NPCs shooting from within blocks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by michaelhartman89, Jun 12, 2023.

  1. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    So we were attacking the Zirax base on Gaia in a RE Server after we cleared the Drone Base, and came across one lone zirax soldier that spawned under the POI and could shoot at us with precision and not take any damage.

    Already dreadfully low on supplies we tried nearly everything to kill him, including SVs, but in order the find him we had to blow apart every block of the base because he kept running around with just his head above the terrain. I assume it was server lag, a spawner block placement issue or multiple NPC spawns that caused him to be pushed into the cargo box right next to the spawner.

    Is this more of a POI design problem, a common bug or just a lag issue that caused this? I'm wondering, bc my playthrough has been amazing up to this point but that really ruined the experience yesterday.

    Is there any fixes to keep them from spawning in blocks or under terrain?

    I'll get the POI name, seed, etc if it is just a small RE issue.


  2. builder680

    builder680 Lieutenant

    Mar 7, 2020
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    It's very common. Wish I had a better answer. Not an RE thing either, it's an empyrion thing.
  3. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    As stated above, it's unfortunately common, and is a base Empyrion bug rather than anything pertaining to RE or even any specific POIs.

    I've seen it occur in many different POIs. I've had it occur in POIs I had run without issue many times previously. I've had it occur in POIs I've run for the first time. It is no fault of the POI or RE - it's a bug of the game itself. And I've had it occur often in a single player game, so I don't think it's lag related either.

    The sad (but easy) way to deal with it is to pop into Godmode, clip into the floor and shoot the offending enemy. Probably isn't actually an option in multiplayer though. Not sure what to recommend there other than using a vehicle or a weapon with splash damage to try to get to them.
  4. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Yah I wouldn't care much about it if I wasn't playing on a multi-player server with my cousin. Unfortunately playing without a moderator or admin status leaves you with no other options to get your gear and backpack back after you encounter this stupid bug
    builder680 and Slam Jones like this.

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