Help needed LCD displayed tied to shield on/off?

Discussion in 'Knowledge & Info' started by Balkoth, Oct 27, 2021.

  1. Balkoth

    Balkoth Ensign

    Sep 22, 2021
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    I have two LCD displays I want to tie to shield power; on / off, so one to display when power is on, and the other to display with power off.

    Do I need to generate a circuit for this? if so which?
  2. Allessia

    Allessia Ensign

    Mar 28, 2023
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    If you just wont to have two displays telling you power ON or Power OFF just take a TX-Signal Switch on the first side of your P-Menu. Name it lets say "Power". Now you go to your lcd's and tell the one that says ON to follow and the one that says OFF to follow but check the square right to it that say inverted. Now you just have to go through all of your systems that needed to be switched on or off for your display and hook them up to you TX-Signal. Unfortunatly there is no way to hook your displays directly to your Main Powerswitch. And be aware, if you shut down all your generators, there is no power for the display to tel you the system is of ;-)

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