NPCs (creatures and drones)

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. The Notorious Teabagger

    The Notorious Teabagger Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2015
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    I'm not arguing that Life on other planets HAS to or WILL look like life on earth. I'm saying you can't just say "Life on other planets MUST look different because it another planet". I'm not saying the dinosaurs will evolve on another planet. Or that life on another planet will produce an exact copy of life on this planet. I'm just saying, just because its a different planet does not mean that the life there cannot share some similar characteristics with life on this planet.

    You are completely disregarding the MASSIVE size of the universe. Your honestly gonna argue that with the hundreds of billions of planets out there that not one MIGHT be similar to earth?

    There is a reason that we evolved legs, bipedal motion, 2 arms, 4 fingers and a thumb on each hand. It is not a long stretch to think that if another planet out there has similar eco-systems, similar gravity, and atmosphere, that it is possible that life there, could also evolve an appendage similar in design to a hand. Or for life there to evolve bi-pedal motion. I'm not saying the species on the planets will look identical. I'm saying that it is very possible that it could develop similar TRAITS to life on earth.
  2. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Similar characteristics, sure. Looking exactly like a dinosaur? No.

    No, this is something I have to throw back at you. Are you saying that out of all the planets in the universe, we'd run into the improbably few that DO mimic life on Earth? It seems to me that the probability is against you here.

    Of course it's possible. Though, again, possible does not mean probable, or even necessarily plausible. Until we actually ENCOUNTER said complex multicellular life, it's just a hypothesis, not even a real theory because of the lack of evidence and experimentation to back it up. I can't speak for everyone, but I'd rather see more creativity in the creatures we run into than 'Star Trek' style aliens with funky foreheads and palette swaps.

    Edit: Not trying to impugn Mister Roddenberry or insult Star Trek, I'm aware that they were dealing with the limitations of 60's special effects. Empyrion's dev team, fortunately, is not and I just want to see aliens that reflect that.
    Kaloriaa likes this.
  3. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    Aliens should be well Alien. Even if its a multicellular creature humanoid or animal I want to see the >>>ALIEN<<< in the lifeforms. It doesn't matter if it is a dinosaur but I just want dino's on other planets to look weird and strange like tenticles or more spikes coming out from there heads or shoulders or something. We are exploring >>> ALIEN<<< worlds the creatures needs to revolve around the >>>ALIEN<<< and not the >>>UNALIEN<<<. I really hope the Trikes is a placeholder for something more alienish even if it is a dinosaur make it's skin purple or green with 4 horns and maby spikes coming out the spinal area.
  4. VShane

    VShane Ensign

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I've noticed on all worlds, there are no flying creatures, are there any planned?
  5. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Probably, but for now I think the drones killed them all.
  6. VShane

    VShane Ensign

    Oct 4, 2015
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    lol no doubt
  7. Ex3mpt

    Ex3mpt Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2015
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    - Should there be more / less?

    More types would be cool, seems to be plenty in terms of volume on Akua though. Remove the dinosaurs's just silly.

    - More / less powerful?

    They are powerful enough for the weaponry at hand I feel.

    - NPCs on each planet?

    Would be good to have types specific to certain biomes, lava, ice, forest/grassy, ocean.

    - General importance of NPCs?

    Very important, it adds immersion and the feeling of an eco-system. Having neutral humanoid/intelligent life with bases would be awesome. Neutral/Friendly until attacked perhaps :p

    - Other feedback?

    Damage alarms for HV/SV/Base pleeeease
    Bobza likes this.
  8. NightmareNight91

    NightmareNight91 Ensign

    Oct 9, 2015
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    More Npcs is always welcome, the drones are easy to survive once you build turrets. Id personally like to see more attacks in greater volume and different types of attackers maybe even hostile SV and HV maybe even a CV very late into the game.
    Bobza likes this.
  9. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Speaking of drones... It's been a while since my last drone attack. Is it because my turret exploded shooting itself, or do they just come very randomly/rarely now?
  10. Turboxide

    Turboxide Commander

    Aug 10, 2015
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    If you destroy the Alien Cores in nearby hostile bases you won't get as many drone attacks... if any.
  11. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    If I recall correctly @JayCo posted something about the correlation between the amount of turrets you have on your base and the frequency of drone attacks (and/or amount of drones involved per wave). So yes, I'd guess that it's probably due to your turret being down.

    Scanned the forums quickly but I can't seem to find his post anymore though.
  12. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    The original system was that 2 waves of drones would appear after 20 minutes of power on the base, with 10 minutes or so between waves. Then another 2 waves would be triggered from when you add turrets, again with 10 mins between. Now it has been randomized more with a longer lead in time before first wave most of the time but the waves LIMIT is still in effect for now so you wont be getting continuous wave after wave of drone attacks. And you can stop them all together now by eliminating the drone base, But be prepared that in itself is a long fight.
    Eviscerator likes this.
  13. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Thanks for the reply JayCo! And yes, the drone base is quite the beast.
  14. Bobza

    Bobza Lieutenant

    Sep 25, 2015
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    - Should there be more / less?
    More, more, more

    - More / less powerful?

    - NPCs on each planet?
    Sure. Different races would be nice. Why not wars between races ?

    - General importance of NPCs?
    Very important. As said before they contribute to immersion. Player depends of some NPC resources (meat, tooth ...) and it's fine.

    - Other feedback ?
    Infantry troops (I dont remember the name) IA is very good. I love the way they patrol in the base opening doors and so. But some adjustments could be done.
    - 2 troopers standing side by side, one shooting at you and the other looking in the other direction : it's not ok. All troopers standing in the same area should target the player once one detects the player. I also wish some troopers could rush the player and why not heal each others
    - when in a vessel and firing : they dont move when being hit. If not able to fire at you, they should run away !

    - for a bit more realism, troopers should wait a bit (1 sec) before shooting at you.
    - troopers should shoot at vessels (rocket launchers ?)

    Laser/rocket/plasma drones
    Very good IA patroling. But one thing quit stupid, a drone doesn't face you when you shoot at him in the back.

    Plant monsters and others should attack vessels.
  15. Bobza

    Bobza Lieutenant

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Drone base architecture is very good and challenging !
    Secret doors releasing troops behind them could be fine.
  16. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Can the wave limit be made customizable by server admins or players setting up their games? Can it be removed entirely? Is it intended or planned to internally increase or remove the limit? Because I fought off those four waves, and now my base is rather bored.... my turrets almost seem pointless. Except for sniping Plant Monsters on adjacent island, because flak turrets >:]
    IneptGuard likes this.
  17. IneptGuard

    IneptGuard Ensign

    Oct 15, 2015
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    I would like to make a suggestion for AI patrols. Imagine occasionally a seeing troop transport or even an alien gunship patrolling the planet, green spot lights scanning the hills. Searching for the sole survivor. It spots you and swings around. You run and hide behind a large rock hoping it forgets about you and flies away. After a few moments of terror it leaves and continues its patrol.

    Better yet, after you crash and secure all the gear in your escape pod, you get the warning message that a troop transport is on the way to your pods location and that you should run and hide to avoid them. I just really like the idea of them investigating the crash as it makes sense.

    I suggest this as I think it would be easy to add and easy to manage and would help make the world feel more alive. The aliens seem pretty chill with you blowing up their stuff and killing them. Feeling as though they were actively trying to hunt you down would make more sense and (I feel) would add to the game.

    Here is the story of my inspiration:

    I recently started a new game and found that I had spawned close to a Xenu Mining complex. After fruitlessly searching a large area for iron I decided to look closer to the complex. I quickly discovered that there were several ore deposits clustered around the complex in close proximity. The complex is located very close to some hills and mountains so I decided to build a bunker nearby and raid all their goodies. While leaving the area a drone spotted me, I quickly killed it but it called for a troop transport. The transport flew overhead and landed on the other side of the hill from me. I figured that it wouldn’t see me so it wouldn’t deploy any troops and would fly away. At that exact moment and drone snuck up on me and alerted the transport which dropped a squad. I nearly died fighting them off with just a pistol. Ironically they called another 2 transports which I successfully hid from.​

    The whole experience made me feel hunted. This is something that I feel the game could do to make the survival experience more intense and interesting.
    Darkwulf and Eviscerator like this.
  18. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    I like that the game did this unintentionally. Or is it intentional? Either way, I love emergent gameplay and clever mechanics like this.
  19. Darkwulf

    Darkwulf Lieutenant

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I think there needs to be more drones and they need to attack your base more often. I would like to see transport ships attack your base as well. I play with 6 people on a server and it is just too easy not to die. I had to learn how to modify the yami file to make planets have more drones.
  20. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I have to ask why? I think I know already. Multiplayer seams to be leaning more and more to a wild west shooter upper.

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