Episode 26 - Ekki's Kitchen Taking advantage of the vast herds of lactating lizards on Ningues, we whip up some space pizza and space chips; suitably sated, we head off to take out the Drone Base, and actually manage to loot the Troop Transport.
Episode 27 - On Yer Bike Purely by accident, we discover the option to manufacture motorbikes - I'd thought you just got one in the escape pod on starting the game. After a brief joyride, we get back to the serious business of conquest, taking on the Rados Missile Silo which lurks just over the hills from A'Tuin's parking spot.
Episode 28 - Aggressive Sales Techniques From all the POI raids we've been doing, there's now a sizeable collection of flashlights, F&F tools and chainsaws clogging up Great A'Tuin's cargo hold, so we put them to use in the factory, building ourselves an awesome new Hover Vehicle; we take it out for the ground attack phase on a couple of smaller Rados POIs, and it acquits itself pretty well, IMHO.
Episode 29 - Taking The Pistol With 50 Caliber bullets multiplying like rabbits in A'Tuin's cargo bay thanks to four and a half planets' worth of POI assaults, we decide to test our mettle with a handicap run on the next set of targets - we're going to stash our epic minigun and pulse rifle away, and take on the Zirax armed with just a pistol. Well, a pistol and the five railguns mounted on our Crimson Razor strike craft, obviously. I mean the POIs still have turrets, and we're not up to that much of a challenge.
Episode 30 - Dude, Where's My Ice Cream Truck? One more little POI assault, and Ningues is ours - now it's time to start planning out our big build for this planet.
Episode 31 - Ningues Big Build, Part 1 In this episode we wrestle with structural integrity while trying to build a sweet glass bridge across the valley that will eventually separate the Roughly Seven Thousand Steps from the Crystal Spire Monastery. I should probably include a vertigo warning here for those of you so afflicted.
Episode 32 - Ningues Big Build, Part 2 Building a pathway up the mountainside sounds easy, but when your build is this ambitious, there's one extra factor to take into account - the width limitation.
Episode 34 - Ningues Big Build, Part 4 We finally complete our big build on snowy Ningues, ending up with no fewer than four separate bases to circumvent the width limits.