Pain Points that are endlessly frustrating.

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Atola, May 20, 2023.

  1. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Issues Listed (see replies for details):
    6. Cannot test effects of mass in containers in creative.
    5. Can only connect via WIFI to the right side container in the Logistics menu.
    4. NO shortcut key for adding/removing Items from the toolbars in the Logistics Menu.
    3. (solution found @ravien_ff ) Cannot put water crates directly into my base container (fridge or whatever).
    2. (solution found @ravien_ff ) Cannot sell to NPC's directly from my HV container.
    1. Drone using Multitool to repair something does not make a sound.

    About this thread:

    I keep running into what feels like tons of Pain Points for things that I can do but not how I should be able to do them. I need a place to vent all in one place and this seems to be the place… so as I run into them (again) I’m going to reply to this thread with them. Issues will be those that fit the following points:
    1. Knowing how something is bloody wrong does not relieve the frustration (there is not a work around).
    2. The issue is not or may not be a bug.
    3. Its not about what you can do in survival Game mode, but how you can do it.
    4. The resolution of the issue should not affect game balance except in very minor ways (and is not the intent of the suggested change).
    5. The issue is all about the GUI in survival, in creative there might be features but they should be minor in nature.
    6. I can explain why the issue is endlessly frustrating, not just frustrating the first time you hit/learn about the issue.
    7. I hope to be wrong about this - If someone can point out how I could work around the issue so its no longer frustrating that would be great!
    Example of something not included:

    An example of what is not going to be included for points 1 and 5 is that the CPU of a food processor is found under “constructor” under CPU Statistics/devices even though it does not appear there when auto grouping devices in the devices page (the lists should IMHO sort the devices into the same groups!). Once I figured this out it was mostly not an ongoing frustration even if it did take a long time to figure out and I should not have had to…and there is a small ongoing aspect to it. If a Game Developer wants this sort of feedback as well I’ll start it in a different thread.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2023
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  2. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Drone using Multitool to repair something does not make a sound

    When using the drone and the multitool to repair something the sound does not play at the drone location like it does with other tools. Or even other selections on the multitool. Why its endlessly frustrating: Some blocks are hard to SEE they need repair so you sweep the area quickly to find them, sound lets you know a repair has happened and there might be more blocks needing it in the area or/and maybe even crap missing. There really isn't a way around this until you can build something to just repair everything automatically.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  3. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Cannot sell to NPC's directly from my HV container.

    Why its endlessly frustrating: When playing with the Volume constraint the whole process of selling from my HV becomes an endless clickfest. I’m using the wifi to transfer to me, then talking to the trader, selling a few growing plots … repeat. Aside from disabling the constraint there is no way I know around this. (Balancing the HV for the MASS of the plots and getting dunked into the lake as i went to the trader cause it actually overcame LIFT… that was fun).
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  4. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Cannot put water crates directly into my base container (fridge or whatever).

    Why its endlessly frustrating: When playing with the Volume constraint the whole process of transferring water from the water Generator becomes a clickfest. I’m putting a some water crates into my inventory, then using wifi to transfer to a container on the base. … repeat. Aside from disabling the constraint there is no way I know around the clickfest
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    While I completely agree the system can be better, there are ways of doing these two things.

    Place them on your connected toolbar then you can sell.
    Same with buying, if you're connected to a container purchased items will go directly into that container.

    Connect to a container then place the water onto your connected toolbar.
    Slam Jones, Vermillion and me777 like this.
  6. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    I tried both or your solutions and they do work. Thanks!
  7. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    NO shortcut key for adding/removing Items from the toolbars in the Logistics Menu.

    With the volume constraint enabled you have to use the connected toolbar a lot! And currently everytime you lose connection or switch containers you get to do it all over again! Currently the only way to add items toolbars (connected or otherwise) IN the Logistics screen, is to drag items to it. Shift click moves the items between the two containers displayed.

    A relatively common occurrence of this being especially frustrating is trying to get all the salvaged devices and other items into the factory from a recently obsoleted (moved from T1 to T2 CPU ship for example) ship. Another is building while in survival mode with volume constraint enabled (minor changes only, I’m not a masochist).

    Suggested fix: SHIFT-ALT click to put the item into the toolbar, or just ALT click. When adding things they should always go to the toolbar on display (personal or connected) thus potentially moving to the other container as well (and so subject to the volume limitations). When removing things they should stay in the container the toolbar is connected to.
  8. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Can only connect via WIFI to the right side container in the Logistics menu.

    IF for whatever reason the container you want to connect to is on the left instead of the right you have to do two actions to get it there, and then select the wifi connect button. Irritating!

    This issue is made slightly worse because when running around in my base if I directly select a container and that container is already selected to be shown on the left, it will only show it on the left (otherwise it is shown on the right so I can quickly select it to be connected with wifi).
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  9. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Cannot test effects of mass (in containers) in creative.

    Any ship that needs to play the role even sometimes as a cargo ship needs to be able to test out how a full cargo container affects things. And switching back and forth from survival just to test and then make changes (either in survival or back in creative) because of what you learned sucks. In survival you don’t have all the build tools and in creative you can’t check your work.

    - please take note that I'm NOT saying I want to be able to test volume in creative. Or at least I don't want to have the volume constraint enabled while testing mass constraint. It would also be nice to be able to test them separately somewhere! This subpoint might make it on this list on its own if I run into IT again :p.

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