Light passing through blocks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scoob, Mar 7, 2023.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    Does it irk anyone else that Base / Vessel lights pass through blocks? While light from the local star casts shadows well enough, light from blocks passes right through other blocks and surface deco such as trees and rocks.

    For example, my current base - I've taken over a "Crashed Transport Rear" POI - has lights upstairs on the ceiling, but none downstairs. However, those upstairs lights shine through the floor, illuminating the lower floor as if there's nothing in the way.

    Even the light from the jet pack will illuminate all below it with its blue glow - bit off-putting when sat in an HV or low-flying SV.

    In versions past, there was a lighting (shadow) settings that largely stopped this - minimal light would bleed through blocks. This was only for artifical lights - aka "Light" blocks placed on a base or vessel. Light from the star would still shine through blocks. However, this option appears to have been lost. It was a bit resource-heavy back in the day (I had a 2600k with GTX 1070) but it looked pretty good. Shame the current game version doesn't seem to support it as I'm on much better hardware now.

    Is there any way to enable better lighting (shadows I expect) so light doesn't shine right through block as if they're not there? I've got everything maxed out, and there's a total lack of shadows from artificial light sources. I have shadow quality set to "Ultra" - is this setting broken or something? I mean, Off, Low, High and Ultra shadows make zero visible difference for me - I've been cycling through them and comparing.

    Is there some hidden settings to make lights work better?
    TK85 likes this.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    There is no feasible way to make this work without absolutely massive FPS drops that will kill even high end PCs.
    Empyrion used to have this as a setting, and enabling it even on a very small 4 room base on a planet would drop my FPS down to 15 from 60.
    Real shadows are very expensive to calculate in a voxel type game, that's why no game like this has them available.
    TK85 likes this.
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks for the reply ravien_ff, that's what I thought, though, back in the day, my humble 1070 did an ok job of the higher setting, would have though more modern hardware would be better at it. Still, the game in general has become more demanding since those very early days.

    Shame there's not a way for the game to fake it - not expecting full ray-traced lighting here - but shadows are basically not working at all for me currently, irrespective of setting.
    TK85 likes this.

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