Lag spikes?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by michaelhartman89, Dec 25, 2021.

  1. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    I'm currently running an i7 11k series, 32 gb ram, and gtx 3070 which can run Empyrion at 180 frames, but I am getting some serious lag spikes where nothing will register ( can be as long as 30 secs at times). Anyone else having issues like this. I don't think it's my hardware, but I am running a wireless mouse and keyboard
  2. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    I am having various issues (lag, failure to load, crashes, heavy GPU load, etc.), but unfortunately in my case old hardware cannot be discounted, so my feedback is only of limited value . . .

    When you say lag spikes, are you talking about in a client-server mode or singleplayer mode? I would assume that network latency and how the app handles network traffic would be an issue for the client-server mode and not for singleplayer.

    I have personally experienced what I would call "lag spikes," and have heard other players comment on "lag spikes" playing on more than one server with the 1.7 update (if not the lateat update). Based on very limited (~4 or 5 hours?) of playing the experimental 1.7 build vanilla singleplayer, I did not see anything I would call a "lag spike" in singleplayer mode.
  3. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Well first off this game is run on Unity game engine. And I do believe someday in the near future they will catch up with Unreal 5 game engine as far as poly count processing goes. It will always have these minor spikes. A 30 second spike, you would need to explain what you are doing when this occurs. Such as coming down into planet, warping, etc. The game also has memory leak issues so make sure you restart your pc daily.

    And one more thing, video games are behind when it comes to hardware. Like years behind in utilising the hardware thats out there now. But I am sure we will see awesome games coming out on Unreal 5 in the next few years. And if you don't know whats great about Unreal 5 , go watch some videos on it on what they can do with it now.

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