NPCs (creatures and drones)

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Morkar

    Morkar Lieutenant

    Aug 17, 2015
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    I would really like to have neutral or faction based space (or ground) stations later on with some intelligent alien species. Besides trading and refueling you could do some random missions for them too or selling you blueprints of unknown tech. Maybe you have to do some missions first to get access to the new stuff (earning faction points). Even multiplayer would greatly profit from a faction system in place.

    As for currency I would like if it would be completely trade based. You trade in your commodities/ressources for other ressources they have. Different alien species or different star systems could have different demands. The last one would even give you more reason for ressource gahering in different systems and travel inbetween.

    For now I think having a trade station isn't needed but as soon as you have more systems to travel to, things are getting interesting. I think it's just a matter of balancing later on how much ressources you can mine in a system,which ressources are even available in a system and how much ressources it needs to build something.

    For pre-alpha I think everything has to be tight and have a rather easy to obtain it for players to test things out properly.
  2. Tako

    Tako Lieutenant

    Aug 31, 2015
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    The towers could regenerate maybe... not a bad idea for continuity sake. As it stands I ripped the starter planet from everything.

    And yes, since it's alpha resource have to be easy to get for testing purposes.
  3. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Hi guys, great work, love the triceratops which brings to mind the current game fauna is a bit off, I mean, the dynos look so great in comparison to the rest, the models the textures the way they move, I know most of them are still in pre testing but I hope that you guys move more in the direction of the dynos life forms.

    My point is, they are much more lifelike, the rest just look well…. too cartoonish in comparison, I know the chances of finding life in another planet that looks exactly the same as planet earth extinct life forms is very slim yet plant monsters, giant caterpillars, space octopuses.... they just look like out of a child’s cartoon. I can live with them but I think the game experience would be a lot more intense if we believed the bugger could be real….
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
  4. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    Well depends if the space octopus looks like a cartoon or something well made if they do right maby I can see it as a actual lifeform on a planet or in space and not a comic book cartoon.
  5. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Guess you’re right, they just seem a bit off in comparison right now…
  6. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    I think I know what you mean. There's no unified art design or aesthetic for creatures, and it's kind of immersion-breaking to see that they have placeholders bought from a store.

    Hopefully that'll change as Empyrion sells and money is made.
  7. Floulr

    Floulr Ensign

    Aug 10, 2015
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    In Later Development should be (i Think so) an ai System for the player faction so you can give your second ship or anything like that a pilot who will follow you (In Formations maybe) . That will be amazing for building an epic Fleet. :) (Sorry for my Bad English)
  8. DEAD_P1XL

    DEAD_P1XL Ensign

    Aug 30, 2015
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    Just wanted to say I'm very much not a fan of the 'triceratops' creature on Akua. I love all the alien critters that look out-of-this-world, and it seems to cheapen the whole experience to use a real dinosaur for a creature. Was it just a pre-made model you used or what?

    Give it a few more horns or a second tail or something. Then I'll happily go about slaughtering them for meat/fangs or whatever they drop.
  9. Peter

    Peter Commander

    Aug 25, 2015
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    - Should there be more / less?

    On the Lava planet, its just perfect, don't need more NPC's, and having less then current would make it too easy for such a harsh place.
    All others seem good to me.

    - More / less powerful?

    The lava planet again is perfect, the difficulty is high, but again its a harsh place.

    - NPCs on each planet?

    I like the creepy creatures on the Lava planet, they keep me looking over my shoulders.

    - General importance of NPCs?

    On the Lava planet, very important, gives the feeling of a doom and gloom, a planet still in formation, I find the Lava planet my favorite and the creatures on it make this an exciting planet of survival.

    - Other feedback?

    Thank you for all the hard work.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
  10. Anatoly

    Anatoly Ensign

    Sep 10, 2015
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    In one very away galaxy, monsters can jump...
  11. toast

    toast Commander

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I'd like to see AI bases building that build drones. Mostly I'd prefer to see this after turrets get perfected. It would suck to get my heavily armed base blown apart by a few wandering drones.

    It would also be nice if I could make a few of my own for various purposes; assisting resource collection, shooting things, carrying extra inventory (pack mule), etc.
    Eviscerator likes this.
  12. The Notorious Teabagger

    The Notorious Teabagger Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2015
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    My one concern with the NPCs are that when you implement the galaxy, you are talking about basically an infinite universe. From what I can tell the NPCs are created 1 at a time, by hand (art/texture/ etc etc). So to fill said infinite galaxy with NPCs, and for it not become repetative, there will need to be hundreds of different NPCs. This seems like an astronomical amount of work.

    Is it possible to implement procedurally generated NPCs (similar to spore or No man's Sky)? Otherwise I feel like it will require a huge time investment to create the number of NPCs needed to make the numerous planets and biomes feel semi unique on each different planet.
    Eviscerator likes this.
  13. dordodo 1

    dordodo 1 Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2015
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    My english is not good, but i want you suggest some idea!

    - on some planet creatures must attack base every period of time (some spesial different creatures - can destro blocks). Players can get an experience point by killing this creature and giant a level! for example level 10 open possibility to build research station and start reseach shields!
    level 20 - start research new weapons and after that you can build this things... I think it is not so difficult to do this in game - - it will b
    rings some interests for player!

    -how to realise this level and build system? i think it can be attached to base core that belong only this player!

    now planet is good - but boring... (killing towers from long distance with rocket)

    I want to tell you - your project is amazing! Great work!
    I had not seen such a good game before!
  14. Monteknight

    Monteknight Ensign

    Sep 11, 2015
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  15. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    Should there be more/less.

    It depend on the planet to be honest. A what you call a Hell planet needs to be super nasty and extremely harsh and full of death, gloom and despair. Where a paradise like planet can be easy and laid back and full of happiness. And the in between planets like Omicron can be semi dangerous of not being overly dangerous nor overly happy but in the middle. Things seem to be fine here.

    More/less powerful.

    I would like to see drones get a upgrade in hostility toward you like increased agro range not to confuse with gun range but more of in the lines of target acquired. And maby put in a mark/model/version 2 or 3 planet drones with heavier weapons and more health. Right now drones isn't really a challenge a single clip from a AR can down one easy. The ones i'm wanting would need weapons like a Pulse Rifle, Minigun , Rocket Laucher to take down giving heavier weapons a more incentive to get.

    Npc's on each planet.

    Depends on the npc if humanoid proboly not all the planets and also depends if friendly or hostile. And considering if there is friendly humanoid alien races we could set up diplomacy and trade. Animal Npcs also depends if the planet can support animal life. If yes then pour them in I love to see animal life I love to see that stuff. If no and the planet is like Venus and hot enough to melt lead or a planet so cold it has liquid methane oceans/rivers/lakes then having alien animals roaming around outside a special habitat wouldn't make any sense to me but not ruling out exotic lifeforms/ >insert unigue type base here< but speaking in general lifeforms/Carbon base.

    General importance of Npc's.

    Again depends if the npc is humanoid or animal if humanoid we can set up trade that can be effected by your standing with them through diplomacy. To trade blueprints, weapons, ammo and etc. Animal npcs are important for meat but also if somehow can tame one as a companion/pet it would be a nice addition.

    Other Feedback.

    Your doing a good job and keep up the awesome work.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    Monteknight likes this.
  16. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    I'm also going to note that Triceratops needs to go honestly. Dinosaurs feels really out of place and it looks too much like what Earth had long ago. Mirrioring lifeforms from Earth to Akua doesn't feel right. They are not the same planet so lifeforms have to be different in looks. At the very least add or take away a horn or change the skin color to something alienish were not dealing with Earth life past or present were dealing with aliens humanoid, animal or plant it can't look the same way exactly unless there was official alien dna cloning but unlikely.

    I honestly feel the dinosaur needs to go or be modified to be more alienish.
  17. The Notorious Teabagger

    The Notorious Teabagger Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2015
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    Just because life is on a different planet doesn't mean it HAS to look different. If the environmental pressures and ecosystems present they same problems, evolution can absolutely produce species and biological attributes that look extremely similar. It's called convergent evolution. And has been documented numerous times just on our little planet.
  18. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    For that to happen on a planet in the Andromeda Galaxy? Tell me the chance number that Akua should have lifeforms that mimic Earth life? The two planets is 2.5 million light years apart how would they share dna traits being that far apart? How can two totally different planets have the same life forms?
    Granted both planets have a habitable atmosphere but still both planets are really different.

    We are crossing into another Galaxy and how far apart is the two galaxies?

    Earth=Milky Way Galaxy.
    Akua= Andromeda Galaxy .
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
  19. The Notorious Teabagger

    The Notorious Teabagger Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2015
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    You are completely missing the point of convergent evolution. DNA has nothing to do with it. Evolution works on the principle of "survival of the fit enough". If an organism is " fit enough" to survive in a given eco-system, it will. Just because 1 planet is in the Andromeda galaxy and one in the milky way means nothing. If the eco-system and environmental pressures are similar it is very possible for 2 radically different species to evolve traits that are very similar. The distance between planets is not even a variable in the equation.

    Earth is a small rocky planet, in the goldilocks zone of our star. Earth has liquid water and a predominately nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere. If you extrapolate that out over hundreds of billions of planets, the odds of not a single other planet being like earth is REMOTELY small. It is almost garunteed by the shear number of planets just in our galaxy, not even considering the number of planets in all the galaxies of the universe. I'm not saying life on other planets MUST look exactly like dinosaurs or earth life. I'm saying evolution produces what works in that environment. If the environments are similar it is absolutely possible for 2 completely separate species, on 2 separate planets to have characteristics that are very similar to each other.

    I'm not saying dinosaurs are on other planets. I'm say you can't rule out life on other planets looking similar to species on earth because "they are in the Andromeda galaxy". If alien life exists on other planets. It will be governed by the same evolutionary forces that shaped life on earth.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
  20. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    It's been documented on our planet numerous times because lifeforms here share a common heritage and similar evolutionary pressures.

    For an alien creature to perfectly mimic Earthly life through convergent evolution is...well the odds are greater than astronomical. Even IF you present the hypothesis that the ancient aliens transported examples of terrestrial dinosaurs to another planet, there's still the issue of A: The ship on Earth not being quite that old by an order of magnitude or two, and B: That the creature would still have had at least 65 million years to evolve from Triceratops into something else.

    If we're presuming convergent evolution, then it should have evolved into something...oh..I don't know, more amphibious given the prevalence of water on Akua, and perhaps more predatory since there are mobile plants. No matter how you look at it, the trike is a placeholder for something more suitable.
    Kaloriaa likes this.

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