New Explosion damage.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xtended2l, Feb 6, 2021.

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  1. xtended2l

    xtended2l Commander

    Oct 23, 2020
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    It feels like you are talking to yourself or express your wishful thinking which has nothing to do with reality. Wall Mart is a retail company, I dont know why for the sake of another 1gb patch, you remembered the company from another sphere. My rotten fruits are marked as NOT ROTTEN, I can sell them wherever I want. :p

    You did wrong assumption, thinking that I am talking about vanilla. There was not a word about that in my post. I just stated the fact, that I watched, but without details. When players clarified in a good manner and one guy in a farted manner, that this is only about modded content, I admitted that. I dont see how it touches current discussion, and how it makes an excuse for your current demagogy.

    I should admit that, you will learn nothing. But that is not my problem.

    No, no, no. Calling you a "troll" will make you a great excuse, proving that you typed all this nonsense only as a joke. I clearly understand this is not a case. You are definitely serious, you started this holy war, not because of me, but because of them. It is obvious, that you are not interested in finding the truth. You are a holy guardian of Eleon (I hope someone will give you a medal). Bugs marked as not-bugs, poor marketing company, absence of any events, features awaiting implementation for damn 5 years(like crosshairs), etc, ALL of this is not because of lack of qualification, no.. - it is a TRUE UNIQUE HOLY PATH of The Early Access game, that is not in Early Access.

    :D:D:D If you will repeat "You try to prove I am wrong, bu I am not" again, I will add it to my signature.

    Now you are talking from the name of everybody. Do you feel yourself a prophet or a president? I really do not understand what are you trying to prove. I did not said anything new. It is clear as Eleon's manuals, that they have a lot of issues.
    Everyone understands that this game took the path of all other EA games, accurate to every stumbling. Pitifully they cannot copy good experience too. And that was all I wanted to say.

    No need to fight windmills, Sancho.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2021
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I think that's the only time you earn some credibility. I know you speak "your" truth here, and I believe you really mean what you write.

    Now you can stop acting like an hypocrit, state that you hate the devs or something more in line with what you feel than trying your IT and customer service BS on me.

    When you're done just ask yourself why you stay on these forums while you could be enjoying yourself doing something fun or productive. You (should) know perfectly well that with this kind of perception and attitude, you will always be unsatisfied here, and nothing the devs will do will be enough for you. You can search the forum archive for a change, and see how many times guys like you just tilted but refused to accept that they had nothing to do here apart running in circles in their head.

    Trying to destroy other's toys, that's kid behavior. Man up and either go out, do something fun, but stop acting like you're having a good time here.
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