NPCs (creatures and drones)

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Darkwulf

    Darkwulf Lieutenant

    Dec 31, 2015
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    6 of us playing coop on a locked server is a wild west shooter upper? Bases are too easy for 1 person let alone 6 fps players.
  2. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Because as nice as multiplayer is, it's kind of secondary to singleplayer.
  3. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    What are you basing this on? Just curious to know.
  4. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I would like to hear this as well. Been reading alot of Multiplayer posts asking for more and more drone attacks. Also been reading about players wanting to own other players. Fleets of SV'S attacking other fleets. I take it that survival has been replaced with hunt down a neighbor shoot them up and take their stuff. Way different than single player survival and find out what's out there in space. But at this stage of the game their isn't much out there. Just more of the same we have were we are. Please correct me if I'm wrong and I'm sure you will.
    Alo likes this.
  5. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    The problem with multiplayer is that the difficulty does not scale with groups of players. Instead of a couple drones attacking one player's base, you have two drones "attacking" a base as six players blow the crap out of it from every direction before they can even get a shot off.

    But at this point the difficulty is nonsensical anyway. Enemies are "difficult" because they see through and shoot through walls, never miss, have zero reaction time so they are doing damage before you even get a line of sight to them, spawn in right in front of you and are shooting you on the same frame that they spawn, etc. (Also the wildlife that makes 180 turns instantly and have tiny hitboxes.)

    So I'd like to see AI improved before difficulty is ramped up, at least with the stuff found inside POIs. The drones are ok for now (could be a bit more aggressive, taking potshots even if they don't have a perfect shot at you) and if they'd hang out in groups it would be a cool way to increase difficulty.
    Eviscerator likes this.
  6. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    A: The game has an official storyline.
    B: The official story states that the player is the SOLE survivor of the exploratory fleet.

    EGS is designed primarily as a singleplayer game, and people should expect balancing for singleplayer before multiplayer balancing is tackled.
  7. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Agree 100 percent. But a big BUT according to Piddlefoot the Dev Team has plans to make Empyrion into a massive MMO. With interconnected servers. Kinda puts single player and the official story line out to lunch. Two very different games now.
  8. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Damn shame when devs do things like that. Changing game designs are part of what give Early Access such a bad flavor. Fortunately, I didn't buy in through Early Access, I bought directly from them so if they decide to go down a different route I have a good chance for a refund.
  9. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    The story, since you just survived a crash and are not omniscient, would have to be that you believe/suspect that you are the sole survivor. So there's plenty of room for your character's knowledge to be mistaken.
  10. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Except that's not what the story or devs say. You're the only survivor of your ship. There might be other ships out there, yeah. But it's just you and aliens on the starting planet. You're making assumptions not supported by evidence.
    =TCR= Big_Red likes this.
  11. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    In fiction it is standard that each character has their own limited view of the world and those views can be mistaken. There is no way for the main character to actually know whether every single person in the fleet died. There is no evidence either way, just a statement that the player believes they are the only survivor of the MS Titan. When writing fiction and stating a character's thoughts you don't include "to the best of their knowledge" in every sentence, but it's automatically assumed unless it has been spelled out in no uncertain terms. The back story leaves room for anywhere from zero to hundreds of thousands of survivors or more because they don't specify the size of the fleet.

    Unbeknownst to the player, but knownst to us, others survived.

    The thing that would break the story would be multiple players from the Titan starting together on the same planet.
  12. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Yes? We're not actually disagreeing on point of the Titan? As it stated, the player is the only survivor of the Titan. The Titan is also the only ship that misjumped. Again, you're making assumptions that aren't supported by any information from the devs, and I'm not going to take your word for anything over theirs.

    It's nice that you know your literate devices and common tropes, but there's no proof that they're actually being used here. When describing a game, it is in fact common to add 'to the best of their knowledge' or 'as far as they know...' to shade any meanings that could imply mechanics or changes in gameplay.
  13. Ardor

    Ardor Ensign

    Dec 15, 2015
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    I think both single and multiplayer are promising even tho they both need lots of work still.

    The main issue for me in single player is once I get past exploring the other planets and gather the last two needed minerals, then I feel a huge drop in my need of wanting to play, since I'm not the type of player who spend countless hours building fancy stuff. I'm more of a goal oriented player, so I need more meaningful things to do, like;
    - quest like system. Like find a specific item from an alien structure on a specific planet for a meaningful reward, and those rewards could be tied to progression within the game.
    - a more elaborate AI. Once your done with the initial waves of drone attacks, it's about over for any kind of threats for your base. Perhaps we could have an alien base that actually build things and grow in power, and keep attacking you with more powerful means as the game progress. Also, alien CV's landing on your planet and deploying drone attacks would be cool.

    For multiplayer mode, which I have played lots thus far, here are a few things that needs attention immediately;
    - the cloning items from the fresh start option need a fix asap. It is breaking the multiplayer experience right now.
    - many greavers able to enter the game right now and are in god mode... They must use some cheating engine of some sort, I'm actually not sure how they do it, but all other games out there had built some protection from those people, and this game will not be any different.
    There are other issues of course, like the big issue of one SV who can take out a base at a distance without even getting shot at by turrets.

    Just some food for thought here. I think EGS is the most promising game I have seen in decades, and being a 43yo gamer, I have seen many games...

  14. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    Some npc ideas I have.

    1.) I would like to have a npc follower/companion sometime in the future it would be nice in single player we can have some friendly company. Though proboly not high on the list but hopefully in time we can tame animals or persuade a alien to be your companion.

    2.) Npc trading have some form of trading economy set up to buy/sell from traders/merchants like another alien race that are merchants that comes around every so often on a trading barge or cargo ship that you can request to trade goods and whatever.

    3.) Since we got a whole Andromeda Galaxy we need more then one alien species to be honest we got the hostile ones we can could use some friendly ones that maby are at war with the ones we are fighting now? That we can ally ourselves to like joining a alien faction or something. Which brings up factions to choose which alien race to side with.
  15. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Citation needed.

    The only source material I've seen is the below from

    It is not specified that the Titan is the only ship that left, or got stranded or crashed. For all anyone knows the entire fleet is nearby and completely intact but just unable to communicate. That would not be inconsistent with the published backstory. But it is reasonable to suppose that the entire fleet tried to embark, the unknown force that took control of the Titan also did the same to other ships, and may have scattered them across the Andromeda galaxy, which would happen to fit perfectly with the multiplayer aspect of the game.

    There's also no proof that they are not being used. But you are the one making extremely specific statements about what is or isn't possible, with no source material to support your assertions. ;)
  16. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    No, I'm not. But you only seem to have a problem with it when other people do it buddy.
  17. Brix

    Brix Lieutenant

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I've just had about 15 minutes with the new patch and a new game (starting on Akua).

    I haven't played for a while - since 5.0 was released, so this may not be new.

    However, I find having large titles over the drones is a big fun/immersion killer, due to the fact that it was always fun and suspenseful having to spot them.

    Now, I know exactly where they are , at all times. Spoils the fun.

    Second, in my new game, I soon spotted a part of the Titan wreckage and headed straight there. It's nice that there is more loot than before, however, I have been getting troop ship landings at the rate of one a minute. That was five landings before I exited (time constraints, not because of them). This also seems a bit OTT. (Over The Top).

    I was planning to mention previously about these large title texts over things - they have often been a real pain when trying to aim at turrets from maximum range in an SV, because they were covering the turret and made me miss.

    I'm not against having some indication of POI - far from it - but I would like the option to switch them off, as required.

  18. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I haven't assumed anything, I've only mentioned what possibilities are left open by the official backstory that has been presented. I didn't say any particular scenario is true, only what could be true. "The story doesn't eliminate X" is not an assumption.

    However, "the story does eliminate X" when it is not actually in the story, is an assumption. And this is the nature of the assertions you are making.

    Could you please cite the source which says that the Titan is the only ship that left or crashed and leaves no possibility for other ships to have departed or crashed? The claim you make is very specific, but it is not in the official story on the official website of the game. If it exists somewhere I'd like to know about it.
  19. Brix

    Brix Lieutenant

    Aug 12, 2015
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    This thread is a perfect example of why I rarely come by the official forums these days.

    This thread is supposed to be feedback about the game - feedback, not your incessant arguing - please take that elsewhere.
  20. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I think it puts some excitement into a otherwise boring forum :)

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