INFO & FEEDBACK v1.11.7 - New SharedData to Cloud Method

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Taelyn, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Hello Galactic Survivalists,

    Since we see some issues with people getting it to work here is some documentation :)

    1. Go to your Server Root Installation/Content/Scenarios/<Scenario Name>

    2. Right Click on the SharedData Folder and "Sent To" > Compressed (zipped) folder
    This will create a Zip File, You can rename it to anything you feel like

    NOTE: We only support the zip format from Windows or 7zip.
    WinRAR is NOT Supported and will NOT work!

    3. Upload this zip file to either GoogleDrive, Dropbox or OneDrive (Personal)

    4. After its uploaded you create a Download URL by sharing this zip in your drive (Right click on the uploaded file and press "Share")
    make sure its a PUBLIC Link!

    5. When this is done, you go to your own dedicated.yaml that you use to start the server
    Beneath GameConfig > CustomScenario you add the "SharedDataURL: <LINK>"
    Replace the link with the link you created in step 4!

        GameName: DediGame                       # Determines name of the save game
        Mode: Survival                           # Survival or Creative
        Seed: 1011345                            # The seed determines how the world is procedurally generated - the same seed means the same world
        CustomScenario: Default Multiplayer      # Enable custom scenario. Name of custom scenario from folder Content\Scenarios

    6. Boot Server :NewSunglasses:

    For Co-op mode:
    - Right click on the SharedData folder in the custom scenario folder you wish to use & select to zip/compress the SharedData and upload the zip file to a cloud service such as “Google drive”, “Dropbox” or “OneDrive (Personal)”.

    - Once the compressed copy is uploaded to your file host of choice enable sharing for the uploaded file & create a share link for it & copy the link.

    - Next in the Co-op setup menu where you will see a GUI element for “SharedDataURL” click on it & add the link you copied & paste it here then when ready start the co-op server & the link will get added to the dedicated.yaml that is automatically generated in the save game folder for the co-op game you have started.

    !ATTENTION! Any time a custom scenarios SharedData folder is updated you should also upload a new version of it to your file host of choice & create a new share link which needs to be added to the dedicated.yaml replacing the previous link setup there.

        # SharedData transfer via cloud storage
        # Since the in-game transfer is slow and costs a lot of dedi server bandwidth, you can now use a cloud storage service.
        # How to use:
        # - zip the complete SharedData folder of the hosted scenario and upload the zip file to a cloud service
        #   - side note: the name of the zip file doesn't matter, you can use the scenario name or add date or version info if you like
        # - ! enable sharing for the uploaded file so that everyone with a sharing link can download it !
        # - create the sharing link for the zip file and set it below as SharedDataURL parameter
        #   - Note: when that parameter exists, the old in-game transfer is disabled
        # Notes:
        # - usually the link URL from the cloud service is a "view URL" => when you paste it into your browser a page opens with a Download button somewhere
        # - since we need to directly download the file, we internally convert the "view URL" into a "download URL"
        # - this currently works for "Google Drive", "OneDrive" (Personal variant) and DropBox
        # - if you want to use another service, you need to get a "download URL" yourself
        #   - also set that as SharedDataURL parameter but prefix it with an underscore '_' to mark it as such
        # !!! Please DON'T FORGET to update the URL when you upload a new version of your zip file !!!
        # Google Drive example
        # SharedDataURL:
        # Example for a "download URL" - notice the leading underscore character
        # SharedDataURL: _
    Eleon Game Studios

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