Movement inside a moving ship

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by bbk.3164, Apr 3, 2022.

  1. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    Dear developers!
    you have been developing this game for 7-10 years...
    WHY are you making "beautiful water" which we DON'T NEED but not doing VERY IMPORTANT THINGS??
    Such as - movement inside a moving ship ?!!!!!

    Here is the penultimate sentence from the player:

    and there is my GOOD ANSWER ... but on the 2nd page:

    Duplicate here:
    The core of the ship = this is the ZERO REFERENCE POINT IN THE LOCAL SYSTEM OF THE SHIP (!)

    Now in the game - the movement is RELATIVE TO THE LOCATION (the surface of the planet, or in space) = this is one continuous GRID OF COORDINATES (!)

    Both the character and the ships now move as separate objects inside the location (coordinate grid).

    All you need is - LINK THE CHARACTER'S POSITION -> TO DIFFERENT OBJECTS = either to the surface of the planet, or to space, or to the ship in which the character is (!)


    So DO IT ... or do you need 20 years to do it ?????? o_O
  2. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Depends on your point of view, walking on a moving ship is not something I'd say is needed, not for a good while anyway.
    Stampy and Germanicus like this.
  3. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Personally I think walking on a ship while it's moving would be a great addition to the game. A lot better than making things look pretty.
    akimzav likes this.
  4. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    So how would that help me in SP (which is what I normally play when doing survival)? Everything I want to do I can do via the control panel.
    Stampy and Germanicus like this.
  5. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I didn't know you could harvest your plants from the control panel. When did they add that?
    Also docking onto an enemy ship, blowing a hole in it and then fighting your way to blow the core up, so you have take over the ship, without having to take out all the turrets and thrusters, sounds like fun to me.
  6. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    I never tend to have grow plots on my cv's in all honesty. And when I do have grow plots in my base, it's never that big in all honesty so doesn't take long.

    In terms of docking onto an enemy ship, honestly? If they allowed that, then it would give the player an even greater advantage than it already has,for me they'd need to give something for OPVs in order to balance it out. Plus it would be a nightmare to balance for those who like to pvp.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Imagin trying to board a flying saucer full speed...

    For boarding parties, I would go with sci-fi movies way to do it : first disable the ship, then try to get inside. And ships in movies move really slow, but in Empyrion they can be very fast turning, which would case major sync/ ghosting problems in multiplayer. It's already the case for any kind of moving platform/ vehicle at quite low speeds in most games : the player position rapidly jitters all over the place because the server is trying to keep him in the right spot. Players usually have very narrow space to move in (ex. an elevator) and it can still bug.

    Many players wanted the "walk on moving ship" because they think of what we see in movies : big ship staff going around on duty while the ship is travelling forward. But that's not something they do when there is combat, although this discrepancy is not often well depicted in the movies : when the ship takes a hit, people on the deck grab hold of something not to be thrown around, but at the same time we see soldiers running undisturbed in corridors, readying for battle...

    The problem is also due to ships having colliders only on the exterior side when in motion, for combat purpose. To allow players to collide inside the ships would require to double the colliders count on all ships : performance is already pretty bad in multiplayer actually, and this would mean chaos and even bigger rubberbanding.

    The way the OP explains his solution is something completely apart from the problem : Eleon knows how to attach players to coordinates, moving or not: when players use "passenger seats" their "camera" is then attached to the pilot player's "game object" but each on their respective attach point. The game shows a "sitting model" in the passenger seat, but in reality players can only use their camera, which can't move from that attach point.

    That is not the issue here. The problem is sync + colliders (2x) and the "ship" is in fact the "player" with a different control scheme, they are not 2 different entities (a player sitting in a seat on another entity).

    The physics engine runs at 60 "ticks" per second. A ship's nose, when turning, can be at 100 meters from the center of rotation, so players at the end of the ship (front or rear) would then travel at speeds greater than the physics engine can update their position. In other words, if a ship has a high angular acceleration (turning accel.) players will see their position updated at meters difference many times per second. They could be spawned one side on a room, out of the ship, back in the middle, a few times per seconds etc. The physics engine can make an approximate of the future position the player will be at, but that will still be many meters from the original position at great angular speeds.

    If a 200 meters ship can turn 90 deg. in 1 second, players at both ends could very easily be travelling on an arc at speeds greater than 100 m/s. This means the physics engine gets a new player position every 1/60 th of a second, which can be 1.6 meters apart - 3 player's "width". That's a big margin of error if the ship's turning speed varies (physics predictive method will fail). But in Empyrion the problem is even worse : ships can start turning in one direction at crazy speeds, then in a split second start turning in the opposite direction. Players would end up outside the ship, then "back in" when the physics engine catches up his next updated position. Players could even get "caught" inside another ship right next to the one they were in I guess...

    The game will now also have to track damage from inside (all these new colliders) if players shoot inside when the ship is moving. Another serious performance drop, and/or lots of errors.

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2022
    Spoon likes this.
  8. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    No it will not help players in SP at all; but it will help players who play and move together in MP.
    One of the play styles (not yet practical) in MP players wish to achieve is to have ship as their faction base.
    To make this play style practical, the game needs "walking on moving ship" and re-worked cyro chamber.
  9. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    I like the boarding enemy ship idea. But the game needs a workaround to have collusion system figured out first.

    After that is done, two ways I can think of to board an enemy ship:
    1. Approach to an enemy ship and dock on it (a re-worked docking device needed). Then blowing a hole on the ship hull and board on the ship
    2. A device that allows crew members to teleport to enemy ship, within certain range.
  10. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Move-while-flying would also need 2 other added features:
    a) Autopilot of your ship driven by AI and the possibility to telecommand it, this in turn would need a revamp of the entire flying AI which currently is only rudimentory to say it politely.

    b) Much more larger playfields to give you room for doing stuff inside/outside of your ship while flying. With the current playfield limits you soon would reach the boundaries.
    I can hardly imagine any good gameplay idea that would make this useful, not to say stunning.

    And all this for what? For some MP guys having fun in EGS, nothing more I think, not terribly useful for single players, the initial 'shining' of the new feature would soon vanish.

    In the many threads about this requested feature I have not read * 1 * good idea of how it would improve gameplay or make it more interesting, only some vague blabla.
    Find a really GOOD idea to add this feature, you for sure will get my vote for it, none of all published ideas so far have impressed me, so why should the devs get impressed?
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2022
    Stampy and Kassonnade like this.
  11. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I don't even think it would "shine" one whole minute, given the performance impact making everything worse than it already is on most (if not all) servers.

    And one thing I forgot to mention in my long post above : if Eleon can't envision making "wheels" because of complexity and possible glitches, they certainly will not dive into something far more complex like "walking on a moving ship". In all aspects, this implies far more adjustments, fixes and additions.

    The reason why I'm so disillusioned from the recent news that wheels will not be part of the game is that it's a pretty easy comparison point for other features' implementation challenge.
  12. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I certainly agree about terrible performance issues if this was implemented, but I said in other similar posts: with the current game engine such a feature is hardly feasable, and if the devs ever change the game engine the move-while-fly would be at the end of their to-do list, they would have to worry about many other things...I cannot believe that this would still be the same game - all this hypotetically speaking of course.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2022
  13. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Even with another engine, the fact that player movement would be tied to another player's control, but free to move despites that, would be hell to make work without problems, let alone with reasonable performance. It's not like the ship would be controlled by the game, which would then know exactly what it's going to do with the ship, rendering player position grabbing/ setting much easier. With player controlled ships, the server has to wait for input of the "controlling" player at one end, get input of "passenger" players at the other ends, make these all fit together then send updated positions. Add some moderate ping delays on both ends and it quickly becomes a mess...
    Germanicus likes this.
  14. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I have seen in 2 different games how to avoid an overload of the game engine which must keep all objects, distance data, their grafic rendering etc. to a limit and at the same time gives the illusion of a gigantic playfield: In X-Rebirth (Egosoft), and another game of years ago (cannot remember, Salvation Prophecy?). In X-R, they have introduced these fast flying tunnels like in Freelancer which allows you to move fast from one playfield location to another while having fun with it, in the other game they introduced a sort of mini-game of a wormhole which achieves the same goal but while flying through it you must avoid and dodge electrical discharges making your shields going down, that was fun.
    This would be a way to lower performance overkill for computers while introducing a fun feature - and possibly also room for Move-While-Flying. But the argument remains: I hardly see any good reason for move-while-flying, not even in MP.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2022
  15. Necroz

    Necroz Lieutenant

    May 21, 2020
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