Help needed Not allowed to change structure factions?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Odeoron Dream-Light, Sep 1, 2021.

  1. Odeoron Dream-Light

    Odeoron Dream-Light Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2021
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    I don't really need to write a whole story here other than the fact that when we change to creative mode we cannot add more poi's manually to the game?
    As i i cannot spawn in another Zirax base for me to explore and conquer because if i spawn it it will be mine and i can't do nothing about it.

    Suffice to say that i'm really trying to hold my temper down SEVERELY, because despite the game being a great game with lots of potential, you @devs seem to completely play the God card over the player community, as in you simply ignore the most basic and logical requests of players, such as fix some damn bugs spanj and us the players keeps dealing with for YEARS or add basic and fun content, or simply give more power to the players to play the game as they would like to.

    Like this instance where "sure you can go into creative mode, except you will simply not be able to do shoite about the game map!"

    Why don't we have access to the NPC factions so that if we spawn more POI's mannually we cannot set them to the desired faction from the drop-down menu or a code, or even simpler, if it is a POI-type blueprint then when spawned it should bloody well be already set to it's relevant faction!

  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    faction entity Zirax xxxx

    Where "xxxx" is the structure ID. Can be used for any faction.

    To turn on or off the AI:
    ai on
    ai off

    use the help command for a full list of console commands.
  3. Odeoron Dream-Light

    Odeoron Dream-Light Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Ravien you are a friggin hero for goodness sake!

    You and vermillion are me favourites, you ought to become the CEO's of Eleon for real!

    By the way, ever since you suggested that i play reforged eden and project eden, i stuck with that.... so there... i'm a fan!

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