Are you going to make the community 'pay' for the fixed release? Or are you going to let us update since we already have the outdated version?
Well, considering I've been posting almost all my mods public for everyone to use for free without asking for anything in exchange And I posted my POI request in January and still haven't seen any POIs pop up on the site... plus, getting players to start making new POIs will be good for the community I don't think it's too much to ask for the Empyrion community to do something for me And the community. Also, I was originally thinking 250 POIs, I've slashed that due to Eleon Finally getting around to doing Something with the API.
I am interested in your mods, and know it takes a lot to create them, and to keep them working, how about a monetary compensation, instead of the poi compensation? Could you contact me privately?
can't download the link on page 3. is there an updated copy of the file? just trying to get a copy of:
They don't have time anymore and made their mods opensource. It has also been a couple years or so since their leave, so expect to have to update/fix/finish the mod yourself . See here,
You can use my EmpyrionBackpackExtender preinstalled in the package ->
It works, thank you so much, send me a link where I can send donation for you providing the best backpack mod!
Great work, I am using EmpyrionBackpackExtender with ModLoader which is working and was wondering if you can host more than one server of Empyrion on the same server box with each server having a seperate BackpackExtender from the other server on the same machine without conflicting with the other backpack?
The highlight is the placeholder {0} in the configuration file which is exchanged for a unique identifier at the first start. This ensures that several servers from different directories do not get in each other's way Code: EGS\Content\Mods\ModLoader\Client\Configuration.xml <EmpyrionToModPipeName>EmpyrionToModPipe{0}</EmpyrionToModPipeName> <ModToEmpyrionPipeName>ModToEmpyrionPipe{0}</ModToEmpyrionPipeName> afer the first start e.g. Code: <EmpyrionToModPipeName>EmpyrionToModPipe774795cf36144ecfa253eea882e75fe7x</EmpyrionToModPipeName> <ModToEmpyrionPipeName>ModToEmpyrionPipea08da4c068924612a55e5d6e5c305071x</ModToEmpyrionPipeName>
anyone have a working copy? the github is missing a .dll so it won't load. srug may be missing more files. I know some of you have a complete folder would you please share..... thanks