Patches v1.1.x

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 13, 2020.

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  1. EleonGameStudios

    EleonGameStudios Developer Staff Member

    • Developer
    Oct 20, 2014
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    Hello Galactic Survivalists!

    Here are the changelogs for the v1.1.x patches. Have fun and please report bugs and problems as usual - thanks a lot!


    2020-09-18: Patch v1.1.7 (Build 3082)

    - DialogueSystem: added new variable types (dbglobalpf_int and dbplayerpoi_int)

    - Vessel rolling prevents (shield) damage
    - [MP] AI Turrets sometimes continue to shoot at dead NPC's that are not rendered
    - DialogueSystem: potential fix for losing variable content if there was a connection timeout when starting a dialogue
    - one CoQ and one item exploit


    2020-08-26: Patch v1.1.6 (Build 3079)

    - Dialogue error with high load


    2020-08-24 Patch v1.1.5 (Build 3077)

    - Tutorial: Added Stomach Pills to Large Wreckage Personal Container
    - Added/updated soundtracks for biomes, POI and general use
    - Star search in galaxy map: added result list and possibility to search for planets and moons
    - Planet generation: moved part of the generation to use the unity job system and burst compiler to improve speed as a test
    - Traders:
    1. added possibility to open a dialogue when talking to a trader (use OpenTraderWindow() in the dialogue to switch to the trader window
    2. added possibility to use 'zone traders' that get their trader type from the zone they are in (either set the TraderZone in the playfield.yaml or in the POI properties)
    3. added possibility to use a factor to the MarketPrice in TraderConfig.ecf
    - improved "pda rd" console cmd (check help)
    - DialogueSystem: added possibility to talk with entity NPCs
    - New: PDA Info: added info to right side PDA screen WHICH mission needs to be played to unlock the chapter
    - Slightly brighter nights and less dark areas by setting Color Gradient Black In from 0.065 to 0.035
    - DialogueSystem: added variable type dbplayerpf_int that is only valid in the current playfield
    - NPC entity dialogs: removed NPCDialog from eclassconfig and moved into spawner. Removed need for manually adding EAI task to rotate to player.
    - PlanetGeneration: small improvement to stamping by generating rotated stamps only on demand
    - Entity NPCDialog: added name of dialog and only entity name as fallback, if entity is dead: show existing loot prompt
    - Added Entity-Dialogue example to Dialogues.ecf and EClassConfig.ecf
    - Added Entity-Dialogue setup docu to head area of EClassConfig.ecf
    - Updated a few stock blueprints: added detectors, fixed signals
    - Updated: Xenu Weapon Bunker, Epsilon Com Center (adv + standard), Xenu Defense IV (Zirax)
    - Updated: Rados POIs (Zirax)
    - Updated: Abandoned Reactor (The Legacy)
    - Updated: TSP_Variant2 (planet) & TSO_Variant2 (orbit/sector)
    - Replaced: CV Prefab T5 with CORE Warchain
    - Added: Kriel Overseer T1, T2 and Subjugator
    - Added: New Pirates ambush POIs
    - Added: CV Magpie (Civilian)
    - Added: New CivilSettlement variants
    - AI drone : add the console command 'aim info' to get a set of info regarding AI drones and AI vessels

    - Freighters dont respawn on Destroy Core or re-Core
    - NearUnit/NearPOI do not trigger when teleported into trigger area
    - Bombs deployed from bomber drones sometimes do not explode when they land on terrain
    - Fix for reported exception when opening another solar system in MP that contained instances
    - AI vessels teleporting away from the player after taking damage
    - Fix for wrong water texture when starting a creative game
    - COQ after destroying all AI ships and changing playfield
    - AI space vessels keep moving when their rear facing thrusters have been destroyed
    - Fix for DialogNPC rotating although it is set to not rotate
    - Tutorial is not set to easy but to the default settings (now uses a normal gameoptions.yaml file)
    - SSG: fixed 3D preview not showing correct height of terrain
    - CoQ for NPC Spawner
    - Fix for dialog not getting saved in Blueprints
    - [MP] Logistics: 'Access Device' sometimes not working
    - Missing parameters in Space_Dynamic.yaml
    - AI vessels are sometimes not visible or actually there when approaching their HUD marker
    - Missing parameters in Space_Dynamic.yaml (RestrictToOrigin)
    - Potential fix for player data file growing big when player visited a lot of instanced playfields
    - an exploit
    - Added error message instead of CoQ if a entity spawner contains an entity that is not defined in the config file
    - Fix for retractable turrets that had animation issue when turned on or off, or when reloading the game


    2020-08-13 Patch v1.1 (Build 3065)

    - Build settings window: added shortcuts Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-R, Ctrl-D, Ctrl-F, Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-Shift-Z when the N popup is open (blocking nearly all other shortcuts when the N menu is open)
    - Build settings window: added shortcuts for rotating a block (scroll wheel) and toggling through axes (right mouse button)
    - Build settings window: middle mouse button will toggle through selection mode (move, scale, rotate)
    - Increased availability of Titanium ore and rods in loot drops
    - Tutorial Scenario: Increased ores in Distress-Signal wreckage (Personal Container)
    - Trading Station POI (Zirax, Polaris, Trader) with Admin Cores have their SBD feature deactivated
    - Commodity: Phoenix Fern Fronds and Trumpet Greens can be bought and sold at Aunt Mary and Talon traders
    - Console command 'di' is limited now to 50 meters
    - Limiting number of worker threads on a dedicated server to 8 and on a playfield server to 5 to improve the overall system performance on servers with many cores
    - DB: Sqlite setting journal_mode to WAL now (only for new savegames)
    - Tutorial: Added Growing Plots and Light to containers
    - Tutorial: Fixed issue with important message not popping up
    - Tutorial: Increased display time of a few messages
    - DB: removed port number from IP address if server chose to log them
    - DB: setting journal_mode to MEMORY in the hope of increasing write performance
    - DialogueSystem: added access to player's ExperiencePoints, Level, UpgradePoints

    - Detector devices cannot detect entities on the other side of the world seam
    - Base attack troops when underwater stop moving when close to the players base
    - Fixed OriginDefault from gameoptions.yaml not sent to clients in MP games
    - Fixed: Wrong chapter number for Ancient Revelations displayed in main storyline
    - Fix for system map not allowing to select planet info for current planet
    - Fixed not able to warp to some stars when setting the language to Turkish (and probably others, too)
    - Player POV & player map icon can become unaligned
    - Plants don't grow when far away from them
    - Avatar size glitch after spamming blocks that players can use to sit
    - Fixed: Teleporter on Xenu Mainframe deactivating on explosion of station
    - Fixed: Tutorial Kaidan dialogue end leads to a Continue-or-Quit (COQ)
    - some CoQ's
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
    Ephoie, Robot Shark, Jualter and 8 others like this.
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Wasn't that a bit fast? Only TWO Days:eek: from Experimental to Public?
    Love Is Flash, Ephoie, Nerd01 and 3 others like this.
  3. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    May I ask what does that mean and how the player can test this? If possible of course.

    I found some info here
    Germanicus likes this.
  4. RedScourge

    RedScourge Commander

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I can see this fixing and preventing a lot of new CoQ issues and improve performance, especially with multiplayer or co-op, as this is the sort of feature that makes their internal database a lot more like the massive databases run by massive online applications being used by many concurrent users.
    byo13 and Myrmidon like this.
  5. RedScourge

    RedScourge Commander

    Feb 12, 2016
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    While I am definitely not happy about calling the game 1.0 rather than beta 1.0, this update is an excellent sign that things are heading in the right direction.

    Now, if you guys can start working on gameplay stuff as well, like the NPC AI being inferior to that of most 20 year old games, ships getting stuck inside each other, and multiplayer-specific instability, even the loudest critics of leaving Early Access and going 1.0 will start to be impressed.
    Jake Greenland and Ambaire like this.
  6. Cluascorp

    Cluascorp Commander

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Yup that was fast :D
    byo13, krazzykid2006 and Germanicus like this.
  7. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I guess it compiled, so ship it....

    Saves switching branches I guess.
    Inappropriate likes this.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    It was on Tuesday on Experimental so, no, the "ship" was in the Harbor of Testing...
  9. Splendid gentleman

    Splendid gentleman Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2020
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    loving how fast you guys work to make these improvements. its much appreciated.
    Germanicus likes this.
  10. Hawkie

    Hawkie Commander

    Dec 7, 2018
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    I really appreciate these changes, especially those that goes to improving performance
    byo13, monktk and Germanicus like this.
  11. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Indeed. I played the game a couple of hours since the last update and it feels smoother and, I am not sure for that if it had to do with the patch, it even looks better in the eye with my current video settings (that were not changed). So it feels and looks better.
    byo13, monktk and Germanicus like this.
  12. Deadtil27

    Deadtil27 Ensign

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Will we have the option to roll back to 1.0 if our servers are not updating?
  13. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Brilliant, guys! Thanks for your dedication.

    I have more than a hundred games in my Steam library and Empyrion surely is one of the top 5 for me since the beginning. My only complaint would be that enemies appear to cheat when firing at you, especially turrets. Haha. Aimbot bastards!

    And about the collision issues someone mentions, try playing Ark. :D
    It's a fun fun game but dinosaurs get stuck everywhere.
    BigSnoopy and Mobius like this.
  14. Captain

    Captain Commander

    May 5, 2020
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    Great Job, keep it up ! :)
  15. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Yes. SQLite will now only commit changes when the transaction ends there is a checkpoint (not often as writing every single change to the db file) and will not write to the database file while a transaction is running which means less database file locks. I'm not sure how it treats energy interruptions ( I don't know SQLite's recovery model) as if the server reboots but I feel this is rare in MP games, right?

    Also the in-memory writes - as they mentioned they are now trying - may significantly improve things since modifications/writes will be loaded to RAM, AFAIK.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020
    Myrmidon likes this.
  16. TechieZero

    TechieZero Ensign

    Jul 1, 2020
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    Thank you for the bug fixes!!!
  17. johnietoth1967

    johnietoth1967 Commander

    Jun 15, 2020
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    of course ,,in the beta opt in, you can use just about any past version to run
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020
  18. Combat Wombat

    Combat Wombat Captain

    Oct 10, 2017
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    Incorrect. It allows you to roll back to previous major versions. They don't support minor version changes there.
  19. johnietoth1967

    johnietoth1967 Commander

    Jun 15, 2020
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    can we roll back to major version 1.0 however?
  20. Combat Wombat

    Combat Wombat Captain

    Oct 10, 2017
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    Because they don't let you roll back to the first version of alpha 12 for instance only the last version. You gave him the wrong answer and now you are doubling down for reasons? If you cared about actually helping the guy you could even go on Steam literally right now and see there is no way to roll back to 1.0. Please stop spreading misinformation because you are lazy.
    mr_road, stanley bourdon and Ambaire like this.
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