New server suffering disconnect issues SOLVED

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by Oddyseous, Jun 27, 2020.

  1. Oddyseous

    Oddyseous Ensign

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Hey guys, hope it's okay I post here, I am using mods or attempting to so hopefully this is the correct place. If not let me know.

    So Vanilla untouched seems to run fine, however a simple change like POI regeneration off or craft speed and BOOM we suffer server wide disconnects. Currently all my settings should be back to where it was stable, but I do have some mods installed. I've attached a screen shot of my mods installed. Hopefully someone can help with this. The server is fully up to date. I've been scratching my head and working on this for over a week trying to get used to the empyrion mods and server hosting syntax and practical uses of stuff. I used to run a Rust server I was extremely happy with and would really like to get this going similarly smooth.

    Main issue: Random server-wide disconnects every couple hours or so more or less. Seems to be random.

    Secondary Issue: Can someone please tell me where the string is telling people to be handed out cake in command crate? I can't find anything related to it.

    EDIT: To be clear, right now we are still suffering disconnects with all previously stable settings set. People will get disconnected and sometimes end up back on the default starting world. It just happened it seems to be happening more frequent. Would really like to avoid wipe.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 28, 2020
  2. Oddyseous

    Oddyseous Ensign

    Jun 27, 2020
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    this was fixed by wiping out the entire service and re-installing from scratch not sure what happened to cause it.

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