Logistics, Virtual Toolbar, Modular Containers

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    For me the logistic UI is OK ( I am used to a similar thing in space engineers, but I think they way SE does it is better, but still far from perfect without additional scripts).
    My biggest problem with the whole system is that once you have wireless , then ALL inventories should be participating and should never be any need to manually transfer stuff through you own inventory (feeding factory, feeding repair bay, looting a pick-up box etc.

    Also constructor and food processors really need to be able to use multiple sources so I wont have to stick a load of odd stuff in the fridge, or have mixed ore+ingots+parts containers etc. Consider inventories in reach on another owned vessel perhaps?

    There needs to be a filtered routing system along to automatically move class of products into the right inventory. Inventories should be able to be maintained sorted and cleanly stacked. The current stack sizes seem a bit random as well and need an overhaul.

    Currently it all feels a bit half done and messy, but is heading in the right direction at least.

    There needs to be a search across the accessible inventories as well.

    It is worth a look at the way SE does this (which IMHO is currently far superior for this, and yet most players also use inventory manager scripts in SE to automatically organise their inventories - if we wont get scripts here, then the system needs to provide this kind of functionality eventually to some degree for the sake of usability).
  2. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Personally I like Logistics and Wireless operations. the Modular Toolbar, and Container Extensions.

    Like most, I fumbled a little with the Container Controller/Extension relationship initially, but figured it out and it works great.

    The Modular Toolbar is just fine, and the only problem I ever have with it is my own problem - remembering when I need to switch.

    Logistics and Wireless... here's one thing that could use just the slightest bit of work:

    1. Wireless - It would be amazing to see the range of the Wireless signal on the radar, centered on the location of the WiFi module. A simple contrasting colored circular line would be more than enough just to be able to see where it ends.

    2. Logistics - Let us connect containers to devices that can connect to containers (Constructors for example) to containers in Wireless Range as well. Case in point: I take an HV out, harvest 1132 logs I want to convert to biofuel. Being able to pull up to a base, park, and make the transfer from my HV's Storage, to the Constructor, then from the Constructor to another container without having to offload all those logs (mainly when using M&V), would simply be divine.

    Unity-based Planet Nomads accomplished this with their own Wireless device, which, mounted to a container, would allow that container to function as part of another container/network when in close proximity to another wireless device on that other container network. It was quite nice.
  3. Paganizer

    Paganizer Commander

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Can you turn this logistics stuff and/or volume/weight limits off?
    I would prefer to do things like in 8.6 when I last played. I can see the posibilities in the logistics, but I don't want the volume/weight restrictions, and I would prefer not being required to use this complex logistics system from the get go.
  4. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Yes it has an off switch

    Doesnt turn the F4 menu and such of tho

    Only the limits can be turned off
  5. Paganizer

    Paganizer Commander

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Thanks. Is there a console command for it, like there is for the CPU system?
  6. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    gopt set EnableVolumeWeight false
    You can also just use the Difficulty option in SP
    Paganizer likes this.

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