :)

    The Fidus is a planetary defence tower. Not a big POI it is meant to be spawned around other structures. One won't be hard to take out, some of them can hurt players.

    With the design-Idea is obviously a scorpion tail this POI has a small-ish footprint but also an interior.

    Size-Class: 0,53
    Weapons: 2 player missiles, 1 player laser, 1 player minigun (I like the player models better), 2 sentries
    inside has 2 sentries too, mean ones tbh :p
    3 spawners inside
    1 standard alien container
    1 ammo box, 1 container, some equipment to loot

    According texturing it is ok-ish I would say. it is hard on this shapes to get it done nice I think and I would really hear J saying how to do the 22.5 angled transition especially with Cut Corner B (the first one in the row) handles the textures so aweful in symetrie (one side cool, other side not).
    Anyway, I'm not unhappy. That's why I post this here.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2021
  5. MatCz

    MatCz Lieutenant

    Apr 9, 2021
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    seeing the pictures I just think of outside spawners. Appropriate for a defence tower? I'm unsure now
  6. Don2k7

    Don2k7 Captain

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Cool design I like it
  7. MatCz

    MatCz Lieutenant

    Apr 9, 2021
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    thx but I suck with pictures ;)
  8. mmmeh

    mmmeh Ensign

    Sep 21, 2021
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    I disagree! They do the build a good bit of justice :]

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