Oxygen System

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. leewells2000

    leewells2000 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2015
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    1) I don't think a player should have to exit the cockpit of his ship mid-flight to replintish his suit's oxygen supply. Instead oxygen should be drawn direclty from the tanks to the cockpit, suspending the suit's oxygen depletion.

    2) Hopefully oxygen will become volumetric filling on BA and CV, meaning we can walk around in our space stations without having to worry about checking our O2 levels every 10 mins.

    3) You should consume O2 much slower, much, much slower. What a lot of people don't realize is that it isn't our consumption of O2 in a sealed room that will kill us, its us exhailing CO2 and the air becoming saturated which kills. With that said, I would love to see some implimentation of CO2 as well with scrubbers or having planets/crops naturally reduce CO2 levels (and making CO2 a requirement for growing plants).
    Eviscerator and Michael Robison like this.
  2. Michael Robison

    Michael Robison Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    I'd like to see a pipe system, where you could pipe purified water and air into a base to collect (rather than having to leave the base and wade into the lake to pick them up)
    phat420man and Nymea like this.
  3. migisan

    migisan Lieutenant

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Yeah, the game currently lacks several automation things. also a vehicle mounted drill :D

    I like the limits of oxygen in my space suit. It forces me to plan my excursions. It forces me to bring a valuable vehicle at least near a potential battlefield. that rises the risk of loss, even if the enemies don't shoot at me.

    On the other hand, i hope the developers come up with some ideas about closed rooms connected to an oxygen supply. So a base or a big ship will be filled with a breathable atmosphere. I think the cockpits already work this way.
  4. Nymea

    Nymea Lieutenant

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I would like to see some oxygen portability ... perhaps with a weight or speed penalty so that you can travel further particularly in the early part of the game when you haven't yet had a chance to build vehicles. However the penalty for carrying oxygen would mean that exploration and such go slower and energy in the form of food resources are used a little faster to balance it out realistically. Also a means of flagging the oxygen generator to find it again faster ... I placed mine in the water and then took ages to find it again because i forgot exactly where it was. I also agree with the others about being able to fill a sealed room with scrubbers attached.
  5. Turboxide

    Turboxide Commander

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Current Oxygen System Feedback

    The current system is a good start. The generator and bottles make sense and the overall process of harvesting/producing oxygen and transferring it to storage tanks and using refill stations makes sense. The one big change that would be nice is to start to add numbers to the storage tanks so we can see the % or level of oxygen it has. So that, when you open the interface for an oxygen storage device, a player has two choices: Add Oxygen, Remove Oxygen. These could be separated with tabs or a simple divider and would remove the need to drag/drop single bottles into slots. To add oxygen, a player can drag single bottle or a stack of bottles into the fill slot. If the player needs to remove oxygen they simply open the remove tab or mouse over the remove function and drag a slider over to generate portable bottles (same little bottles we have now).

    In short, the system we have is a great start! In the end, dragging and dropping single bottles can be a bit tiresome. tweaking the interface to allow "Fill" and "Remove" functions coupled with a % or numbered readout would be simple and a quality of life enhancement. (This can also be applied to fuel management! If you want me to make a concept sketch of the interface let me know (PM) and I'll try to put one together.)

    Advanced Oxygen System Suggestions

    Electrolysis is essentially running a current through water to convert water to oxygen and hydrogen. The hydrogen could be used as a fuel source as well. Maybe it's not as powerful as the current fuel cells but that's ok. So, imagine on your crashed vessel we start with an electrolysis converter that is placed in the water. If you wanted to be technical, it would only need on fuel cell to start up and could then produce it's own fuel to continue production. The rate of return for oxygen would be slower than an oxygen generator (currently in game) but it would be a way to get air and fuel initially.

    On the flip side... if we could harvest water... the water could be stored in containers and placed into a scaled up version for BAs/CVs for deep space flights. This would provide some fuel and oxygen production. Liquid water would then become one of the most precious resources in the game for long term survivability as it is in the real world.

    It would be nice to allow plants to produce oxygen as well, this would obviously be at a much slower rate but that would be a neat feature. The challenge then would be making pressurized environments in BAs/CVs and creating a "Scrubber" to help recycle the air and maybe... maybe produce small quantities of oxygen or at least be self sustaining for the pressurized environment. Again, this modification would require some pretty heavy modifications to the way we look at structures but it may be a neat concept later down the road.
    Nymea likes this.
  6. Ugorth

    Ugorth Ensign

    Aug 10, 2015
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    I like it, but I think it needs some polish. I have noticed that if I am using the O2 tank on the escape pod, two bottles will take me to full. When I use the base version of the O2 system it uses 3 bottles to fill up. Not sure if this is intended, but not sure why there is such a difference.


    • For the base version, it would be nice to toggle a percentage to attempt to recharge your suit or make it refill through interaction "T"
    • I would also like to see pressurized environments at some point
    • The ability for O2 to be refilled while in the cockpit. Via a percentage system or a constant flow if the O2 can be used in that way instead of an all or non with the current bottles.
  7. Nymea

    Nymea Lieutenant

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I would like to see the possibility of creating a biodome .. perhaps even eventually expanding the microecosystem to larger and larger until you affect the whole planetary system enough for oxygen to be part of the atmosphere .. sorry the geek escaped there for a moment
    phat420man likes this.
  8. LoanWolf

    LoanWolf Ensign

    Aug 11, 2015
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    its ok for pre alph but when you run a balance on the game it makes more than i use .it would also be nice if i didnt have to micro manage ever thing so much betwent keeping up food and air not a lot of time for any thing else
  9. Eredain

    Eredain Ensign

    Aug 14, 2015
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    Oxygen station in small ships sometimes dont work. Traveling vithout vehicle imposible but it is normal. Oxygen system normal , may be better but... But you may create lags if complicate it. I like your way of simplification for the sake of reducing lag.
  10. Doomtrooper

    Doomtrooper Commander

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I feel like I should have some way to use an oxygen tank without a station. It's annoying to die of asphyxiation when I have 50 bottles of oxygen in my backpack.
  11. matheus_portugal

    matheus_portugal Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Inside the vehicles we should be able to open the helmet and breathe the oxygen directly from the cockpit/ship or the circulation air system of the bases without the need of going fill oxygen tanks frequently, inclusive, would be cool if we had the first person camera with a helmet that open/close when we need :-D

    Something like this, for exemple hehe :-D
    Monteknight and Morkar like this.
  12. Eredain

    Eredain Ensign

    Aug 14, 2015
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    If you helmout you character will die. Planet atmosphere is dangerous, normal oxygen system in ship and stations like SE create lags. But what prevent connect tank in inventory to suit?
  13. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    That actually depends on the atmosphere. If the temperature and pressure are fine, you won't die on immediate exposure to atmosphere so long as you don't try to breathe it in. Even then, you have a few breaths worth of time before you asphyxiate, as long as there's nothing toxic.

    An open helmet mechanic would be pretty interesting, but it would also require a scanner or analyzer to determine atmospheric composition...which we should be getting anyhow as I do hope some planets have a breathable atmosphere!
    matheus_portugal likes this.
  14. CapitanSurrender

    CapitanSurrender Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Shift + clic to fill the Oxygen Generator fuel slots not working.

    Same problem with Water Generator
  15. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Works great but eventually a fully pressurized environment like a base or a CV would be great.

    As a game objective, be able to terraform a planet by constructing machines that release oxygen to the atmosphere would be awesome….
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
    Rannoc McMaulin likes this.
  16. blainbrad_90

    blainbrad_90 Ensign

    Aug 24, 2015
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    I love the complexity of the current system. It was hard to understand at first but it adds so much to the survival aspect. The only thing I would recommend is maybe adding a "Crash Landings for Dummies" book in the inventory when you start that goes over basics like this. It would not only provide easy access to information but add to the story element.
  17. Aum

    Aum Ensign

    Aug 7, 2015
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    i dislike how often i have to fill up my suit, im not a big fan of games that you have to over manage some food water or oxygen system that has been set to low and in fact unrealistic, or realistic but tied to a sped up day night cycle that makes it unrealistic feeling
    a current modern day space suit can last for around 8 hours on a charge, i would expect that in this future world it would last atleast twice as long if not more, and if the ingame days were slower it should last about 4-5 ingame days worth , atleast some hours or more of playtime, but at the same time you could make genrating oxygen a bit slower and rare, it should'nt be a chore, and it shouldnt be easily over produced
    to me its all about the feel of the mechanic, and the current mechanic doesnt let you get very far from your ship or base, i like the idea of having to make the bottles and they have a capacity, you can carry some bottles with you and are able to refil from the bottle directly but they do not stack this allows you to carry more oxygen with you enough to last for weeks maybe on foot .
  18. HeadHunter

    HeadHunter Commander

    Aug 13, 2015
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    You realize that a day passes in 24 minutes of game time, right? And that you probably need to refill your suit a little less frequently than that?
  19. Anatoly

    Anatoly Ensign

    Sep 10, 2015
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    save-load work for me
  20. Vengesh

    Vengesh Lieutenant

    Sep 11, 2015
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