My Feedback instead of a Steam review

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Philipp, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. Philipp

    Philipp Captain

    Aug 30, 2016
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    I'm not writing a review on steam for this game, cause i prefer writing a review if a game is finished.
    So i thought i write here a feedback about my thoughts of the game.

    Empyrion used to be my favorite game for the last years. I started playing in summer 2016, when i got that game as a present (do i say "present" or "gift"? - i never understood the difference) from my girlfriend.

    This game offered me some awesome moments, i still remember the first night i ever had in that game, where i stayed near my worklight and my survival constructor and was afraid of all that creepy sounds going on in the near forest.

    I played that game alot, in Singleplayer, or in Multiplayer, together with my girlfriend.
    I wrote more than 100 bug reports and I spent a lot of time creating scenarios.

    Especially in Multiplayer, my girlfriend and me had so much fun, cause we tried to build some nice bases next to each other and then visit the other one. Then we added some more buildings and build or own small colony, that we had to defend against attacking drones.

    We captured Zirax POI's, traveled through the solar system and went for lunch in the nearest Trading Station.

    The game was very enjoyable in those days, not to complex, not to easy and the best thing was, after a long stressfull day, this game was just relaxing. Even Fighting was relaxing and fun.

    We played that together till Alpha 7 came out, then we played a bit less, cause Alpha 7 brought us some annoying bugs (but we still had a lot of fun with that game)

    With Alpha 8 we need to make a break, cause the game just didn't run on our pc's anymore. So we stayed with Alpha 6 & 7.

    Then i started playing Singleplayer again when Alpha 9 came out, and my Girlfriend joined with Alpha 10.
    Once again we had alot of fun (playing version 10.4), cause you brought us the possabilty to change alot with config files.

    But the gameplay changed so much, it was like playing a different game: It became more complex (sometimes on a annoying way, sometimes i really appreciated that), But the "easy, relaxing gameplay" was lost (together with beloved things like plant monsters). Still, Alpha 10.4 is a really great game and i like it alot!

    When 10.5 was released, i felt the game started moving in a wrong direction for me and i stayed with Version 10.4 for a while.

    Now with Alpha 11 released i'm just thinking: What have you done to that game? The new flying system & hud are awful. At least for me.
    The CPU system is a good idea, i tested it alot during 10.4, but in Alpha 11 it seems like a bad implementation.

    But if i have a look at the versions that brought the most fun, it was Alpha 3, Alpha 6/Alpha 7 and Alpha 10.4.
    So maybe i will have a lot of fun again with ... Alpha 13?

    I know this feedback is a bit more personal, cause i'm a emotional Person, but i wan't to say:
    thank you for a great game and 3 Awesome years!
    StyleBBQ, Average, Supay and 6 others like this.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thank you for taking the time to write this well thought out feedback.
    StyleBBQ and Philipp like this.
  3. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Thanks for the feedback :)
    Supay, Philipp and ravien_ff like this.
  4. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Hi Philipp, thanks a lot for your honest feedback - if it is a bit more personal, that does not matter at all :)
    ravien_ff and Philipp like this.
  5. runlykhel

    runlykhel Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Very nicely said. Know that you are not alone in your reactions.:)
    StyleBBQ, ravien_ff, Supay and 3 others like this.
  6. elmo

    elmo Captain

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Very nicely put Philipp. My son introduced me to this game and I play in a coop with him. We have had lots of fun and I love this game and maybe put in more hours than we should have. But being an old lady I find a lot of the changes too complicated for me. It doesn't matter how much my son explains it all but mass/ volume, CPU and thrusters etc is beyond me.. I now find myself playing less than I did and even with the volume and cpu off I am not having the same I mentioned on another thread a few days ago there is no challenge anymore to go to other planets because you will just be doing same thing over and over again..
    Minelaus, StyleBBQ, Average and 3 others like this.

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